A virtual conference for betrayed men and women in all stages of recovery.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Connect. Heal. Thrive.

Our 7th annual conference is filled with hope, wisdom and resources to help you heal from the pain of betrayal.

  • Saturday, October 5th 2024
  • Time: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. CST
  • Location: Livestream
    • Includes Live Chat
    • On Demand Access available October 31st
  • Price: $79 $68 *early bird
    • *Early bird ends August 1st

You Will:

Learn to transform
and overcome your pain

Redefine your identity
with new freedom

Experience belonging

Your speakers provide so much hope and understanding toward the pain. It makes those who have been betrayed feel heard and not alone.

— 2020 Hope Rising participant.
(What I liked most about Hope Rising was) the sense of 'normalcy' and that feeling where you have the support of everyone around you brings a lot of hope. To have a conference just for the betrayed communicates something really special about the care that God, through Affair Recovery, has put into everyone out there.

— 2020 Hope Rising participant.

Who's Taking the Stage

Leslie Hardie LCSW

Leslie Hardie

Keynote Speaker, LCSW, Co-Author of Harboring Hope
Read Leslie's bio

Managing Intrusive Thoughts, Triggers and Reminders

After discovering your partner's infidelity, the onslaught of triggers and reminders is overwhelming. Unwelcome intrusive thoughts seemingly come out of nowhere and hijack one's mind and emotions. It is hard to live life - sleeping and eating are elusive, and daily functioning feels largely impossible. Learn more about yourself and how to manage some of the biggest mental and emotional challenges on this healing journey.

Speaker Dr. John Mark Haney

Dr. John Mark Haney

Ph.D., LPC, Co-Author of Harboring Hope, and Affair Recovery Expert Panel member
Read John's bio

Healing Your Sexual Self After Betrayal

Let's face it, having a loving and healthy sense of our bodies and sexual selves and a vibrant sex life with our partner can be challenging even when we are not facing the most painful rejection of our lives. Of the many homecomings that we must face post infidelity, claiming and loving our sexual selves, and if we choose, reengaging sexually with our unfaithful partner is perhaps the most difficult and nuanced journey we experience. For many, the foundation was never that strong to begin with, but hidden in the wreckage is a chance to claim more lovingly the God-given gift of our sexuality.

Leslie Hardie and Dr. John Haney

Experts John and Leslie answer your questions LIVE!

Jenn Howie PSAP, Betrayal Recovery Coach

Jenn Howie

PSAP, Betrayal Recovery Coach

Meet Jenn, a dynamic speaker known for her warmth, wisdom, and humor. Living by the belief that "absolutely anything is possible," Jenn navigates life's challenges with resilience and joy, serving as a source of strength and inspiration. Specializing in Individual Betrayal Recovery Coaching, she offers confidential support and guidance to rebuild trust and self-esteem. Her compelling story and expertise inspire hope and empowerment in those facing similar challenges.

Help! I've Gone Missing!

"I just want the old me back." These words have echoed in my mind and resonate with many healing from betrayal. Together we will delve into the profound interconnectedness of relationships and identity, exploring how betrayal impacts our sense of self. Join me to learn how to reclaim and strengthen your identity after experiencing betrayal.

Rachel Hagstrom, NBC-HWC

Rachel Hagstrom


Rachel is a compassionate traveling companion supporting those on a healing journey. After experiencing betrayal in her marriage, she became interested in the connection between trauma and physical illness. As a well-being writer and national board-certified wellness coach, Rachel uses openness and vulnerability to foster connections with others. She recently launched “For Her Healing”, a Dallas-based community for women navigating infidelity and betrayal.

Not Crazy, Just Human: Overcoming Betrayal Trauma's Physical Effects

Rachel, a survivor of infidelity and Certified Wellness Coach, invites you to explore the intricate relationship between betrayal and our health. This presentation will explore how betrayal trauma affects your nervous system and can manifest in various physical symptoms. We'll delve into practical strategies for managing these reactions, focusing on nervous system regulation and lifestyle medicine that can help you regain your balance and sense of well-being. You're not losing it—you're just human. Discover hope and healing for your physical health.


Infidelity Survivor and Affair Recovery Alumnus

After experiencing betrayal, Jeremy felt lost, broken and stuck. Armed with tools from EMS Online & Rick Reynolds's guidance, he walked through a process of emotional forgiveness and found healing on the other side. He was able to turn the corner on his trauma and write a different story for himself and his wife. Life is far from perfect but he gets to experience a new normal and aims to help others do the same.

The power of healing moments

It can be difficult to imagine, in the midst of a fresh betrayal, what life might look like seven years from now. Jeremy shares about his own journey, the marker moments along the way over the last seven years that led to him experiencing a wound eventually healing into a scar. It can be difficult to imagine but there is a new normal available to all of us if we are willing to look inward, do the work and look outward, relying on those around us as we navigate the roller coaster ride of betrayal and healing.



Infidelity Survivor, Affair Recovery Customer Care Team Member and Alumna

Candace is honored to be a member of the Affair Recovery team, where she serves as a Customer Care & Course Coordinator. In this role, she passionately supports and encourages participants as they embark on their healing journeys. Having begun her own recovery in late 2020, Candace is proud to walk alongside others through the drama and trauma caused by infidelity. As a Vlogger, she combines her personal experiences with a splash of humor, offering relatable and uplifting content to those in need.

A Lawyer, a Priest, and an Accountant

Candace shares her empowering personal story of confronting betrayal and navigating through an ocean of chaos and uncertainty. The turbulent start of her recovery journey was a powerful catalyst, compelling her to rise from the rubble and reclaim her life. With determination, you too can embark on a transformative quest, rebuilding a life filled with profound meaning and purpose.

Brad & Kristen Warren, MS, LPC, EMS Weekend Specialist

Brad Warren

MS, LPC, EMS Weekend Specialist
Read Brad's bio

Kristen Eden Warren

MS, LPC, ​​EMS Weekend Specialist
Read Kristen's bio

It's Just Too Much: Overcoming Betrayal from Sexual Addiction

Recovery from your partner's sexual addiction can sometimes seem overwhelming. Join Brad and Kristen as they answer some of the most common questions and provide insight to healing by sharing their own recovery journey.

Job & Julie Lopez, M.A., LPC, EMS Weekend Specialist

Julie Lopez

M.A., LPC, EMS Weekend Specialist
Read Julie's bio

Job Lopez

M.A., LPC, EMS Weekend Specialist
Read Job's bio

Brain Science and Betrayal

Understanding the impact of betrayal on the brain can give us greater understanding of why discovery of infidelity causes symptoms of trauma. Job and Julie answer some of the most common questions and give insights on how to heal.

Your Conference Hosts

Rusty Atkinson

Infidelity Survivor


Lynn Marie Cherry

Author, Pastor, Hope Rising Program Chair

Lynn Marie Cherry

Donate to the Affair Recovery Scholarship Program!

All Hope Rising sales go to the Affair Recovery Scholarship Program! This program provides financial assistance to those in need, allowing them to participate in our restorative online courses. Any size gift can make a world of difference in someone else's life. Can't attend Hope Rising but would like to give back? Click the button below to donate directly to our scholarship program.

Hope Rising event tickets are non-refundable upon purchase, but fully transferable to a substitute registrant up to, and including, the day(s) of the event.

What People Are Saying About Hope Rising

"It gave me hope. The name chosen for the conference is perfect."
"John Mark Haney was the reason I signed up, hoping to hear his wisdom and open heart, and I was not disappointed ... (I) found his words to be the most memorable and deeply touching. Everyone's lectures were chock full of beneficial information, and they all deserve a hearty 'thank you.'"
"The perspective from all the speakers brought new insight into my thought-life and where I need to focus my hope."
"The three reminders that I took away from the morning have stuck with me: 1. I can't control the actions of another person, 2. I have to be safe, and 3. Clarity is worth seeking."
"The continued message of normalizing this journey we are on and the vastness of it and the amount of attention, time, patience, and effort it takes to handle it well."
"This is the first time I have ever talked to other betrayed women or listened to talks specifically for the betrayed. It made me realize that what I am feeling and going through is "typical" for the betrayed. I finally didn't feel like I was crazy or overreacting, and my feelings were validated."
"It reinforced that I need to get out of this loop that I am in. I need to stop feeling like a victim and rise up and start living again."
"The speakers were all wonderful. The material was very informative. I would not wish the reason we all were there on my worst enemy, but it was nice to not feel like I am the only person in the boat."
"The conference is affirmation that the stages I'm going through are REAL and worth it."
"John Haney's honesty and heartfelt message really spoke to me. It's good to hear from someone who has come out on the other side, changed for the better by this difficult experience."