Hope for Healing Online Course For Unfaithful Spouses. It's possible to escape the isolation, shame, and even apathy you may be trapped under. This unique journey of restoration provides a safe place for you to find freedom and understanding with other unfaithful spouses, and an encouraging atmosphere to develop empathy for those affected by the affairs. About the Online Course Hope for Healing is a 17 week course designed to bring healing to unfaithful spouses, regardless of the stance of the betrayed spouse. Hope for Healing will teach you to identify your barriers and break through them. We know it is scary, but we will help you cut ties with your affair partner, if not done already, and help you set up boundaries to begin healing those you’ve wounded. Throughout the course you’ll develop a life plan that will help sustain your recovery journey, prevent relapse, and develop resilience for life ahead. Course Details: Length: 17 weeks Time Commitment: 3-4 hours per week Weekly calls are approximately 90 minutes Designed For: Wayward Spouses Format: Online Small Group + Weekly Phone Call Group Size: 4-6 participants + Group Leader (men's and women's groups) Price*: $675 or 4 payments of $173 (plus shipping**, and sales tax where applicable) *Charges will appear as "Hope-Now" on bank statement **Package will arrive in a discreet box from “Hope-Now” with no branding. Hope for Healing includes: Workbook written by Rick Reynolds, LCSW Streamed lecture videos Weekly small group conference calls When will my small group meet? Monthly Q&A Broadcast with Affair Recovery Specialist Panel Member Small group wall for support throughout the week. Complimentary six month Recovery Library membership What's Covered in Hope for Healing: How to identify thinking errors that lead to self-sabotage How to become a victor rather than a victim How to increase capacity for connectedness The neuroscience behind your behaviors How to create safety for yourself and others How to support the recovery of your mate or love ones What behaviors are relational killers How to develop empathy Healthy communication ground rules How to develop heartfelt listening skills without shutting down The differences between love and codependency How to avoid relapse How to develop full respect for self and others And much more… What resources will I have? Utilizing streamed video lectures and workbook lessons from founder Rick Reynolds, LCSW, Hope for Healing joins you with several other unfaithful spouses in a private, small men’s or women’s group. The group communicates via a weekly conference call as well as an online forum that is available 24/7. Your small group is a safe place where you can receive support from others on your path to recovery. Hope for Healing also includes 6 months of free access to the Recovery Library, a $180 value containing hundreds of articles, videos, and audio recordings by affair recovery experts. How does the healing process look in my day-to-day life? Each week, you’ll start by watching online videos and reading that week's faith-based curriculum. With online materials, you can conveniently access them anytime, anywhere. As you read your assignment, you will complete homework exercises, some of which you will share during your small group call. You can plan to devote about 3 hours per week. Online Lessons FAQs What day and time will my Small Group's conference calls take place? Below are the current available Group Days and Times for the upcoming registration. Please note: All times are listed in U.S.A. Central Time zone. Depending upon where you live, you may need to account for Daylight Saving Time which will take place on Sunday, March 9th at 2 am CDT (UTC-5). If you are unsure, you can find more information here- What time zone am I in? What is Daylight Saving Time? Time Zone Converter All men's groups for February 2025 Registration: Sundays at 7:00 PM Central Time (men only) Estimated Start Date 3/2 Sundays at 8:00 PM Central Time (men only Estimated Start Date 3/2) *SOLD OUT* Sundays at 10:00 PM Central Time *EVENING* (men only) Estimated Start Date 3/2 Mondays at 8:00 PM Central Time (men only) Estimated Start Date 3/3 Tuesdays at 10:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (men only) Estimated Start Date 3/4 Tuesdays at 7:00 PM Central Time (men only) Estimated Start Date 3/4 Wednesdays at 8:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (men only) 2/26 Wednesdays at 6:00 PM Central Time (men only) Estimated Start Date 2/26 Wednesdays at 8:00 PM Central Time (men only) Estimated Start Date 2/26 Saturdays at 10:00 AM Central Time *MORNING* (men only) Estimated Start Date 3/1 All women's groups for February 2025 Registration: Mondays at 7:00 PM Central Time (women only) Estimated Start Date 3/3 Wednesdays at 12:00 PM Central Time (women only) Estimated Start Date 2/26 Wednesdays at 6:30 PM Central Time (women only) Estimated Start Date 2/26 Thursdays at 8:00 PM Central Time (women only) Estimated Start Date 2/27 During your checkout process, you will have the above day/time combinations from which to choose. Select all that apply when purchasing. This time and day will be when your Small Group meets via conference call each week for the 17 weeks. Once we’ve finalized the groups, we will email your group’s Start Date to you. Who are the Group Leaders? Group Leaders are carefully selected and are past participants of Affair Recovery’s programs. After experiencing incredible healing themselves, they feel a calling to help others who are where they once were. They have the compassion, desire, and talent that’s required to lead groups through this process. Our Group Leaders have more than just book-knowledge because they’ve personally experienced infidelity. They don’t just have sympathy; they have real empathy. We’ve found that people who have walked this path before and who have completed our Group Leader training program are able to provide incredible support, leadership, and encouragement during this difficult time. They are a light to others in darkness. What can I expect out of the weekly group phone calls? You will attend a call each week for about an hour and a half with others of the same gender also seeking healing from infidelity. You will have a group leader who will facilitate conversation around the weekly curriculum and questions. Your group leader is there to provide an open and safe space to truly come as you are without shame or judgement so that you can share what you are learning throughout the 17-week course. Your group leader will not function as a therapist or counselor but a person that provides safety, encouragement, and structure. I don't reside in the United States, can I still participate? Yes, you can participate! People from all around the world have participated in Hope for Healing and are now thriving from the experience. Our Group Leaders are worldwide as well. The weekly conference call will NOT be a toll free number. It is a USA landline number and your calling plan rates will apply. If you are calling from outside the U.S. and do not have an applicable International calling plan, we suggest you use a VoIP system (i.e. Skype, Vonage, etc.). Purchasing VoIP credit is typically much less expensive than calling rates. How soon will I be placed in a group and start the course after the registration deadline? Typically, groups start about two weeks from the first day of open registration. However, you will immediately have access to your course materials and all of the Recovery Library resources while your group is being scheduled. Do I have to come from a place of faith to participate? You do not have to come from a place of faith to participate in Hope for Healing. Hope for Healing is a faith based program, however, we’ve had hundreds of people who are not Christian greatly benefit from the course. Many have found it helpful to replace references to God with a word that works for them such as “love” or “higher power”. What have customers gained from the course? “During the course, I experienced unfathomable grace that was shown to me through the course, through the leaders of the course and through other people there. Participating in Affair Recovery created a whole new love for my husband, and I would have never, never, ever thought that was possible because I was so far from loving him before.” -D, Texas “Before the Affair Recovery course, I was a big, fat liar and it stemmed from wanting so desperately to be needed and to be respected and to be loved by someone else. The tools that I’ve gained through the course are providing me with a better guard to not fall into that same trap that I fell into when I had an affair.” -R, Oklahoma “Being in community was key. We really opened up about our transgressions and that is one of the most freeing feelings. To be able to tell other people what you are going through and not be judged is a huge step in the recovery process. To have guys that you are accountable to will make you man-up and grow into the man God intended for you to be.” -K, California - K, California I have been seeing a good counselor, but I felt like he just didn't get what I have been going through. It didn't help that my husband kept telling me to just let it go and get over it already! It feels really good to have my feelings truly understood and validated, finally. Payment Options Pay in full: 1 payment of $675 Installment Plan: 4 monthly installments of $173 Installment Plan payments for Hope for Healing are not a subscription. They are in place of one single up-front payment. Scholarships are available. Apply Here Please note: Services offered by Affair Recovery are not therapy or counseling. Affair Recovery services are educational. Payment Option: Hope for Healing (4 payments of $173)Hope for Healing (1 payment of $675)