D. Hawaii

Testimonial Copy: 

This Harboring Hope Recovery Course for Betrayed Spouses was a Godsend! The curriculum helped me to understand what I've been experiencing and gave me some clarity on how to manage my pain and begin recovery. The weekly phone calls were so very helpful because everyone in the group understood the pain and was empathetic. I recommend this course to anyone who is suffering from betrayal... My faith was shaken and this course acknowledged that wrestling with God about the pain I suffered was normal and to be expected, but not to give up hope that I would heal with God alongside me. This book is not a cure-all but a faith-based way to begin the journey of recovery instead of tucking the pain away and moving into denial-only to have the pain to come back with a vengeance later. Recovery will take much longer than the 12 weeks of this course, but it showed me how to "do my own recovery work". I am definitely going to start my book again (right away) from the beginning and work through each lesson again and again until it really begins to become a part of me so that I can move forward with hope. I am so grateful for this course!

Testimonial Client: 

HH Participant

Testimonial Client Name and Loc: 

D. Hawaii