We had been having problems, at least from my perspective, for at least a year before discovery. I had gone to my wife twice to tell her how terrified I was that our marriage was in serious danger...

I married my husband because he was kind, sensitive, caring, smart and gentle. He was a unique man, not afraid of showing his feelings. He had his faults, like everyone, I was proud of him and...

My affairs involve three affair partners, online chat and sex, pornography and compulsive masturbation. It started with Josephine, a girl I dated in 2003 while in Philippines for work. We had...



""The course provided a solid framework for my situation and gave me a set of tools to cope, process and heal. As a non-believer I was not offended or put off by the religious aspects of the program. If anything, it opened my eyes to why religion is so important to some people and how spirituality, regardless of denomination or affiliation, can be such an important part of the healing journey. Having completed the course I have much hope for the future. I am healing and growing, embracing joy and feeling capable to do the work that is needed to grieve the infidelity. I'm ready to let go and get back to enjoying my life. I highly recommend the course for anyone going through infidelity. It is solid, safe and effective.""
- Anonymous, OR | HH Participant
"I recently completed the Harboring Hope course. I was teamed up with a group of amazing women. I’m not the person who reaches out for help or talk about my feelings. I don’t currently have a relationship with God. So why did I find myself signing up for this course and stepping out of my comfort zone? I was hesitant, but I wanted any kind of guidance I could get. And I found it along with building a relationship with strangers that were going through similar struggles."
- V, from Delaware | HH Participant
"Feels like this week is a turning point from victim to victor!"
- K.L., KY | EMSO Participant
"This week really made me look at previous behaviors that led to acting out. I am more confident that I can nip any negative behaviors in the bud now."
- P.G., UK | HFH Participant
"I think our group leader was so good at giving each of us space and moving us along. She is incredibly empathetic and present in these sessions."
- C.O., MA | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: He is an excellent group leader, full of empathy and compassion. This group has been so supportive and helpful in my healing journey."
- J.V., Canada | EMSW Participant
"When I first began the course, I was broken, lost, and unsure if healing was even possible. My husband’s infidelity had shattered my world, and I didn’t know if I would ever be able to move forward. Harboring Hope became a lifeline for me during that time. I wasn’t just learning how to navigate the pain, I was surrounded by a community of others who truly understood what I was going through. It was in that space that I felt less alone and more empowered to start the journey of recovery."
- P.K. Texas | HH Participant
"Before EMS I was expecting the same level of kindness and understanding and wisdom as we understood from watching videos prior to attending. We experienced what we had hoped to experience and much more, as it was even more in depth but hearing people speak in real time was even more fulfilling. I have hope for our marriage and that it can last long into our golden years. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I felt stressed and anxious going into the first group meeting. Our Group Leader was awesome. In the initial minutes of the meeting, he had me laughing and relaxed. I look forward to this week's assignment and the next group meeting. I am so glad to be taking this course."
- R.K., Canada | EMSO Participant
"This course has changed my life. I'm so thankful to all involved. The lessons learned, the self exploration that I have been pushed to complete, and the exercises and plan that I leave with all have been tremendous resources in my personal growth and development. On our calls our Group Leader has done a great job of leading the discussion so that we can all share and learn in a safe environment. Additionally, his follow up questions allowed us to probe deeper on issues or he would highlight key takeaways for the group. All very helpful."
- B.Z., SC | HFH Participant
"It's so good to be in this small group and to see that other women are going through the same things that I'm going through. I wish that I would have done this 6 years ago."
- R.R., AR | HH Participant
"The whole course was well thought it and I really appreciate this course. I felt lost when I started and it is nice to see light at the end of the tunnel now."
- J.H., CO | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: Eye opening lesson. I need to learn how to grieve."
- H.F., GA | EMSW Participant
"I had no expectations honestly. I was not hopeful going into the weekend. I believed I would walk away needing to move towards divorce. At the end of the weekend, I had hope that maybe we could recover; maybe we could heal. This was huge!! I am more hopeful than I have been up until now. There is a lot to do; but we have some new tools to help us. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Hearing the vulnerability of the leaders and group really set the tone, especially for not feeling alone. Grateful for the experience of the group leader and the hope in his story."
- C.L., NY | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: It’s really a great after care. I know that everything is in God’s timing and I would not have been ready for this in 2018 or any year up until this year but geez I wish I would have done this program in 2018."
- L.R., TX | EMSW Participant
"The work that we did to prepare for this week was very meaningful. I believe this is what I was always wanting to hear from my spouse, as I am the betrayed spouse. I have deeply wanted him to know my full sense of losses."
- N.H., CT | EMSO Participant
"The group leader seemed warm and authentic. It is starting to feel like a safe place to begin this journey."
- J.M, Canada | HFH Participant
"Our Group Leader has such a personal way of including in her testimony and her prayer every member of our group. She also is able to verbalize our emotions and feelings when often we have a tough time formulating the words. She’s wonderfully supportive and kind."
- C.W., TX | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: I am so grateful to JESUS for the Beyond EMS course and the encouragement that it provided me. I am also thankful to our leader, for all that she did in leading and supporting us with such compassion and prayerfully. I really appreciate the continuity of her leading the group as she was our Group ‘helper’ during the EMS Weekend. With me being self - isolated for years, this helped provide a safe place for me to open up, share, and grow. I felt okay not being ‘okay,’ acknowledging this and open enough to receive hope and a new way of thinking. This entire process has been more than just another class, meeting, or completing curriculum, it has been a life changer for me. At times, I did not get the week’s assignment completed, but I always left our weekly meetings feeling refreshed and renewed for yet another day and week. When I did the assignments, each lesson was full of wisdom and lessons to help me grow individually, and together in our marriage. I pray that JESUS continues to BLESS this ministry to help other people, marriages, and families. BLESSINGS."
- V.S., TX | EMSW Participant
"The curriculum continues to be stellar. I did Harboring Hope course so wasn't sure if there would be new breakthroughs - but Week 3 was awesome and eye opening and week 4 was very helpful too. Like a drink of cool water on a 120 degree day."
- J.M, UT | EMSO Participant
"Thank you for putting the ladies in this group together. I have nobody else to relate to, and as hard as things get, it is a blessing to know that I am not alone."
- K.K., CA | HFH Participant
"It is all sooooo good, so soothing, so understanding, so encouraging. "
- J.C., Australia | HH Participant
"I am so grateful for AR and EMS. I am also a Harboring Hope participant and found their coursework, videos, and group work changed my life. Prior to finding AR I didn’t hold out much hope for my marriage. I began Harboring Hope to heal myself, not knowing where “we” were headed as a couple. Two weeks into HH I asked my husband to attend EMS. ~4 weeks after that we were there! EMS has opened doors for us that had never been opened or had been closed for a long time. I experienced a side of my husband I’ve never seen. The connection we made this weekend has opened my eyes and heart to the new relationship we want and know we can have."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I came into the weekend unsteady and unsure of what to expect. I started Friday morning guarded and had thick walls put up. By the end of day 1 I was engaged in the process and saw the hope that I could be accepted and forgiven. I am leaving EMS confident that we will survive this and knowing that our story is not over."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We signed up for EMS one week before. We were at a point that we could not effectively communicate to make any progress in healing. We were only hurting each other more. I was desperate and knew we needed to do the weekend intensive. We experienced such compassion when we got here. We were so apprehensive but quickly saw that everyone here had experienced infidelity in their lives and created life-changing materials. It taught us about how we got here, how to heal and how to have a marriage that is better than we could have ever imagined. We are so full of hope!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was nervous to come and share our story with strangers, especially as a wayward woman. But I found amazing support and love and acceptance - both from my group members and the staff/therapists. I received invaluable insight that I will take into every relationship, but especially our marriage. THANK YOU."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was a little apprehensive coming here being the unfaithful spouse. I felt very welcomed and it was nice being surrounded by others going through the same or that had already been through it. I’m feeling very good about our marriage and that the future will work out for us."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was afraid nobody else would have the pornography and sex addiction issues. Boy, was I wrong. Our small group was a gift from God, and I believe we’ll be in each other’s lives forever. I’m so thankful for this weekend!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Exactly what I was looking for. The content was extremely helpful for both of us. My wife (wayward) was able to connect with others in our small group and hear similar stories that helped to normalize our situation."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We were one year post-recovery work and this weekend was still so incredibly necessary for our healing. I am so grateful for being here. This weekend saved my marriage, but more importantly saved me."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"As the wayward spouse, I never felt judged or persecuted by anyone, even the betrayed women who were in my group. Hearing from betrayed women allowed me to access an empathy that I had not yet experienced for my own spouse."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was expecting intense sessions and maybe a few tears, but it brought out so much more. I gained a much better understanding and sympathy for my husband's pain and trauma that led him to stray. My heart broke during the "Heart of Man" video and focused my anger on the sin itself rather than my husband. It made me see him more through God's eyes rather than with contempt or bitterness. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"We had an amazing experience at EMS. It was very challenging and full of tears, but the quality of the materials, instructors, facilities and other participants was world-class. I thought this course would be very infidelity-focused. What I found is that infidelity was the catalyst to examine so much; my childhood, my core wounds, my attachment styles, my brain function and how all of these factors brought me to where I am today. I felt broken, worthless, and incapable of change. I now feel there is a path to a better life with hope and a commitment to change paving the way. It’s all I needed, at a time in my life where I was open to it all."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Harboring Hope has been a God-send! It was exactly what I needed to participate in at the most devastating period of my life. I am so grateful for the materials, our group leader, and the women in my group who made me feel safe sharing and gave me hope that I could recover. I was devastated when I learned of my husband's affair. We had been married 32 years, have three kids and four grandchildren and were happily married, so I had thought. I had no idea this man that I love, and with whom I built a life could do this. It was the last thing in the world I thought could happen to me, to us. Thankfully, I found Affair Recovery on-line. "
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Our Group Leaders were absolutely amazing! I wish they were a part of our group and not just the leaders because I am going to miss meeting with them. Their story and ours had so many similarities and I could really relate to them. And they always give the best support and make me feel validated. I am really sad to see my time with them come to an end. Thank you for everything. Hugs, TJ"
- T.J., FL | EMSO Participant
"Our Group Leader can truly relate to me. He never let's me off the hook, which is very important so I make sure I am making this about my wife."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Our Group Leader was just amazing at her active listening and the way she shares other options or ideas is truly beautiful. She offers suggestions with so much grace and also allows for such kindness. I have been very blessed by the way she leads our group! The curriculum is really good. It helped so much. I feel so much more healed in many ways while also knowing I will continue to grow and heal as I have many more tools in my hands now. Thank you!!!"
- S.E., AK | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: Our Group Leader has had to field some curve balls and I really appreciate his grace under pressure. He was especially compassionate this week with group member's struggles."
- M.P., AL | EMSW Participant
"The curriculum for this week was very timely and very useful. It's amazing how each week is completely relevant to the situation I am in. As always, our Group Leader has the perfect tone and is an excellent leader of the group."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: Excellent meeting as always. I am so grateful for this program and the tools provided and the support my husband and I receive."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was expecting lots of positive affirmations and "It's nobody's fault." I experienced a focused, professional journey that didn't minimize my wife's infidelity, but provided room to have discussion that allowed her an opportunity to be responsible yet not condemned. No mean feat. I feel much more positive about the potential to build a new future for our marriage and family in the future. Probably the single most impactful 3 days of my life outside of the the birth of my children, entering the military, or my first combat experience."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I found the curriculum very well built up and tackled all the issues involved and then some. I definitely felt that no one was out to shame or blame either side. I truly wanted my unfaithful husband to receive some healing, and he did! It has opened up discussions for us that we have not been able to have. We definitely have better perspective on ourselves, our thinking and habit patterns, our communication, our upbringings and issues there, slowly working through the affair issues as well. I do not know what will happen to our marriage... I am standing for it, but my husband is still unsure. But I believe EMS helped us to turn in the right direction, both for our own individual healings, and hopefully with that, it will lead us also in the right direction for the future of our marriage."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I had no idea what to expect… Hearing our group’s stories was a mirror into our brokenness we didn’t have words for. I didn’t expect to make friends in such a dark place, but I have a team to talk to without the mask now."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"To be honest, I was expecting a lot of preaching and prayer at EMS. I was surprised about how little there was and how many practical tools, tips, and techniques instead. I experienced a sense of community that I knew I needed, but didn’t think I would ever find. While very powerful, deep, and frightening, I also found the days, programs, and discussions to be immensely useful and cathartic. I feel more hopeful about the future of my relationship than I did before we came to EMS."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had no idea what to expect. I experienced nothing but love, acceptance, and support. I so needed to hear other couples have/had the same issues I had. I received hope that there is a chance I can forgive myself and also be forgiven by my wife. Being able to connect with couples in our small group was awesome. I will need and rely on the other guys for my change and accountability. I am feeling very hopeful about my marriage. Even if we don’t end up together, I believe both of us have received the tools to heal. Thank you so much to all the staff."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Curriculum continues to bring surprising breakthrough for us. Our Group Leaders are compassionate and insightful, and I appreciate that they open up about their own story."
- J.S., WA | EMSO Participant
"I am sad to see this class end. My leader and mentor were a wealth of encouragement, insight and strength. The material gave me the guidance I needed to take a deeper look at myself and how I got so derailed in life. The group gave me the uplifting I needed when I didn't feel I could keep going. This is a lifelong journey. I am grateful for these tools to continue being successful."
- L.T., NY | HFH Participant
"This course has been one of the best things I have ever done. Well done to the writers Lesley and John."
- M.P., Unlisted | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: Thank you for being real and allowing me the freedom to share that I was pissed lol"
- S.S., WV | EMSW Participant
"This week was insightful for me as it uncovered some historical issues that haunt me every day, except I failed to acknowledge it before this week."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"This week's curriculum was a very important part of the journey towards healing. Being able to put in words (to myself) how my wife felt is an important step of being empathetic and understanding how I made somebody else feel by my actions."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Things were great this morning. Getting to talk and share is a huge help to what we are doing together. It brings a sense of community and togetherness to let us know we aren't alone in our fight and struggles."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"I can't say enough good things about how helpful this group has been in my journey of recovery. I especially want to give a shout out to our group leader for his tremendous support and guidance. I feel extremely lucky to have met him. You should feel proud to have him on your team."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: Incredibly grateful for our group leader continuing to foster safety and trust in our circle. We continue to build within our own relationships but having this small community is such a blessing to be able to walk on our path with other amazing people. I also appreciate that she doesn't just listen and validate us in group, she also provides insights into couples dynamics. She brings her own truth and this adds another layer of value, normalizing the ups and downs of relationships while also providing hope that recovery is possible. This week's curriculum was difficult but a much needed exercise that has shown me how much progress my partner has made with the help of EMS. We will both revisit this lesson again in the future."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Even though I felt blindsided and thought I had a good marriage, it turns out that my marriage wasn’t as great as I perceived and the reality of the affair was an awakening as to how broken we really were. Whether I was headed for divorce or try to stay together, either path was going to require healing and learning how to build a greater loving relationship. This programs help toward healing is incredible. For that reason alone, Affair Recovery, in my opinion, is the right first move for anyone that has experienced an affair. We both joined the program unsure where our marriage was heading. I was amazed how the course offered specific programs for the each side of an affair and programs for couples that are considering staying together. To hear that the goal for marriages that want to try to stay together wasn’t to restore the existing marriage because that marriage was broken seemed logical. Then came the unimaginable... with time and effort a "new marriage" could be forged that could be better than we ever had. We decided that’s what we wanted, try for a better us. Thanks to Affair Recovery we are on that path."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I wasn't sure what to expect! I went into this with a little bit of hope but not much at all. It was a last-ditch Hail Mary. Afterwards all I can say is WOW!!! Amazing tools/information and so much healing. We've applied the tools multiple times now already and it's already transforming our marriage in such a short amount of time. Also very thankful for the online availability. This wouldn't have been possible without that! This gave our marriage a real chance and I have so much hope that we can overcome this! Also the staff, I don't even have words on how relatable, sweet and helpful they were! I was sad it was ending just because of that. I've felt for 16 months since D-Day that I have been on an island alone. Being involved with people who have gone through this helped me feel included and not alone! That all by itself without anything else was so helpful and healing. Thank you for this program! It may have saved our marriage. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I was really nervous about EMS. I felt that a lot was on the line as I struggled to forgive my partner's betrayal. From the first to last moment, we both were treated with dignity and respect. The weekend was exhausting and hard and worth every minute and every fear."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I went into the weekend expecting it to be helpful but was a bit skeptical of the recovery progress it seemingly appeared to promise. I left feeling so much more empathy towards my husband which I feel will not only allow myself to heal quicker but it could have possibly saved my marriage. I am hopeful that my husband and I now have the tools needed to move forward through this mess successfully and towards a much more meaningful relationship."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I was very excited coming to EMS Weekend. I knew I would get nothing but benefit from it and I DID! Not only me but my spouse. ... We both highly believe our new life and marriage is going to be better than the last, and we will be so much stronger now than we were. Taking tools to keep on the right track/guide and 6 weeks with a leader after this weekend is just a bonus. Thank you so much!!!!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had no idea what to expect, but I knew we needed it and we are both grateful for this offering to better ourselves. The key is clearly working with those that are and or have experienced the same things...especially for my wife."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: This week was a hard lesson but very helpful. I think it helped me learn that some of my grieving was healthy and some of it was not healthy...so now I can correct the unhealthy and learn how to continue being more healthy."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I'm just so thankful I found Affair Recovery. I've looked forward to each week and am ready to learn, engage, and listen."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Our Group Leaders did an outstanding job leading us through the course. I credit their leadership for resulting in all six of us who completed the EMSO course choosing to continue on in the Married For Life Program. Their honesty, compassion, and insight makes them naturals for leading the EMSO course. I feel we are off to an excellent start for our recovery."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"It has been an outstanding experience and start to my journey of healing."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"When I started this program I didn't have any hope that my marriage would survive. After going through the program and my wife completing hers, I feel that we've never been closer. Here's to healing."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Knowing my anger is cover for sadness is helping me think through more things I've kept buried. This was a hard chapter, but helpful in recovery."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Thanks again to my Group Leader for all your prayers, support, wisdom and guidance. You are an amazing role model for me and the other men in our group! Thank you for choosing to use your pain and suffering to help others. May God bless you and your family always."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Our leader's ability to love and understand everyone right where they are is such a gift allowing the process to take place, giving way for the Spirit to bring breakthrough. So grateful. "
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I was really impressed with our group leader. She listened and engaged with each of us on the call and made it feel very natural."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Our Group Leader is great, more than I expected. He genuinely cares, easy to talk to, and has a lot personal experiences to share which helps with my healing."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: This chapter on forgiveness was the most helpful to me in my healing process. Thank you for your ministry of helping couples navigate infidelity. AR has been such a gift to us. I will honor this gift."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"It's nice to know I am not crazy and that someone who has been through this too can relate and provide their side as well."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"It was encouraging to know that it's possible to make it onto the other side of recovery and what that may look like. Leslie and John's honesty and compassion in this week's video and in the past ones have given me strength and hope for the future. Our group leader led us so well, creating a safe place for us to share honestly and be vulnerable with each other."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: Our Group Leaders are very compassionate and Gods love shines through them."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This program is helping me by changing my thought process and how I handled things in the past. I feel like I have permission to share my feelings, thoughts and triggers."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"Insights in the course are spot-on and extremely relevant."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"As someone who didn't grow up in a religious household, taking a deeper look from a religious perspective at concepts like grace and forgiveness really help, because they are relatively new to me."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Our Group Leader is the BEST! She seriously fostered such a great environment for our group. She was always open and vulnerable and encouraging and challenging with us. She also always reminded us of our worth and advocated for our self care. She's an amazing woman of God and this group was great because of her."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"I believe our Group Leader was vulnerable, well spoken, and honest. He established healthy and respectful boundaries. Hearing his story gave me hope because of his ability to discuss his struggles without embarrassment even when it was obvious that he was hurt, disappointed, and frustrated with his wife's actions. His integrity showed through in his ability to praise his wife, thank her, and be loving towards her even after multiple betrayals and years of struggle. It definitely gave me hope for my marriage, the first hope I have had in many years. "
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"So far, I am so glad to know there are other women like me that understand my betrayal and grief."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"The videos were great. Culturally, I really resonated with the couple's experience. It was an emotional one for me. When they sang, I cried."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I am thankful for our Group Leader. You can feel the support, genuineness, and compassion for all of us. I also appreciate the prayer at the end of group. I feel God is talking to me through them."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: The grief curriculum was amazing. Really helped me to dig deep and process a lot of my emotions and thoughts."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was very apprehensive - my husband was very resistant. We were able to open up, understand and have empathy for each other. I am in a place of peace and feeling optimistic."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
" I was desperate and had lost hope in ever finding a path to recovery after thousands of dollars spent on private therapists, books and lectures only 3 months into “recovery." As the betrayed spouse I found myself lost, disoriented, dysregulated and becoming increasingly hopeless with no real path out of my despair. Then the program started, we met our small group, therapist and lecturers (who were all amazing!) this program allowed me to see a glimpse into the heart of my husband. It helped him to put words to his feelings and helped him express his thoughts. It helped me understand so many of the “why" questions swirling in my head and also see the struggles, shame, embarrassment and confusion he was undergoing in his own head. It allowed me to identify my needs and validate my feelings. For the first time in months I felt listened to, respected and valued by my husband (and he was able to verbalize that it was never that he didn't feel the emotions, it was that he didn't know how to communicate them). I felt a true connection and experienced a raw, vulnerable side of my husband that I have never seen in 18 years. I know this was just the beginning and this will be a long journey but this weekend secured me with the tools I needed to begin to heal and work on myself, regardless of where our marriage leads. Thank you!!"
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I was skeptical. I was expecting religious focus. I'm religious, but I sometimes find it can be used as a crutch and forced upon you. Spirituality is different for everyone. I experienced ways to let my wife and others like me see what I'm really thinking. I left KNOWING I have a lot of work ahead of me, and things will never be the same. But I have hope and optimism that something new can be obtained, something real, not just something I talk about wanting."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"We all have varying stories, but we all had the common trial of betrayal and were in need of our own recovery and healing....I no longer suffer in silence and I have hope to work on our marriage. My husband is growing too and we are looking forward to taking more courses through AR in order to walk out our complete recovery and healing. Thank you so much. "
- S. NY | HH Participant
"Great circling back to trust and what that means for us all moving forward! So grateful for this course and for Affair Recovery, & our amazing leader. Time to keep going and moving forward now with a plan for healing and hope."
- K.C., TX | EMSO Participant
"It's nice to know I'm not alone."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I'm so glad I took the chance and invested the money in doing Harboring Hope. It all seemed very overwhelming at first- I'm not usually a group person and I'm not even a practicing Christian, but once I got the materials and we started the sessions I saw immediately it was the best decision I could have made. You can't do it alone and having our wonderful group leader, the curriculum, and the other group members made it possible to endure the really hard work of healing. No one else really understood what I was going through and I felt so much better after every call. It's so easy to cope in destructive ways and to transmit your hurt to others and so the curriculum was extremely helpful in giving me positive nourishing advice that helped me stay true to who I know I am- a kind hearted person who chooses healing and hope and who does the hard stuff to get through the hard times. "
- J. Utah | HH Participant
"Beyond EMS Aftercare: Leader is empathetic and kind. He gave everyone ample time to speak. He affirmed efforts in rebuilding marriage and set minds at ease for those who suffered setbacks. He is a gift to my marriage."
- C.M., NJ | EMSW Participant
"The group leader has done a terrific job. It just makes me want to be a better husband and person."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"Lesson 17 was very helpful for me to just think back to where I was at the beginning of my healing journey. I am so grateful for what I've learned during this course and the tools I have now to continue on! Our Leader was just the best! Very open with us and sharing her healing journey story with the group. She was excellent at listening to each of us and offering encouragement and things that have helped her. Thank you to Affair Recovery for this course and to my husband for encouraging me to sign up! God bless you all!"
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"We had already managed getting on a pretty good path prior to EMS Weekend. I think we were a bit concerned that this weekend may in some way derail the progress we had made. We experienced a lot of love and understanding over EMS Weekend. I could see that the staff took care to approach each couple on a case by case basis. This individual care helped to address our specific issues and led to a very productive weekend for us. I feel like we are leaving this weekend with tools to continue our progress towards a better marriage and a community to help us continue this into the future."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had watched a lot of videos and was hopeful that EMS Weekend would be what we needed. We came in unsure and anxious. From the start everything was amazing. The whole weekend was so well designed; safe and fair. I am feeling very hopeful about where our marriage is going."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was extremely scared that my husband would be triggered all weekend. I was scared that other couples would hate me. I was so scared to speak my story or even say the word “cheat” in a group. I found myself extremely safe and wanted to share my (our) story with others. I found that their stories helped me, and mine helped them."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This was the most significant progress we have ever had! I didn’t expect that we would move so far down the healing journey. We experienced a complete transformation of our connection to each other. I don’t remember feeling closer to my wife ever!!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I enjoyed the weekend. I didn’t think my husband would cooperate at all, but to my amazement, he worked hard. The kindness and compassion from the staff was excellent. They made us feel welcomed and loved. I feel better about my marriage than I have in 48 years of marriage. I also liked that all of the staff were in our shoes at one time, so they really understand."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We had a wonderful experience with EMS! I honestly had no idea what to prepare for or expect. This weekend was such a blessing to our healing journey. I would recommend this weekend to any couple in the fight of their life! I have so much hope and a positive outlook for our future. The atmosphere was so inviting and welcoming for both spouses. Such a wonderful community and experience. Thank you!!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"The entire weekend was purposefully designed and provided opportunities to share our story, hear others stories, and move through exercises designed to stretch and grow me as a man, as a husband, and as a Christian. This weekend was the miracle I was hoping for to help put us on the path to healing and forgiveness."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was very reluctant to come as the shame and “newness” of the infidelity felt like too much to share with strangers. I almost walked out of the first small group as saying what happened out loud made me feel physically ill. However, I am so glad I stayed. This was the most transformative weekend. There was no awkwardness or shame or judgment, only love and care and compassion. While I still don’t know what the future holds, I am hopeful for our marriage and what both of us need individually to heal."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Going to EMS Weekend as a “committed relationship” rather than a married couple sent a lot of anxiety through me before, and during. I can honestly say we were met with the same struggles, given the same care, and treated with compassion just the same. I saw tremendous breakthroughs with my mate and also myself. This retreat is about individual healing rather than couple healing."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Forgiveness is amazing. This week's lesson brought out the best in everyone in the group. I'm very grateful for our Group Leader's grace-filled guidance."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"The curriculum is well thought through. It speaks of a deep understanding of both the betrayed and the wayward spouse and the complicated emotions involved in the whole process of recovery."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"The curriculum is written like it is telling our story. Our Group Leader is great. She has such positives responses to all of our messes. I thank AR for allowing my husband and I to take this course. I have seen him have more understanding of this horrible nightmare and how he has to be a part of the healing for himself, even if our marriage does not make it. We both are being more transparent than I thought would be possible. This is due to this helpful course. Thanks so much."
- C.S., OH | EMSO Participant
"This group, the leader, and the material are helping change my life."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Every week I am amazed that the richness of the content and conversation could be better than the prior week. However, how wrong I continue to be as each week is stronger and the content is richer."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Thank you for making a way to relate to the God-esteem topic in the video for someone like myself who is atheist."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I really appreciate our Group Leader's ability to keep a cheerful upbeat tone in an initial meeting where all of us were 6/10 or higher in anxiety. They managed to do this without, in my perception, trivialize, minimize, or invalidate anyone's sharing or experience."
- J.V., TX | EMSO Participant
"I appreciate the encouragement that our Group Leader gives throughout the meeting. I also appreciated the clarifying question they posed to one of the couples. It just gives more insight to how people are thinking."
- C.M., CA | EMSO Participant
"Completed week 13 and it has been such a blessing! I hate how I got to this point but the last 13 weeks have changed me in a better way than I could ever imagine. 13 weeks ago I had zero hope for our future, now since learning so many tools, I am now able too see our new life and new marriage together!"
- A.D., NM | EMSO Participant
"I appreciate the men in the group sharing and being vulnerable and it being a safe environment. Thanks to our Group Leader for him sharing his observations and his experience."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"It's not only what I am learning but the connection to the other men that is important and gives me perspective."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Such a great way to be vulnerable, open, and honest. I'm so proud of our group and feel blessed to have this tool to better myself!! Thank you!!"
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"I can't express how much more loved I feel by God after having done this chapter! For the first time in my life, I realize that I AM ENOUGH!!!"
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Thankful for this process. I feel like a different person compared to 12 weeks ago. Xoxo"
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I have hope for healing now, even though this is only my second session. I am so blessed our Group Leader and all the ladies that are speaking into my life. I am so grateful for this resource that I wish I had 16 years ago, but it's never too late. I know the journey ahead is still long and not easy, but I at least feel confident that I have hope to know how to go through the journey and not alone"
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"This assignment truly made me feel like my husband gets me. That he understands me and shows me his empathy. It was a much needed exercise that I think will help me get over the hump."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"These 6 weeks that we have been on this journey have been very insightful and productive. We have learned many GOOD things. Thanks too our Group Leader for his help and support. We will miss our weekly calls with you!!!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"-Thank you to our Group Leader! You were an amazing moderator, and we appreciated all of your sound insight and feedback. You were very versed on the subject matter and never once judgmental, but truly understanding. Thank you again!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Just when I understood I had my own unique path--apart from my husband's--to walk as the betrayed spouse, I found out about Harboring Hope. The course wrapped up a few days ago and when our group leader asked about takeaways from the final lesson, the word "honesty" came to mind. Harboring Hope and Affair Recovery are honest about what it takes to heal from infidelity. Honesty is exactly what someone most needs who has been wounded by the deception and secrets of betrayal."
- -C.S. | HH Participant
"I came into the EMS Weekend feeling that my marriage was too broken. Both me and my spouse had been unfaithful and I was beginning to lose hope in a future together. After this weekend, I have hope to be the person I want to be and find happiness and peace even in hard circumstances. EMS gave us the tools and motivation not to repair our marriage, but to allow God to make us new."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My experience at EMS was eye opening. I felt safe in my ability to talk to people about my unfaithfulness. I was not judged for my actions but brought to the light. With this program I can see a future again, in myself and my marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This experience has been profound. I experienced hope, love, and faith. I am more hopeful about my marriage than I could have imagined. Thank you for HOPE!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was at a point of complete devastation, loss, brokenness. My world had been shattered, my foundation in a pile of rubble, when I found out my husband had had a 3rd affair with my best friend. I searched and searched for anywhere that may give us help as I hold onto the last thread of hope for our marriage. I was on a daily battlefield in my mind: walk away after 30 years, or try & find help for us, help that actually focused on this kind of betrayal & brokenness. I found Hope-Now online. He half-heartedly agreed to come; he would have rather this just faded away like before and we go back to pretending we are OK everyday. After all, we’d been to marriage counseling 3 times before & they blamed the marriage for his actions so why not just do that again and then go back to the emotionless day to day charade we had learned to live. We are leaving here with the promise of a new story. Remorse and grief are OK to talk about now. A new understanding to begin our journey to healing and a new marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had a lot of anxiety the week leading up to the weekend and had a flooding meltdown Thursday night that brought back all the feelings of D-day. I was not in a good headspace Friday morning and fearful of what the day might bring. Our small group leader was a calming force and helped me to stabilize. I experienced a very well rounded professional group of people on the AR staff that are caring and kind and loving. For the first time in months I feel hopeful that my husband and I may in fact have a future together."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"As someone without faith and as a betrayed partner seriously feeling like divorce may be my only option, I REALLY appreciated both the spiritual and secular perspectives. And I really loved how “saving the marriage” isn't the ultimate goal but healing and forgiveness are."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Upon my arrival, I felt shame & anxiety. I reluctantly got dressed in the morning, and once I crossed the threshold of the main meeting room, I felt at ease, welcome, and relaxed. The curriculum was perfectly organized. I especially appreciated content that gets right to the heart of the matter. EMS Weekend shaved YEARS off of my recovery and put my marriage on the appropriate path. No fluff, no judgment. I would wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone in need looking to rebuild their marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I will not lie, I was skeptical if it would be a good fit for us. This was our last hope, and I am so glad we came. The empathy exercises have benefited us both so much, as well as the community we have created here. We have been at this a while, however for the first time in a long time I feel we are leaving with hope for the future, for ourselves, and for our marriage. Thank you!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"As the unfaithful spouse, I was afraid I would be tied to a whipping post all weekend, but it was the best weekend ever. Me and my wife have found a whole new level of connection that we have never before experienced. Our group leader, small group, and large group discussions were just amazing. I feel a new hope for our future."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Full disclosure of my affair happened a little over a week before we arrived at EMS Weekend. Things were still very fresh and intense between me and my husband. EMS absolutely exceeded my expectations. By the end of our first day, I had so much hope already for our marriage. The rest of the weekend was just as impactful, and I have hope for our future. EMS is an incredible resource. 100% worth it and I will recommend this weekend to anyone I know that’s in a similar situation."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I came in angry and bitter that my wife’s actions and selfishness brought me here. I did not expect to be leaving this full of hope. I met other men just like me. It made me realize my masculinity has not died, actually, it’s never been more alive. In Rick’s words, “I’m a total badass” for choosing the path of courage to stay. To transform. To be reborn. To create a new life with the woman I love and that I know loves me. I know that because our definition of love has totally changed."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Before EMS, I was feeling very confused about the whole topic of infidelity. I also felt isolated because I couldn't find a lot of people who had gone through infidelity that would be completely open and transparent about it. Here, I experienced feeling heard and understood. I also felt more empowered. I am more hopeful about my marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was filled with anxiety about the weekend before attending. I did not really know what to expect. Once the weekend began, my anxiety essentially disappeared. Although difficult and intensive, the weekend was so beneficial! I would recommend it to anyone that finds themselves in this situation. After attending we have so much more hope for the future of our marriage."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I was doubtful. I truly thought my husband and I hardly had a fighting chance. This weekend has proven otherwise. This weekend has given us both hope and a new outlook. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I would recommend this experience to anyone needing this type of help in their marriage. Every single staff member was very compassionate and considerate of the nature of the reason we are here. This weekend provided us with tools needed to get through our situation. The fact that all of the staff have been through infidelity was very helpful. I feel extremely hopeful for the future of our marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Despite reading countless other reviews, I expected to come to EMS and feel shamed for my infidelity. I was not at all shamed. I was welcomed and given a safe and supported environment to process my own grief, of my actions, as well as the grief of my husband. We were given so much support and essential tools to assist us in our recovery and hope for our marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Wow. My husband and I came here to check off a box before our divorce. The experience here was more than that. It was filled with not only growth within our marriage, but also internal growth. We received support within the EMS Weekend but also lots of tangible tools for the weeks, months, and years to come. We have a roadmap now. Thank you for being exactly what we needed. I am excited for the future of me, my husband, and our marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I’m so thankful for the opportunity to attend EMS Weekend. It is something I patiently waited for my spouse to agree to. It met my expectations and more. There is so much experience and care from all of the staff. Whatever happens with our marriage, I know things will be OK. Thank you!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I felt like EMS weekend was exactly what we needed to help us but I had no idea just exactly how much it would help us and it addressed things we had no idea we needed to think about. We are feeling so much more hopeful for our marriage, and while we still have lots of healing to do, there is hope."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I am so deeply grateful that my spouse and I were able to attend EMS weekend online. I feel more calm and grounded about my past, present, and my future. I feel better knowing my entire past wasn't a lie. I feel less fear and anger for my current situation because my pain was acknowledged. I left with healthy coping strategies and tools to be more empowered in the future. I had a pivotal mental shift on how to handle my triggers that I had been struggling with for 2 years. It was so refreshing to be in a supportive group of others in the same situation instead of feeling so isolated. I felt so seen and understood, and so did my spouse."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"We took EMS Online 5 years ago, but we were not at ground zero--more information about PREVIOUS infidelity had recently come out, so we took the weekend course. We were remote and it was very good. Our small group was awesome and we were able to bond just as well as if we were in person. I'm disappointed that we have had to be participants again, but AR was the only place I trusted to help us--we had many of the tools already, but the intense refresher course was just what we needed."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I thought I would feel shameful. I was afraid and not sure why I was attending. After the first morning group I felt understood, safe, and validated. I felt at peace knowing all my feelings were normal and it was ok. I never felt alone! I very quickly gained an understanding of why I was there, how it could help, and hope for the future. I feel very supported and with a lot of resources to support our progress and future."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"This hits where counseling misses. Addressing issues head on but with kindness, knowledge and care. The most important part is it will provide you with a connection to others struggling with similar issues. Some of the best money I ever spent – only wish I found this program sooner."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I believe that making the trip to attend EMS was worth all the time and money spent. It provided a safe environment for everyone, whether betrayed or unfaithful. My husband and I both felt so supported throughout the entire process. I was blown away by how informative and applicable to my life I found all the information. Our group leader was exceptional! He was so invested in helping each couple in our group to heal. My husband and I are feeling connected following EMS and excited to continue along our healing process. We are hopeful that we will go on to enjoy a new and thriving marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was a little apprehensive coming into this as we were in therapy and were at a decent point and were afraid to rehash everything, but we brought up things and were then able to process them in such a productive way. The process, the lectures, the food, and the staff were amazing. It was all so professionally done. The exercises had us reconnect and be vulnerable with each other. It enabled us to be emotional and speak from the heart. I leave here hopeful and positive, knowing we have the tools to move forward!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS was such an amazing life changing experience. I would have never expected this outcome. I have never felt this close to my husband. I have complete confidence that our marriage will be as solid as a rock. Thank you all for your love and help."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We came into EMS Weekend not really knowing what to expect. We were 6 months from discovery and we had done many things that had made healing more difficult. We had reached a point where we thought our marriage was not repairable. We both thought “what do we have to lose?” We came out of EMS Weekend with hope. We are both feeling committed to working through this together and healing and rebuilding our marriage. We feel that we now have many more tools to deal with our situation. We couldn’t be more grateful."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Making it to this weekend is probably one of the best decisions in my life. Without this weekend I feel as if my marriage would not have been able to make it. Thank you!!!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We experienced complete acceptance and love for both of us. We are both more hopeful than ever that the next 30 years of marriage will be astonishing whereas the last had so much baggage and zero tools to learn to truly love and enjoy each other. Now we do!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS showed care, compassion and love to everyone. No matter their circumstances. They reminded me that my mistake does not devalue my existence nor my potential to be a loving and caring husband and father."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We were both unfaithful spouses stemming back over 30 years. I was extremely hesitant to dump what I thought was a large sum of money on just another marriage conference that doesn't work. EMS Weekend got right to the core! The detailed curriculum helped both my spouse and I live what it's like in their shoes without judgement. It helped us connect with each other again even though we had separated. No I wouldn't call it dumping money, I would definitely call it an investment in the next chapter of our marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"When we're hurt and feel undeserving of our circumstances, it doesn't have to stay that way. God has countless ways to assist us, and fortunately, resources like affair recovery programs exist to aid us in navigating the pain and embarking on a journey of healing. We need not remain as victims; we must heal for those who care about us and avoid staying broken. Life isn't entirely devoid of hope. Harboring Hope can provide us with a positive perspective on life - 8/29/23"
- Michelle | HH Participant
"I was unsure of what my experience would be because I had never done any form of therapy. I experienced healing, hope, gained insight and grew as an individual. I am feeling closer to my spouse, hopeful for my marriage and looking forward to our future together."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Making it to this weekend is probably one of the best decisions in my life. Without this weekend I feel as if my marriage would not have been able to make it. Thank you!!!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was extremely nervous about attending EMS, but found it to be very helpful and encouraged. Before EMS I didn't have a good plan or source of support. I experienced a sense of hope for my marriage and future. I also could feel the caring spirit of every staff member. I feel a sincere appreciation for my wife and marriage. I'm also looking forward to the future as we continue developing and growing, trusting and loving each day. I'm not a fan of the journey we are on at this time, but I took a wrong turn. No, I got lost. So I'm now looking at EMS as a road map/compass. I know that there will be hazards and even road blocks along the way, but I feel as though I can reach out to them for help. Thanks to all, you guy's really are amazing and special. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I wasn't sure what to expect. For me, it felt like the end of the road or a last effort to save our marriage. I was hoping my spouse would see the light, but what I realized is that I needed to see the light. The EMS experience was emotional, deep, and life-changing for me. It helped open my eyes to so many aspects of myself and marriage in such a good way. I loved how both the unfaithful and betrayed could use almost every bit of information. It wasn't one-sided or just for the other person. I am feeling hopeful about our marriage and committed to making it better than it was before."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My experience was positive and made me feel like there really is hope for the future. And even if it doesn't work out for my marriage I know now that I can rewrite my own story! Thank you EMS!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Being the unfaithful, I was very nervous and scared to start the weekend. Oh man, did those feelings go away less than 5 minutes after I first walked through the door. I experienced how to open up and share my feelings, be more open and honest. I see a brighter future for myself and our marriage. We are going to thrive! Much love to all the staff and this organization. God bless!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Before coming to EMS, I had all kinds of fears. I didn't know what I was walking into. What I found was this group of people who were just like me, who had walked my path before I did. I didn’t believe anyone really understood the large fire burning under my feet and all around me. Seeing firsthand and now knowing I’m NOT alone in this brings me so much comfort."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My wife was with her affair partner until one day before EMS Weekend. We were coming in in shambles, but open to learning and seeing if we could recover. The materials and methods of this program were the only things that made 100% sense to both my wife and I. We experienced a non-judgmental environment of struggle, honesty, learning, and growth and I feel very optimistic that EMS Weekend has been a definitive contribution to a strong marriage and happier future together."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We came in angry, sad, ashamed, and fearful. The weekend was incredibly intense and emotional but so very helpful. We feel hopeful and are leaving with a plan which helps me feel safe. Thank you for all the wonderful instructors and speakers. There is a feeling of grace and love that envelops the entire weekend. There was no better place for us to be."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We are an unmarried couple and I felt welcome and able to connect with others and the program. No matter the eventual outcome of our relationship, the program was a great journey into the foundation of our relationship and to me personally. I found every minute of it worthwhile. Despite it being only 3 days, it was well worth the money. It was life-changing in the sense that it provided a path to great personal insight and the concept of what is needed as a couple. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I experienced greater emotion in 3 days than I have in 30 years and it was such an enlightening and unburdening experience. I have hope that I will be a greater and more worthy person in the future for myself, for my spouse, and for my children."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Coming into the weekend and in our crisis, I did not know what to expect. Throughout the exercises of the weekend, I felt a greater understanding of my partner, my actions, and their impact on her. For those in marital crisis, go and grow. If nothing else, you will learn a great amount about yourself."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I came here thinking, “Why am I here? This won't help,” but now I have hope. Hope was being clouded by fear, and now those clouds are fading."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS and the leaders delivered exactly what I needed at 100% the best time. I regret not taking action and coming sooner to start the healing process. Everything about the weekend - growth, healing, compassion, dignity. I don’t think any progress would have been made anywhere else. EMS/AR provided the safest of spaces for this process."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was dreading coming to this weekend since I am not a “therapy person.” This process was truly transforming to my heart. It gave me tools to not only learn how to cope with my husband’s actions but also how to deal with other personal issues that did not involve him. I am hopeful & prayerful for the future with my husband."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This weekend was all (if not more) of what we were hoping it would be. After 2 years, I feel I can finally put some of this to rest. I am closing this horror chapter and moving to the happy ending!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was desperate for some direction before EMS. EMS gave a great direction for our recovery, and a direction for individual healing. I have a determination that our marriage can heal from this and will!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had zero expectations. I experienced acceptance, a deep sense of belonging after being in isolation from secrecy. You have given me the gift of knowledge through this program. Thank you for the work that you do, the impact will affect generations to come. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Transformative. Life changing. Thank you for giving us the tools to work through this difficult road."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had very strong feelings prior that this was more psychobabble BS theoretical bookspeak. How wrong and glad that I was wrong! Real life - real stories - real help - real compassion without judgment. My marriage will survive and I have the courage to address the issues that put us here."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My husband and I drove 10 hours to get to EMS Weekend. And we argued, screamed, yelled, and cried the majority of the trip. By the time we arrived, I thought “if one of us doesn’t buy a plane ticket for the trip home, then this EMS thing works miracles.” Neither of us bought a plane ticket. We both have so much hope for an incredible marriage after this weekend. And also a ton of tools + resources to help us on our journey."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was already an AR fan before coming but EMS Weekend exceeded my expectations. The content + speakers were amazing. The community found at EMS is second to none. The hope for my marriage has multiplied. The compassion from the folks at AR was immense. You will leave EMS changed. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I came to EMS not knowing what to expect. I was petrified, nervous, and worried that I would be labeled and shamed. That didn’t happen. It was a hard, emotional weekend but so worth the effort. I have genuine hope for a renewed future!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"It’s not a place I wanted to be. However, I am blessed to have come. I was the betrayed, I came in resentful and I am leaving very hopeful. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I have seen many of the AR videos, and found them to be the only ones that acknowledge the pain and trauma that the betrayed spouse goes through. It's amazing how little any of my marriage or individual counselors addressed that. EMS made me feel like what I was going through was to be expected and normal, and then I would get through it. I am very hopeful for our marriage in the future. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Before attendance, I was skeptical about how EMS would work out via Zoom. The weekend was unforgettable and transformative for our healing journey! Infidelity is a lonely, painful experience, but EMS transported us from the real world, where few people understood our pain, to a private island where everybody understood our pain and spoke our language. Through our group leader's skillful guidance and 3 days of soul-baring activities, my spouse and I experienced incredible healing. Our small group, who started out as strangers, cried and laughed together; it was hard to describe unless you experienced it firsthand. Now we have learned new skills to rebuild ourselves and our marriage."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"We enrolled in EMS ~six weeks after the 1st big D-Day. The three weeks until EMS was the slowest passage of time we had ever experienced as we were living in the constant chaos of flooding, triggers, anger, fear, shame, pain and sadness. While AR Bootcamp and the Resource Library provided some help, it was nothing compared to the powerful support, safety, compassion, kindness and hope we received from the EMS Leaders through the information, practices, processes and guidance they provided. The fact that all the leaders have walked the dark road of affair recovery themselves and being a part of a small group who know what you are going through was invaluable. My husband and I agreed that we both left having experienced the beginnings of healing deep wounds and knowing each other, ourselves and our marriage (past and present) better to start working towards a loving and meaningful future no matter what it looks like."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"When we got to EMS Weekend, I had been on my healing journey for over 12 years. I was tired and ready to give up. His fortified walls had never come down and the pain of standing in front of the concrete gate and hoping for a welcome sign became too much to bear. At the EMS Weekend, he opened the gate of his heart to me and showed me that he sees the pain he has caused me. He shared his tears with me and I could really feel for the first time in his heart of hearts he loves me and sees me. It was a miracle. It's time for the real work to begin, but now we have a foundation to build on."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was honestly desperate. It’s amazing. We had a complete turnaround from nearly leaving Friday to my husband finding hope on Saturday. Thank you AR for the HOPE!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I found EMS/AR on YouTube almost exactly one year ago. I was helped immensely through the videos alone. We struggled through Boot Camp (didn’t finish it) and ultimately experienced additional, more painful D-Days. Finally we attended. I knew she was lying about the AP going into this EMS. EMS met all my hopes. She disclosed her emotional infidelity for the first time ever, and this act alone finally shattered my fears. I feel like our old relationship (and the old me) died today - what a RELIEF! Time to start anew. THANK YOU!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Intense, fulfilling, and liberating journey. A life-changing experience, no matter what the outcome may be. I’m feeling extremely hopeful for my marriage and my future. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I find this a well-rounded program and the other aspects to a great program is continued recovery support. Knowing others have similar experiences and common threads helps to know I am not alone. The mentor couple gave me much hope that we can grow, recover, and have Marriage 2.0. I would highly recommend this program."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was holding information and I wasn’t sure that I could get anything out of EMS. I hoped it would help my spouse. I can’t believe how I was able to come clean and finally find freedom. I believe this has truly started the healing process in the right way. Rick and counselors are amazing. They helped me see how I’ve hurt my spouse and what issues I’ve been carrying since childhood. So thankful for this seminar. I know we were led here by God."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I came into this weekend looking for it to have an impact on my husband and his response (or lack thereof). Help with his rage, shame, and frustration. Ultimately, this weekend softened my heart a bit. I was hopeless on Friday and part of Saturday, but I found hope and that’s promising. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"The experience has exceeded our expectations. The material and the venue – all were amazing. This is the hardest season of our life and this weekend was life-changing. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My experience at EMS far exceeded my expectations. I was extremely anxious and uncertain entering this weekend and honestly wasn’t sure that I would be able to experience a shift in myself or my relationship within just a few days. My experience here was non-judgmental and met me where I was at. I was able to break down some barriers that I know have been holding me back and to start down the path to healing. I am incredibly grateful to the brave couples I met and the counsel I received. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I signed up for the EMS Online 13 week course and started in December last year. I have been with my partner for 15 years although we had been as good as separated for the past 2-3 years. I was the unfaithful spouse for 10 years during the relationship and had come to view my partner with a negative lens as well as not feeling like I could plan with her in mind. We finally decided to try the online course after watching many YouTube videos from the team, as 15 years, 3 kids and an entire farm project were in the balance. I wish I had known about the course before any relationship, as it completely reset my wiring, someone was finally teaching me how to have a relationship. I learned about thoughts and feelings and how to tackle them, I learned how to feel empathy, forgiveness, truth in love and more. It was a spiritual journey and I now have the best relationship I have ever had and certainly the best moment in the 15 years of being together. I would recommend AR to anyone in crisis...absolutely, and really to just anyone in a relationship.... It's amazing, the structure of the 13 weeks takes you on an emotional rollercoaster and at times I felt like quitting, but thanks to my commitment contract and the knowledge that things were getting clearer, I continued and now have moved onto married life with our group as it's just such powerful work. We were in a terrible place before starting this course and now we are in a wonderful relationship together. "
- A., France | EMSO Participant
"No other program comes close or helps couples in the way EMS Weekend does. We’ve tried many and this is the best. Thank you."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Before EMS Weekend, we struggled knowing what the next steps were. EMS Weekend provided a great roadmap."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This was truly a turning point in our marriage. Our marriage was in a state of emergency and we were going to use this weekend to decide whether or not we would continue to try, or get divorced. We are a year out from D-Day and were still fighting so bad that we couldn’t get through the day. I had no hope, and now I feel strongly that we will succeed."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I felt I would be judged and labeled – that definitely wasn’t the case. My experience was so great & everyone (counselors, group sessions, main sessions, staff, etc.) was genuine & had so much empathy. As the unfaithful, I felt it would be geared to the betrayed more before I came & that was farther from the truth. We are leaving as a loving couple that have the tools to keep healing. The road ahead is not going to be easy, but we have new friends & amazing resources that will help us to beat this & have a stronger marriage than what we had before."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I found myself apprehensive about the impact of EMS. My husband’s repeated affairs over 17 years felt too big to forgive, too big to overcome, too big to imagine a future together. Yet, after 3 days I find myself holding onto hope and allowing myself to imagine a future together. There are many tools that have been provided. There is support in the coming weeks. There is a new network of friends we can journey with together. Here’s to healing… and marriage 2.0."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"It was frightening and surreal walking in on Friday morning. I am leaving Sunday with hope and tools not just that will help me in my marriage, but also in my life. I have hope for the future of my marriage now."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"When I arrived at EMS Weekend, I had reservations that my wife wouldn’t take it seriously, but it was me who wasn’t taking it seriously. The second day we almost packed up and left, but [one of the leaders there] talked me into sticking it out, and boy I was sure glad I did. When it got to the “40 Costs Exercise,” a light switch flipped and empathy finally became a feeling instead of a word to me. The program became eye opening to the betrayal and pain that I have caused my wife. I am leaving today on Sunday and feel that my marriage in the future will survive until the end of my life."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was unsure of what to expect. It felt like a hail mary pass signing up. I felt something telling me this is where we needed to be. It was like drinking from a firehose but so beneficial. I feel confident that things will work out how they are intended to with God leading our marriage. There is so much love and kindness from the staff and you can tell they enjoy the work they do."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"In preparation for this weekend, my wife and I had anxiety about “what was it going to truly be like?” Day one was awkward and scary, but you rely on your mate for security in all of this and you develop a relationship with your small group as the day progresses. Day 2 is one of the hardest days emotionally, but it helped so much in us growing together. Day 3 is almost freeing because you have a community that you can rally around and provide you support! I feel substantial hope for our future and our marriage!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had “hope of hope” before EMS. After EMS, I truly feel hope for our future and our family."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This program is UNBELIEVABLE. The tools, the understanding from Rick, John, and every single person with EMS Weekend - to learn how to work through my triggers that are from the moment I wake to the moment I go to sleep, the hope, courage, strength, comfort and peace this program has been absolutely life changing. AMAZING."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My weekend at EMS was extremely beneficial. The food was good, the lessons were good. It was an all around great experience. I was expecting to be labeled, pointed out. Complete opposite. I feel our marriage moving on from here is going to thrive. My focus is going to be a new marriage. Thank you so much Rick and staff for your compassion and your hospitality."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS was an absolute blessing. It allowed me to see a perspective that although my life is forever changed I don't have to grieve it but embrace it and look forward to a new life beyond hurt and betrayal."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Despite attending remotely and overnight due to the time zone, it was a valuable investment."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"EMS Weekend helped both sides - the betrayed and the unfaithful - develop a better understanding of what the other was going through. The curriculum offered great variation in the way the material was presented offering a good balance of lectures, small and large group sessions, private session, breakout betrayed and unfaithful groups, mentor stories and exercises. I would recommend anyone going through any type of infidelity to run to AR and attend EMS."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Before coming to EMS, I was struggling with PTSD symptoms, feeling very stuck with very little hope for things to improve. EMS gave me tools and resources to better cope with my anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and anger. I left feeling as if I had experienced a miracle and empowered to do the hard work of healing my marriage with renewed faith."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Very well organized, comprehensive, and empathetic. They were able to strike a great balance between depth and levity."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I am astounded how well thought-out and run this weekend was. It was the perfect mix of information and personal connection. Each piece of the weekend was necessary and helpful. And being surrounded by so many who have overcome this pain was a balm to my weary soul."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS was amazing. The staff are so knowledgeable! The fact that they have all been through it makes the experience so much more personal and safe. We are so hopeful for our marriage after this weekend and have the aftercare to look forward to! We really connected with our group and are looking forward to continued healing."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My wife and I came here 6-10 years too late. We grew strong individually and I realized that I will never be the husband I need to be without dealing with my own childhood traumas. Unfortunately, I am not confident that our marriage will survive but I have never felt so encouraged that I will heal and become a better man."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"When we were driving here, we almost talked ourselves out of coming. We didn’t know what to expect. But I’m so glad we came. We were not sure exactly where we were headed in our marriage. After day one, I felt hope. It got deep in our small groups and I realized that we were not the only couple that had marriage problems. We were not alone in what we were facing and it is possible to get past with two willing people."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This was an incredible experience. Truly enjoyed the material, leadership, and support staff. We leave here with a strong understanding of where we are and the road ahead. Thank you!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I thought it would just be another “conference weekend” where we are fed tips & tricks without shepherding. The expertise and personalization was unlike anything else. Thank you for being a true place of refuge and change for me and for our marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I expected an intense weekend with therapeutic sessions. I experienced what I expected plus a whole lot more. The small group benefited us by hearing and seeing couples go through similar situations. It made it easier to share when others were sharing as well. I am feeling hopeful for my marriage and feel like we have new building blocks to help us remodel - a second chance of a new marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Loved my experience. I was expecting from the weekend that my husband and I would grow and we did. We have an understanding about many aspects of our marriage that have transformed us. I feel doing it online was better than if I was in person as when a point was made my husband and I could process it together on the spot. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I wanted to make changes and this class gave me a framework in a more comprehensive way than just counseling. There was no judgement. And always hope. I enjoyed the fact that it had a systematic approach. Not every lesson perfectly applicable. But most were. And I am certain every unfaithful could find value. I like that it was interwoven into my faith. I also liked that it was not just an on-line class but a community. It was good to feel like you are not the only one going through this. I learned about myself. The class reinforced that to change you have to make changes in your life. I would absolutely recommend this class to someone else. If you are looking for a place to start the change process this an easy place to start. And I am as arrogant and stubborn as they come. But this place will give you tools to make those changes. My marriage is better than it has ever been! This class played a role in that."
- L.M., TX | HFH Participant
"What a great program. Definitely didn’t want to start this. But at the end of the program. I’m happy to say that I’m thankful that I got this opportunity and excited for my recovery."
- D.P., MD | HFH Participant
"This has been a life changing experience for me and my wife. Thanks for this course, and the leaders and mentors who have inputted into our lives."
- B.R., Australia | HFH Participant
"I knew EMS was not going to be a magic pill that would immediately fix our marriage, but it has proven to give me hope, along with post-EMS support and tools we can use when we leave. I believe this experience and tools give us the best chance we have for our marriage to thrive."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Amazing weekend. I’m so grateful that we found AR and had this weekend and the resources afforded to us to help save our marriage. I feel like I witnessed miracles all around me all weekend. This will forever be ingrained as one of the most profound and meaningful weekends of my life. Thank you so much for your guidance and gifts."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I completed Hope for Healing and my wife completed Harboring Hope before coming here for EMS Weekend. We are huge fans of AR and the whole team. The weekend didn’t go as I thought or even hoped it would…… it went better. Thank you!! God Bless you all for the work you do."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"AR has helped me to finally understand aspects of infidelity and my marriage in a way that 15 years of counseling and Google help couldn’t. I will ever be grateful regardless of my marital status."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I came to EMS 20 days after D-day. It’s been a life-changing experience that has given hope to me and my spouse in a situation that was 100% hopeless."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My husband and I came to EMS searching for a miracle. We fought all the way here, from the moment we left the house to the 4 hour plane ride right up until check in. We were looking for a change. My husband, I discovered, was living a double life and having a 2 year affair with a woman who had no idea I existed. Needless to say, I was scared to be here. This weekend could break it or make it, and boy did we make it! We committed to the experience and are going home with a new perspective and an absolute for our future. I highly recommend EMS to any couple."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I walked into EMS nervous, anxious, and unsure. My thought was that it would be a weekend full of shame. I scoffed at the idea that we could make real strides in our marriage after my infidelity nearly destroyed us. I’m walking away with a new set of friends that understand exactly where I am in my journey because they are walking it too. I’m walking away with hope that we can make it out together and I believe we can be better. This is only one step in our journey but EMS was a necessary step and foundation for our healing."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Writing the "hurt letter" was a difficult but excellent exercise. Facing the pain I have caused and trying to understand it from my spouse's perspective and then having to see it written out on a piece of paper definitely moved my heart toward empathy for my spouse and healing for me. Thank you for this curriculum!"
- K.M., GA | EMSO Participant
"I love our group leader!! She's amazing!! She's so supportive, and so uplifting to every member in our group. I'll miss her, and talking with her each week. The 13 weeks have absolutely flown by. The EMSO course (and entire Affair Recovery website) has been more than I could have ever hoped for. Not only has it totally enriched my marriage, but it's given me a totally new perspective on every aspect of my life... the relationship with my kids, how I view relationships with other family members, friends, and most importantly, my relationship with my Heavenly Father. I repeated to my husband several times throughout the course that hurt couples shouldn't be the only people benefiting from this course, or website. Everything about Affair Recovery has been a blessing to be a part of this family. Thank you to Rick, the entire Affair Recovery crew for sharing your stories and wisdom, and all the spouses in the mentor videos for sharing your stories and heartbreak. Each one of you has been such a blessing to me, and now my entire life moving forward!! I'm so thankful that God led me to the website months ago!! I won't ever forget what y'all did for me during this stage of my healing journey. I'll always have reminders of being wounded, but will one day the wounds will become scars that can be touched. And those scars will prove where I've come from, how strong I've become, and who God made me to be."
- H., LA | EMSO Participant
"I was extremely anxious about working in a group. It was a community like no other. Not a club I ever wanted to be a part of, but one I desperately needed. I feel extremely hopeful, and more important, fully equipped with all of the tools we need to work toward reconciliation. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was hoping EMS Weekend would provide my husband and I with tools to figure out if we could save our marriage. I never thought we would implement the tools while we were here. The counselors, materials, and videos helped us understand a little more of what we are going through. The biggest shock in terms of a benefit was also our biggest fear in coming: experiencing our brokenness in front of others was intimidating but this amazing gift of community couldn’t have been a bigger blessing. Thank you for changing our lives forever."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS Weekend exceeded any expectations I may have had. I experienced acceptance, compassion, patience, friendship, and support. All participants and AR team members were fantastic. Content has been super helpful and was presented in a manner that was easy to understand and apply. I am leaving EMS hopeful for my marriage where there was not much hope but more importantly I personally feel stronger and am able to recognize and accept that life will be OK whether my marriage works out or not. That is a relief."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Honestly, my husband and I were in a good place 8 months post D-Day and I was worried this EMS Weekend would trigger my husband and set us back. BOY WAS I WRONG! Regardless of the situation or stage of recovery, this program was tremendously helpful and any couple could benefit from tools and knowledge that can be applied the rest of our lives. This program has just validated our chance of staying together, working through it and coming out on the other side stronger, wiser, and in the best marriage I never thought possible. So much hope for us! Sign up if you are even considering this EMS Weekend."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I feel more hopeful than ever before and this applies to a better marriage/future than we’ve ever had. Nothing short of magic!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"It was an immersion experience that boosted our recovery efforts. We were struggling going into this weekend. Now we have the tools. I feel hope that is real."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This experience was nothing short of amazing. I am so grateful to have been able to participate in such a necessary but difficult opportunity. I am confident that God has planned to show us how to turn something that could have torn our family apart into a blessing that brings us closer together. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS Weekend surpassed all my expectations. They offered a safe environment and a gracious understanding of what both my spouse and I were going through. Not only did I see a transformation in our relationship, I saw each couple from our small group transform by the end of the weekend."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS came highly recommended from my therapist. In fact, he said it’s one of the best healing courses if not the best. I was apprehensive, scared, nervous, but he assured me it would be worth it and he was right. I experienced a whole new connection within myself, within my spouse and within our marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We had found the material on the AR site to be tremendously helpful but I was fearful that the weekend would either be too repetitive or would send us backwards by stirring up old things we had already worked through. Thankfully this was not at all the case and we learned so many new things and had some amazing opportunities to meet couples sharing in a similar journey and to practice tools that will likely be instrumental in this continuing journey we are on. I’m so happy we found Affair Recovery."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I arrived hopeless that this was the last effort. I am leaving knowing this is the beginning of our/my new life & marriage. Full of hope."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Prior to this weekend, we had difficulty even looking at each other due to our individual shame, disappointment and sadness in ourselves and each other. This weekend got us talking more openly and authentically with one another. We really appreciated how our faith life was included in the teachings, instructions and talks. I know not all of the participants come from a faith life, and it was obvious that you and your organization respect that but keep them included. Thank you for that. I am EVER hopeful about an improved relationship together since this weekend. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I am so deeply grateful for the Hope for Healing Program. After my husband and I attended EMS Weekend one month after d-day, we had a strong start to our healing journeys. But I, as the unfaithful spouse, knew I needed a lot of support to understand how I had compromised my values so deeply, how my thinking could have become so distorted. I knew I needed to be fully accountable, understand myself, and what attitudes and behaviors would be healing and helpful in the future, as opposed to leading to anger, defensiveness, or relapse. I found all of that support in the weekly readings and videos in Hope for Healing, the skilled facilitation of our group leader, and the listening ear of my fellow group members. I'm now almost 6 months post d-day and planning to go through the material again to solidify what I have learned. Thank you, Affair Recovery!"
- L.H., WA | HFH Participant
"I really didn’t know what to expect. I came in on Friday not knowing what would happen except that I would get clarity on what I should do. I learned that through all the hurt and pain, a lot of good can come out of it. I leave a very different woman - full of hope, change and true love."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"It was more than I ever expected. I came into this weekend scared and very unsure of our marriage. I wasn’t sure we’d even make it here. We experienced change. New tools. Support. New friends. I feel so much hope for our marriage and believe change is possible."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I would change NOTHING! Was it a hard weekend? Absolutely! But, it was a catapult to change in myself, my husband, and our marriage. I honestly did not know what to expect. What I experienced was life changing for myself. The small groups were terrifying the first day. However, over the weekend, they became a safe place to share. I feel like I have made lifelong friends there. I have more hope for our marriage than I ever had."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was not sure what to expect during EMS. Part of me was afraid I was coming into an overly religious setting. I was wrong. I found myself surrounded by people experiencing a similar trauma. This was very comforting to me. For the first time I did not feel alone. I felt that I was able to finally breathe again."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was initially a little resistant to attending. The guidance and compassion I received was invaluable. I was able to trust the process and it served me very well. I am highly optimistic that we will be a success story, thank you so much for this gift."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Wasn't exactly sure what to expect but had an amazing virtual experience – very inspired and hopeful about the future of our marriage and grateful for this organization. Hands down the best customer service all the way around that I have experienced in years."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I just finished the Affair Recovery course, Harboring Hope. 20 years ago my husband had an affair. I was totally unprepared for the upending effect this has had on my life and our marriage. Our pastor advised us to attend a different marriage program. We spent time, money and countless hours trying to work through this, mainly on our own. Although some healing has been attained, I have been stuck for years. Realizing that I had received great benefit from personal recovery work in another area of my life, I searched "recovery from affairs" and I found Affair Recovery. For several months I watched videos and read articles and became convinced that I was possibly stuck because I had never dedicated myself to personal recovery concerning the affair. Harboring Hope was everything I had hoped it would be and more. I learned that I am only responsible for my own recovery. I would recommend this course to anyone traveling this painful journey. I would say, "don't wait, like I unknowingly did". There is great hope!"
- B., California | HH Participant
"I completed the Harboring Hope course after finding out about my husband's long-term sexual addiction and infidelity. I would recommend this course to anyone regardless of their story or stage in discovering a spouse's betrayal. I feel empowered and armed with a healthier way of coping with this, regardless of my spouse's choices, because of this course. Thank you so much, Affair Recovery team! "
- A., FL | HH Participant
"Harboring Hope brought me exactly what I needed. Other women, experiencing different types of infidelity yet all of us walking very similar paths, facilitated by a kind and empathetic leader who had been there. Our group melded together quickly, and I can honestly say I love these ladies, even though we have never ‘met’. It is so very validating to realize that what you are feeling and how you may be reacting is ’normal’. I love how Harboring Hope emphasizes God throughout every aspect of the program. I know I am deeply loved, worthy and ‘enough’. Whether you come out the other side of infidelity trauma with a reconciled and healing marriage, or whether you emerge realizing your marriage may be over but you as an individual are going to heal and be OK, Harboring Hope will guide you along the path of recovery and healing. If you are a betrayed spouse and your crisis with infidelity is new, join Harboring Hope. If your crisis of infidelity happened a while ago (even years ago!) and you’ve been struggling to heal and feel stuck, join Harboring Hope. It is NOT too late! Affair Recovery has literally been a God-send."
- J., FL | HH Participant
"Affair recovery has been an absolute blessing. I am excited to continue with Married For Life. I am excited for the new opportunities ahead for not only my marriage but for me as an individual. Affair Recovery has helped present or reveal these opportunities. I cant thank everyone involved at Affair Recovery enough! Thank you!"
- C., WA | EMSO Participant
"Wonderful! Again, the curriculum and group leader and whole group have been life changing - this is well worth the time and effort!"
- A., WA | EMSO Participant
"Highly recommend the program… seems like there were some common nuggets of information our group took away but also each person found individual value based on their story and where they are along the healing journey."
- H., Canada | HH Participant
"I am so thankful for my Harboring Hope Group Leader, as well as the founders and leaders of this company! This course has been a healing part of my recovery and I plan to reference to and reread the chapters as needed!"
- A., IN | HH Participant
"Before coming to EMS Weekend, I was anxious, nervous, and scared. During the weekend, it opened my eyes to trauma, hurt, and empathy for myself and my husband. The experience and exercises here made me understand him much better. More than I knew from D-Day. I feel hopeful but also know I will be anxious, nervous, and scared at times – but the difference is I know now how to better tackle them and face them."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I love how the focus is more about healing & becoming the best version of you. We have – I have renewed hope for me first, and my marriage second. I am so relieved to now have a community to continue my recovery with."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I thought it was a website that SOLD people on an expensive seminar to line the pockets of the creators. I couldn’t have been more wrong. I am very thankful that I took the leap of faith to come."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"It was amazing - during the most difficult time in my life and our marriage. I wasn't expecting the connection that would be created with others experiencing the same trauma. My wife and I both felt God's presence in us, our group and the incredible work that you all do. It is a ministry like no other. We are feeling BETTER THAN EVER about our marriage and the future US. I learned more about who I am and my healing and how to accept the things I can control and give to God the things I cannot. In fact, this preacher's kid learned how for the first time in his life, how to give up control and how to heal."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Before EMS weekend, I was at the end of a nearly two year wait for my husband to "get it." I was exhausted, hopeless and expecting to face the end of our marriage. I can't know what all the coming weeks, months or years will be, but I do know that today, I have hope they will be with the man I've called husband for 35 years. The therapists and everyone involved in EMS are the most insightful, authentic and helpful people I've encountered on this two-year journey. They are professionals, but they are people first–and that made all the difference. I didn't expect to be thinking about a hopeful future for my marriage because of one weekend, but here I am doing just that. I'm so glad we gave it a chance. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"It really was a safe place to express your thoughts and feelings to your hurt spouse. We are looking to a brighter future. Long way to go but this helped jumpstart our healing."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Thank you so much for leading us through this course with love, encouragement, and understanding!! We feel beyond blessed to know you and to have you guys beside us as we navigated the most difficult time in our lives."
- G., CA | EMSO Participant
"Last meeting. Bittersweet. I will miss the weekly interaction and support from all the women. I look forward to continuing the support on our own. I am truly grateful for Harboring Hope and our leader. It has changed my life. I truly think everyone could benefit from this program, infidelity or not. Many great general life tools!"
- K.S., OH | HH Participant
"I didn’t expect much coming here. I came expecting to get through this and divorce my wife the following week. I never saw this coming. The information I received changed my conceptions and beliefs and some emotions. Made me look deeper and differently. I now have committed to my wife that divorce is off for at least 6 months and maybe forever. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Prayed for a miracle but was very doubtful. We had been stuck in an ugly and destructive communication “dance.” We gathered information, practiced new ideas, shared pain, and it was all done in an emotionally safe environment. All of us felt accepted and valued. Life changing experience and yes….miracles happen! Forever grateful. The staff is truly incredible! Fun, wise and understands our brokenness because they have been there!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I wasn’t sure what to expect, but by watching so many videos for almost a year, I already knew how helpful and essential the material and teaching would be. Rick and John were an absolute blessing in their teaching and being real. Thank you!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"My expectations were actually exceeded. I experienced major understanding of my situation. I truly felt that I was not alone. Seeing other individuals experiencing similar challenges and issues was an eye-opener. I'm more hopeful and excited about the future of my marriage. I truly feel liberated! I'm not afraid now. I'm not afraid. Thank you EMS. Thank you God."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"AR has been a lifesaver over the past 1.5 years. We found AR soon after d-day and went through the bootcamp, then took HFH and HH at the same time. I was nervous that we were “too far” for EMS but trusting because I’d had such good experiences with AR. The overall environment, the small group/community, the mentor couple, and several of the sections spoke strongly to me – particularly on forgiveness and preventing relapse. I think this “unstuck” the forgiveness that was lodged and helped me realize how many things I’ve already accepted without realizing it. It was the right next step in my and our healing journeys."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had no idea what to expect with EMS. I was desperate for anything that would help us. EMS was exactly what my husband and I needed to regain the hope for our marriage to actually survive. I loved that the therapists and mentors that we worked with all had walked this exact same scenario in one way or another. The hope and support made me feel safe and so seen unlike ever before. Infidelity is a very isolating experience, and seeing each of the people who had been in our shoes at one time of their life, made me realize that yes—we can absolutely heal from this, and we will. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I felt like the curriculum gave me the right amount of information about what to expect along with encouragement and hope (hope that I’m now having for the first time) that this mess and all my mixed up feeling, fears, and anger are normal and that there is possibly going to be a happy outcome. The leaders seemed to know just what to say and are very informative and empathetic. I feel very blessed to have them!"
- J.H., AR | EMSO Participant
"I needed this week's lesson. I have had to come to terms with the deception I was walking in and the lies I was telling myself. Hard hitting truth sets me free. I am going to be a better person."
- A.H., CA | HFH Participant
"This was absolutely the best group tonight. The support and the encouragement as well as the insight from everyone helped to save me from walking away from everything. This group truly is a community with the same goal to heal. Thank you everyone."
- B.C., SD | HFH Participant
"I can't say thank you enough to fully reflect my gratitude for this course, for my Group Leader, and for the overall experience in the midst of a horrible season of life. Affair Recovery and Harboring Hope have been truly a Godsend."
- F.B., Canada | HH Participant
"I came to EMS thinking it would be a place to get over my affairs. What I got were tools that I can use not just in my marriage but in my life. I got insights into the demons that have haunted me for a lifetime. I got an accountability group that I feel like I have known forever. I feel hope for my marriage that I thought may be gone forever."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I did quite a bit of research before coming to this weekend and it was better than expected. The depth of the work that we did over the weekend is something that we couldn't create in our own way. We needed the professional help! Well worth the money!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We heard mixed reviews about the EMS Weekend. Glad we pushed forward and attended! I definitely was dreading coming because I thought it would be a bash session on me (the unfaithful), but was definitely a very non-judgmental, caring, education and informative experience. I definitely am leaving with a different perspective and the tools to have a better marriage. I have high hopes and dreams for our marriage and future!!"
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"For the first time, I felt connected to others in what we were going through. It was so nice to open up and have others understanding all of the feelings and struggles. I have never done on-line counseling, and wasn't sure I would like it, however I LOVED it! Exactly what we were looking for. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I was expecting to find out more about what is behind being an unfaithful spouse and suggestions on how to work recovery. I experienced more than I could have imagined in learning about infidelity and ways that it can be understood. I feel that we have a lot of work but a better direction on how to do that work. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I enjoyed my group...and feel less alone and isolated in my pain. [Our virtual counselor was] knowledgeable, compassionate, skilled. They established safety, kindness, and supportive environment. No sense of being judged, always respectful."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"The value gained from this entire Hope For Healing course significantly outweighed the cost of participation. Our team leader was instrumental in guiding us through each call to gain perspective leading into the next week's lesson. Very thankful and grateful for AR."
- J.M., IN | HFH Participant
"This course has changed my life! My Group Leader is an outstanding group leader! I couldn’t imagine a better group of people to go through this course with."
- B.H., ND | HFH Participant
"This has been 13 difficult weeks of introspection and hard work. I know its just the beginning, but we cant say enough positive things about the EMSO course. We've learned so much about ourselves and better ways to handle marital challenges. We are looking forward to Married for Life. Special thanks to our group leaders! "
- S., FL | EMSO Participant
"17 weeks went by way too fast. I’m grateful that this tool is available for people like me. I have referred a friend of mine to this. I would suggest anyone who has experienced infidelity in their marriage to do the programs available from 30+ years of expertise and experience! Thanks Rick for allowing your life to be an open book to help others!"
- M.C., MD | HFH Participant
"There were tears at the end of the meeting tonight as our EMS Online course has been completed. Our Group Leaders were incredible. We will miss them incredibly as we move on to Married for Life."
- M.M., FL | EMSO Participant
"Learned a lot of things that help me to move forward and not stay stuck. Had a very loving and patient leader and have found myself having a better view of my future no matter what happens in my marriage."
- G.E., AL | HH Participant
"D-Day was 3 weeks ago, so we are so fresh. We were hurting, depressed, and overwhelmed about where to start our healing journey. EMS Weekend was the absolute best thing we could have done. We feel so much connection and hope now and have connections with other couples that will last many years. Thank you for creating a sacred healing space for us, for showing us God’s love, and giving us amazing hope for a long and happy future together! "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We came a little nervous about maybe going backwards, but it was not the case. I was not sure I wanted to invest energy into a small group, but I found it to be a true blessing. We are hopeful, so hopeful. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had no expectations because I didn’t want to come. After EMS it made me feel hopeful about my marriage and future. It was an eye opener. As the strayed spouse it was able to alleviate the shame and help me find a common community with the same issues. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was afraid that my husband would be overwhelmed and zone out because of the long, intense days. Instead the information drew us both in. I felt a change in myself and in my partner. I feel emotionally closer than we have in years. I have hope again. I have validation for even considering reconciling when my friends think I’m crazy for trying again. I needed to hear from others who walked this path to show it could be possible to repair. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I honestly think I had medium to low expectations for the weekend. We had both been in and are currently in counseling. But the weekend exceeded my expectations. The biggest thing for me was definitely the feeling of community and not being judged. On Friday I saw couples that couldn’t even look at each other and by Sunday they were holding hands. I actually felt I was witnessing a miracle. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I would never wish this experience or event on anyone, but this program has shown me that we can build something new out of the ashes of our lives, and that new thing can be far better and more beautiful than anything we had before."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Came away feeling a real bond with our fellow group members and and that feeling of not being alone..."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"[Before Virtual EMS], I was a little nervous and apprehensive...I experienced love, compassion, wonderful teachers/counselors, a new perspective on forgiveness and loving others the way the Lord loves them. I am an Unfaithful, and I now realize that even though the world might look at me with disgust, the Lord sees past my faults and sees me as beautiful, precious, and loves me fully...My marriage is going to grow from a new seed to a beautiful flower... I encourage any couple to sign up and complete this program. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"This was a stretching experience for me. A departure from anything I've ever done before. An act of desperation. Without it we likely would have continued on in on our own version of ineffectiveness...EMS helped to validate the reality of Me, You, and Us as three distinct entities, all of whom needed different and unique help...Providing tools and guidance in learning to develop empathy opened up a whole new world...Reaffirming that this is a single step on a long road is empowering. We're ten years from our initial D day."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I learned so much about myself and my wife. It made me realize that I'm not alone, that there is recovery and healing from this. This is the hardest thing I have ever done, but I loved every minute of it."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I experienced relief, renewal and felt for the first time ever that I am worthy and have value."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was expecting a weekend focused on my betrayal, rehashing all my shame, instead I found a safe environment where infidelity was openly discussed, but not with disgust or shame.  it was a judgment free zone where kindness prevailed."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Before EMS, I thought this place was going to be a "drink the Kool-Aid" type without actual real healing or understanding. But after coming here, the experience was totally different and made me realize, that it was my mindset that needed to change. I felt safe here that I could share information. It also made me feel not alone seeing other betrayed males here. I am hopeful for my marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I had very low expectations, I have been to other marriage retreats with very little impact on the marriage. I experienced hurt, tears, fears, highs and lows. I'm leaving here with a new outlook on the marriage and life moving forward. This weekend is the first step to miles of many steps to heal and be the man God has made me to be. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Tonight was a great night, this week's curriculum was excellent. I feel so hopeful and inspired. I'm so thankful to have found AR. God bless you all for the work you're doing. Thank you to our group leader, he's the best!"
- D.S., NY | EMSO Participant
"We were separated and working on divorce. My husband finally got my pain. His understanding made it possible to move forward. I see a future of us together. A new, better future."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This weekend offered a release of anger, hurt, bitterness and maybe, deep down, hate, contempt and years of built up resentment. EMS gave me the support and knowledge to do this with a team of individuals that made me feel safe to do so. They empowered me with new tools to better handle strife in my life and continued support after the conference was over. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS shifted my devastation into hope. What I thought was completely hopeless, I learned is in fact just the beginning of a very life giving story."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I arrived skeptical, thinking this course would solidify my decision to stay in my marriage or leave. But the course works you from the inside out. It made me face my infidelity and the costs to my mate head on. Seeing my mate respond to my words of understanding the costs he has paid was a spotlight in my darkness that needed revealing. My heart is changed. I felt my skepticism in the salt I sprinkles in the bowl of water. Thank you."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I was completely lost before EMS......couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and couldn't really focus on my day to day activities. EMS was exactly what I envisioned and needed. This weekend gave me clarity, helped my partner dig deep into his feelings and provided a safe space for him to be extremely vulnerable. We are leaving hand in hand. If you have questions or reservations on coming, trust that it is 100% worth it."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This program has been WONDERFUL and I've grown and learned so much from it. The biggest reason is our leader, who set the tone for being vulnerable and sharing, giving us a safe place to say things and explore things deep within us that, for me, I hadn't addressed or even knew existed. I can't say enough positive things about this group and how thankful I am that I took a gamble and tried it. THANK YOU!"
- H., TX | HH Participant
"Our group leader has been excellent. She has helped all of us navigate through one of the hardest circumstances in my life. I knew when I signed up that I was going outside my comfort zone but I have no regrets in doing so. She has made the class very beneficial. I’m also very thankful for the ladies in our group."
- H., TX | HH Participant
"What a difference in our marriage in the past 13 weeks. I truly understand what they mean when they say "pain with a purpose" and how the pain being transformed is not being transmitted like it was 13 weeks ago. We loved our Group Leaders and how they guided us through the course."
- M.A., MD | EMSO Participant
"The letter writing exercise is something that I needed to help understand the pain and hurt my wife was feeling because of my betrayal. It help me “get it” a little more. It’s a step to truly understanding how I have devastated my wife. Please keep this lesson where it is. I don’t think it would be beneficial earlier in the recover process."
- S.M., CO | EMSO Participant
"I am so grateful for this course! Every lesson speaks directly to where I am right now in my betrayal recovery journey! I also so appreciate John and Leslie's compassionate perspective in developing and presenting this curriculum. I feel understood and not alone."
- C., Manitoba, Canada | HH Participant
"Going into the weekend I was anxious about how it was going to be online. If we were truly going to get what we needed from it. I was extremely pleased and surprised with how it all came together!! I would 100000% recommend this for anyone going through this."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"We have been trying for over a year to find a good counselor. None were helpful for our situation until we came here."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
" I didn't know what to expect and I was anxious about talking about our problems in front of strangers. To my surprise and relief, our group bonded quickly..........I found hope because I saw my husband's remorse and his repentance. I felt that he finally accepted responsibility for his affairs and understood how his choices impacted me. His willingness to confess before a safe group of struggling couples showed me that he is committed to recovery. I have confidence that he will continue to do the work necessary to have a new, healthy marriage."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I thought I would be the only female betrayer, as well as judged for it. I wasn't! It has been surprising how safe this place has been and the progress made. I feel very hopeful about my marriage and the future."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"......I was humbled on day one about how self absorbed I had made my pain and how I convinced myself that I was a victim without even knowing it. After that realization I opened myself to learning and being engaged. And I saw tremendous growth in both of us when I stopped trying to control the outcome on my terms. When I let go and trusted God with her, instead of trying to put my faith solely in her, I was able to see my victory and accept my life as it is."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This week was the most needed lesson. The lesson forced both sides to have to look at each and see the effects instead of being wrapped up in their own pain. To finally feel understood is huge. Thank you!"
- G.M., CO | EMSO Participant
"Every week we go through just seems to bring me one step closer to recovery and brings more tools to the table to make the task at hand easier to work on...God bless you all for everything you do and for providing such an amazing service to all of the broken hearted and providing them a safe place to come and guide them in mending those broken hearts for not just the betrayed but also the unfaithful. Thank You."
- J.S., IN | EMSO Participant
"This was a good week. While forgiveness isn’t an easy topic, it was eye opening to see all the types of forgiveness and the ways that it can help set me free, now and in the future….when the time comes and I’m ready to forgive. Thank You"
- J.C., TX | EMSO Participant
"I am thankful to have been afforded the tools necessary to navigate my trauma involving infidelity. Although reconciliation remains uncertain, I from a personal standing have grown in many ways and have found my voice. God led me to your website in my time of dire need. I do not believe in coincidence. Thank you for using the voices and experiences of those that came before us. Having a Group Leader that understands the journey was imperative. Blessings."
- L.C., PA | EMSO Participant
"Our Group Leader was exceptional. She showed kindness and empathy throughout the course. She took an interest in each of the participants and would often pray for them individually at the end of each class. On more than one occasion, the ladies in the group reached out to her for support and each time, she showed up for us with words of encouragement and the wisdom to help us get through the tough moments. We are both so grateful to have been a part of her class and that our lives were touched by both her and AR."
- H.P., FL | EMSO Participant
"Honestly, I really wondered how much could be accomplished in a weekend when you talk about where we were in the process of healing from the affair......I feel like we really grew individually and as a couple. It was the perfect mix of activities to really help us move through some of the barriers we were hitting."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"......There is no quick instantaneous fix, but this program gives you the knowledge, power and tools to give you the best chance as succeeding."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I came into this without much hope. We were on the verge of giving up and exhaustion.........God lead us to the program for a reason of direction and hope. It gave us the tools to start to heal, where we could not do it by ourselves. Our experience was amazing and supportive. I have much hope for healing. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"......The amount of hope, genuine connection, and love that has been reintroduced into our marriage is unmeasurable. I'm leaving here with a lot of hope for my marriage and for our future. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"We as a couple were about 3 weeks out from D-Day......I almost didn't board the plane, but I chose to listen to God and go through with it. I am so thankful that I did. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I regret not coming here sooner.........the things I learned over these three days will absolutely allow me to be the man that my wife truly deserves. There's not a doubt in my mind that we will be better than we've ever been before as we progress through recovery."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"The curriculum was very eye-opening. It gave me a whole new outlook and understanding of forgiveness."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I did not know what to expect about EMS weekend prior to coming. i was so anxious and didn't know if others would truly understand.........I made friends for life with my group and am so excited to have them as support going forward."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"Seeing that people can heal and come out whole and better than they ever were before gives me confidence that I can too. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"For the first time in years my husband and I spent time alone and were able to laugh. I was able to see a glimpse of the man I fell in love with."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"This weekend was amazing. Prior to this I was really struggling to understand the recovery process and getting demoralized by what seemed like a lack of progress. Not only did this help give me peace and hope, it helped me develop more empathy for my wife. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"EMS provided hope for our marriage. Walls came down and we were able to become vulnerable to each other. "
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I experienced unwavering support from other women in the same situation that I believe is vital with my journey of self forgiveness. I feel extremely optimistic about my marriage and future coming out of this weekend."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I adore our group leaders. They inspire me and my husband and give us hope. This week was hard but I feel that the curriculum was excellent for developing empathy. I think my husband finally feels like I do get it. And maybe this could be a turning point for us! Thank you so much for this!"
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"This week's lesson on Relapse Prevention was extremely useful. Seemingly Unimportant Decisions putting me in High Risk situations is something that I've suffered from in the past but never had a term for it to identify. Now I'm more aware of these situations and my behaviors because of them."
- H.H., TX | HFH Participant
"The curriculum was absolutely difficult, but necessary. It was heart breaking to share and hear other's stories, but made me feel like my husband and I aren’t alone in our journey and pain. "
- C.C., WA | EMSO Participant
"This week for me, as the betrayed spouse, was as if someone came and removed 10lbs of bricks off of my back. Just know that my spouse is beginning to understand what this has been like for me, is a gift I'm so thankful for."
- E.A., MD | EMSO Participant
"I was excited for the EMS weekend because my wife and I were at the end of our own strategies. As the weekend progressed I found concrete ideas, tips, and plans on how to improve my marriage. I learned how to effectively and deeply communicate with my wife. I could also see some relief come to my wife which in turn relieved me. At the end of the weekend I was filled with hope. On Sunday night, my wife and I did our Marriage Affirmation and developed a plan on how we were going to implement the other ideas. I was excited about Monday because I had all of these new tools that I wanted to begin using. I am confident that our marriage will be saved and will actually be stronger than before the affair. My wife and I agreed that the cost of the seminar was the best money we have ever spent on our marriage. Thank you to everyone at AR for making me feel comfortable and not judging me in the least. You truly made the weekend a safe place for me to open up. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"When we first enrolled in [Virtual EMS], I was not looking forward to spending my weekend in session after session. However, as our own attempts at recovery were becoming more difficult and emotional outbursts became more frequent, I could not wait for the weekend to start.... Almost immediately, we both began to feel more at ease.... The weekend was structured in a way that helped us process the pain and then focus on the recovery. The small groups were extremely encouraging and while initially I was hesitant to share my experience, it quickly faded as we candidly shared our thoughts, experiences and feelings. After having gone through the [Virtual EMS Weekend], both my wife and I are optimistic about our recovery. Already, we can see a change in each other, which gives us so much hope. Thank you to Rick and the entire staff at AR! You have given us more hope and confidence than you can imagine."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I didn't know what to expect but I left the weekend feeling encouraged and optimistic about the future. We also felt empowered as this weekend provided tools and resources to help us through the next couple of weeks. Though we know the road will be long and hard we also know healing and reconciliation are possible."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I had no idea what to expect with EMS weekend but was desperate for some help. The information provided was phenomenal and it was presented in a classy, informative and educational manner while being sensitive to both [spouses]. I have great hope for our future marriage and look forward to implementing some of the marriage suggestions provided...."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"The exercises hit so close to home. This was another lesson that helped me further understand and take another step forward."
- R.A., PA | HFH Participant
"I enjoyed how well our Group Leader kept us all on track and encouraged us at the same time. Because of their willingness to lead us and this course I have hope in our future for the first time."
- T.B., MI | EMSO Participant
"Our group leader has been wonderful throughout this process. It was so comforting to know she knew what we were all feeling and experiencing. Overall, we are so grateful to have found A/R. We are already sharing with others what an incredible program this is. Our marriage and my mental and emotional well being were all in a desperate state when God led me to the A/R website. We feel blessed, hopeful and more healed. Maybe one day we can reach out and give back. It would feel good to help others and give them hope. We look forward to the MFL experience. God bless you all!"
- A., Guam | EMSO Participant
"My Group Leader has been consistently excellent and a large part of the value of this course for me. Having said that, this week’s lesson was also especially powerful and worthwhile. Also, just the fact of group work. I have always been a little skeptical about this. Now I begin to see how helpful, comforting and supportive it can be. Many thanks."
- S.S., Australia | HFH Participant
"Had I not found this solution I may not have able to save my marriage, let alone save myself. I am 67 and a sex addict. My addiction was discovered and, needless to say, destroyed my marriage. I needed help and a route to recovery that was sustainable and measurable. I needed to find a way to give my wife proof of my intentions and ability to recover along with tools to support her in the hope we could survive and rebuild. Hope for healing and AR in general is a faith based platform, but even as an atheist I was able to adapt the program to take real value from it. The road to recovery is hard, it hurts and it is long BUT if you are sincere in your commitment to change, if you value hope to save your marriage and if you give in to it’s proven methods you can heal, you can change and you can begin again. I was in a very dark place with little hope, but I 100% committed to be a better me and Affair Recovery made my journey real and I continue today, after the course has finished to connect weekly with my group, to help them and receive help. I wish you a better future than you may see today, but I urge you to take the steps to recovery."
- A., FL | HFH Participant
"I am grateful for our Group Leader's transparency, humility and leadership through this process as well as the curriculum. Both were a powerful combination in my healing journey and much needed. I will continue to use the tools and wish it were a little longer. I hope I can be a blessing to others in a similar fashion in my own faith walk. Thank you for this incredible work and I hope God blesses you more than any of you can ever imagine!"
- W.L., NY | HH Participant
"I was very nervous going into the weekend. I expected what had been a very painful journey up to this point to get even more painful. There were, in fact, numerous points of pain that rose to the surface....We had a lot of additional discussion that was not easy but was necessary. Overall, the weekend helped us move forward in our recovery. Hearing from Rick's years of wisdom and from our facilitator's keen insight into our particular situation was extremely helpful. Our journey is not over; we have hope for the future, and [Virtual EMS] reinforced this for us."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Not knowing how things would go for the 1st time, I left feeling really good and excited for the next 13 weeks. I felt very safe and could feel the empathy from our leaders through the phone."
- E.A., MD | EMSO Participant
"Hearing the group leader's story makes you feel even more comfortable."
- J.C., TX | EMSO Participant
"This was such an enlightening week of material. Made a huge difference. My reality didn’t change, but my perspective did and I feel so much better!"
- J., CO | EMSO Participant
"So grateful for this class and all the group leaders. Each week I grow more in understanding that God has my back no matter what. I thank God for Affair Recovery, you all do life changing work! God Bless You All!!"
- B., FL | HH Participant
"I just finished the Harboring Hope course. It was an encouragement to me to share the heartaches with other women that understand the deep pain you are going through. We all have things we are working on with God's help. Recognizing our insecurities and being vulnerable with each other helped to ease the burden I have felt after betrayal and now divorce. "
- J., WI | HH Participant
"Insightful material that was valuable to our group once again. Thank you!"
- B.K, IL | HFH Participant
"Hearing the stories from both spouses of other couples was transformational for my shame as the unfaithful spouse. The session was moderated very well. She’s a great example of empathy for me as well. 10/10!"
- M.C., GA | EMSO Participant
"Wonderful and very compassionate. What an amazing program to help us heal no matter what the outcome will be, we are in a great place! Thank you and God Bless You All!"
- B., FL | HH Participant
"I really look forward to our calls each week. Our group leader is wonderful in helping us feel comfortable, validated in our feelings and so encouraging. I’m really thankful for this course."
- S., CA | HH Participant
"I found the content for this week‘s chapter on letting go to be incredibly helpful. Understanding that letting go is a process instead of a “one time thing“ it makes it so much more manageable and achievable in my mind. This week’s call with my small group was also so helpful. The ladies brought up so many fantastic points that I hadn’t even thought of, which makes me feel that my recovery will be more thorough and complete than it would have been if I were trying to do this on my own or even individually with a therapist. Seeing the situation from so many different perspectives is amazing. And our group leader was again an outstanding facilitator. From her supportive posts on our small group wall to the insight and guidance she provides during our call, having her as our leader is a tremendous blessing."
- S., FL | HH Participant
"I was not sure what to expect. We had watched and shared different videos and content prior to the weekend. All of that content was useful. However, we weren't sure how that content all really fit together in a larger progressive scheme toward healing. The weekend put the pieces together in a fashion that filled in those gaps and helped us understand the processes behind what likely happened, and what progress toward healing and progress will really look like and mean. I'm not entirely sure how yet, but the weekend was transformative in that I feel different than I did going into it. Overall, I just feel 'better'. I was able to let some things go entirely, move some other things a bit more forward for myself. I am committed to the process of healing and hopeful about my marriage and my future."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I am hopeful for the future. We have a lot of work to do. My personal experience showed me that there are other issues that I need to deal with to get to the root of the problem and that there are solutions that are available to us. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"The AR website has been an incredibly helpful resource right from the moment we found it. We were unsure about doing [Virtual EMS Weekend] as it seemed like it would be difficult to connect virtually. This was not the case. Rick's lectures were great and despite some minor technical issues..it was really easy to follow him.....Rick looked straight into the camera and could see the virtual group....I felt that it was easy to connect in this small group setting... I feel very hopeful about having a great and better marriage with my husband..."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"After my wife asked if I would be willing to participate, I was very reluctant about the entire weekend. The unknown is always an issue for me. After the first small group session...I was "all in." I was able, not forced, to fully disclose my infidelity to my wife, this was extremely difficult, although it gave both of us a little bit of closure, and put us on the right path to recovery. All of the sessions, both small and large group sessions filled me with the confidence to do what is right, for my wife, myself, and ultimately our marriage. I thank my wife and the [Virtual EMS] crew for changing me forever. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I came in without expectations. I came in fully believing I wasn't completely wrong in my actions. I left the weekend fully understanding my problem and the root of the cause, all while finding empathy for my husband and the distress I caused him. I am feeling so hopeful for the future of my marriage. I finally feel like we are on the same page and can continue to grow, stronger than before. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Wasn't sure what to expect from this but had fully anticipated it only being another slightly helpful recovery step. I experienced a fully engaged team and a great group of people. It was a life changing experience for both my wife and I..."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Our group leader is particularly strong. He connects so well with the group and is both compassionate while making it light hearted at times. I also am very impressed by the videos. There is so much that I find of value, lightbulb moments that resonate with me."
- A.D., MA | HFH Participant
"This has been the only counseling we have done that my partner (wayward) was invested in. I was so hopeful but also very nervous. I really didn't think I'd be able to open up as much as I did with people I had never met before, yet 3 days later we are already keeping in touch because we miss everyone so much. This is proof that God is at work! You gain confidence, peace, clarity, hope, and lifelong friends."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"[Virtual EMS] was the oasis in the desert that we have been needing. We experienced an impressive structured program that provided knowledge, guidance and a healthy, compassionate approach that has planted the seed for healing our hearts, correcting our behaviors and hope for our future to be better than ever."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I am so glad that I did the Harboring Hope course. My mentor was amazing and all the ladies were so courageous. It was great to know that I am not alone and I am not going crazy. I learned that I will be okay no matter what the future holds. Recovery is about taking baby steps and I am glad that I am a lot of steps further than I was before taking this course. I can definitely see a bright future ahead of me."
- J., South Africa | HH Participant
"The material is always so good! It's a lot to take in and will only be as effective as the quality of time and concentration that you give it. I'm finding that I go back and re-read many parts of chapters that we've already covered. I so appreciate our group, our leaders, and each chapter we cover. I really don't want this to end! Looking forward to Married For Life"
- J.M., VA | EMSO Participant
"I was very apprehensive about the [Virtual EMS Weekend] because the discovery was still very new (6 weeks ago). The weekend was extremely hard but also very helpful because we could be open and authentic with those in our group which helped to alleviate loneliness and isolation....Although parts of the weekend are extremely painful, those moments of shared pain brought us closer together because we were both safe to express our feelings in a supportive environment."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"The curriculum for this week was great. I had alot of realizations from this week & the material helped me to gain those along with the video. I gained some great techniques to use when I feel angry which I haven't had to use yet but will keep at the forefront of my mind. Thank you!"
- J., Texas | EMSO Participant
"The curriculum for this week was great. I had alot of realizations from this week & the material helped me to gain those along with the video. I gained some great techniques to use when I feel angry which I haven't had to use yet but will keep at the forefront of my mind. Thank you!"
- J., Texas | EMSO Participant
"The material for week 4 was great. It really helped provide me with tools I can utilize & I honestly feel like even after completing this course I will refer back to the tools in the book because so many of them can be utilized in life even unrelated to affairs or betrayal. Our group leader is awesome! He gives great tools & builds on what the current week's material is about based on his own experiences & reiterates the current weeks material. He gives off a great energy & true empathy. Thank you so much AR team."
- J., Texas | EMSO Participant
"I am impressed by the empathy and professionalism. These men are sharing their warts. You fostered a safe environment, empathized effectively yet held us accountable with realistic expectations. Thank you."
- C., California | HFH Participant
"Thank you for all the gentle and loving encouragement. It’s hard and scary for me to express vulnerability but the leaders are always so supportive and understanding, and willing to share their journeys so openly."
- J., Texas | HFH Participant
"Our Group Leader does an excellent job managing the group and getting everybody to speak and open out. These sessions have been excellent for me in gaining new tools to help me deal with various aspects of empathy, humility and learning to be vulnerable."
- J.J., CA | EMSO Participant
"So far so good. [Group Leader] is welcoming and empathetic. He shared some ugly truths about himself and some of the highlights in his life that came after. His instruction and mannerism demonstrate that life can move on. I need to hear that."
- C, California | HFH Participant
"This was out final week with our Sherpa [Group Leader]. He was so gentle and kind over the past 13 weeks. We were fortunate to have him guide us. Now onto our self guided portion. We feel well prepared because of [his] leadership. "
- Z., Georgia | EMSO Participant
"Types of Affairs was a very informative, insightful topic. Difficult info but valuable for the long haul. Our leader beautifully navigates an engaged, talkative 😉 group. Very warm and inclusive. Time goes too fast and I look forward to each week - pretty amazing considering the awful topic. "
- N.P., FL | HH Participant
"What an incredible exercise. It was so healing to be seen first by the material/videos, and then even more importantly by my husband."
- C.W., CO | EMSO Participant
"Love the transparency of the group and the hope and encouragement that is being shared."
- C.H., TX | HFH Participant
"I completed Harboring Hope to pursue healing after discovering my husband had been repeatedly sexually unfaithful before, during and after my first pregnancy. The course helped normalize what I was feeling (sadness, numbness, anger) and helped point to a way forward. It emphasized my healing, regardless of the decision I make about my marriage. The course content was encouraging, as was connecting with other women going through similar things. I appreciate that Affair Recovery only chooses facilitators who have experienced infidelity. My facilitator's oft repeated quote "If a perfect marriage were required to prevent infidelity, everyone would be doomed" took away some of the remaining self-blame. I can be responsible for how I show up in relationship, but I am NOT responsible for my mate's infidelity. I highly recommend this course, whether you recently discovered your mate's infidelity or whether you've been on this journey a while."
- A,. Iowa | HH Participant
"My Group Leader and these ladies make my week a little brighter, make me breathe a bit lighter and make me have a glimmer of hope."
- M.M., WI | HH Participant
"It was a year an a half after D day that I found the Harboring Hope course. Before that I tried everything, therapy, meditation and reading copious amounts of books. They all helped, but the group of guys all in the same boat as me with the beautifully crafted course material was what really has launched me from surviving to thriving. I feel like I got my life back and am feeling heard, seen and supported. Thank you very much for this beautiful gift to us betrayed men."
- R., South Carolina | HH Participant
"I believe the curriculum was a necessary component to help me get outside of just thinking about me, to considering the impact of my behavior on my husband and others. I appreciate our group leader leading us through this process."
- C., IL | HFH Participant
"It's getting to the point where I NEED to be with these guys and our group leader. I'm at peace amongst a group of people wanting to be better people. When I hang up, I'm back to my life where every moment is a struggle and I have to face the guilt and shame from my community of friends."
- B. Idaho | HFH Participant
"I thoroughly enjoy our weekly calls. They are encouraging, upbuilding yet there is correction when needed. And yes, I need it at times. Thank you [to my Group Leader] and AR care team."
- J. Maine | HFH Participant
"The opportunity this group has given me is such a ray of light during the most challenging time in my life. Thank you AR!"
- B.E., TX | HH Participant
"Taking this class has been the most difficult and wonderful thing I've ever done for my own personal growth and self-discovery. I have a long way to go on this journey but I feel that I have dug deep and found many areas of my life that have been in great need of change. I am hopeful for my future self to be at least much better if not the best version of me I can be! I couldn't have asked for a better group leader, she is spot on with her delivery of affirmation and guidance, she has a wonderful gift of communicating with just her voice that gives a sense of heart felt listening and understanding. I have felt cared for and supported by my group of ladies as well. We plan to stay in touch. So grateful and blessed! Thank You to all who are a part of making this program available to us, Blessings!"
- M., Indiana | HFH Participant
"This week’s lesson was about how to find meaning in our suffering. This journey through the pain of infidelity has resulted in a healthier perspective of my persevering through the trials of my life. God has used this experience to show me how I could be in the present moment even with all its imperfection."
- R. North Carolina | HH Participant
"Again, it was great to be able to look at myself and what got in the way to cause this whole mess. It was great to learn that brokenness is not a bad thing, and actually is a state of being that is healthy to live in. Helped me immensely."
- B. Idaho | HFH Participant
"This course has been instrumental in my coming to the point that I could let go of the past hurt and let God be in control of the situation. Taking EMS Online laid a great foundation before taking Harboring Hope. It was such a blessing to have participated in this course with Rachel as the leader and the six women who were in the group. There is no doubt that God put this wonderful group of ladies together at the right time in our lives!"
- R. North Carolina | HH Participant
"I went into [Virtual EMS] hoping to find a path forward. We've been stuck in my husband's ambivalent state since D-Day 6 months ago. I wanted to know how I can move forward in my own healing...I'm feeling more hopeful moving forward. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I was not sure what to expect coming into the weekend especially that we were not able to be there physically and had to attend virtually. I was absolutely blown away by the entire weekend. Rick is amazing and has a way of explaining things to really hit home. I hung onto every word. I feel extremely hopeful for our marriage, and I can honestly say a few of the exercises that my husband did as the unfaithful spouse really helped me heal in a way that we were not capable of doing on our own. We connected on another level that I was praying for but I thought he just didn't "get" my pain. Well, he did, he just needed a way to be able to express it to me that I would be able to receive it. I also felt like I could finally let my guard down and stop pretending normal for once. I felt so safe with our group to be able to do so. I now can say my husband is not the only one with hope for our marriage. Thank you so much Rick and the entire Affair Recovery staff for being present, and most importantly, open and honest with us."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"Curriculum does a great job of focusing on taking responsibility week after week without shaming. Our leader always does a great job guiding us through discussion without judgement!"
- M., Texas | HFH Participant
"It really helps to have a group leader that has gone through the pain of infidelity. A leader that hadn't just wouldn't be the same."
- T., Ohio | HH Participant
"I was so unsure when I clicked the 'buy' button on Harboring Hope. I was anxious, scared and also worried that I was spending money I might need. However, I can honestly say it was the best decision I made. Harboring Hope has been a lifeline when my ship was wrecked and I thought I would drown. I never thought I would be able to laugh again, but I have been able to do just that. I truly believe that the HH course has been the difference to me still being here today to tell my story. Thank you. "
- A., United Kingdom | HH Participant
"I just completed Harboring Hope. I am currently in the process of recovering from my husband’s year long physical affair with a coworker. It has been challenging but also quite a growth experience. I wish I had known before taking the class how much I would look forward to the weekly calls and the relationships that have been built. Our leader was kind, encouraging, and incredibly supportive. I would highly recommend anyone going through this awful experience to seek out the support of this group experience."
- G., VA | HH Participant
"Great call, great course, and great host. We learned a lot and made some new friends for life. Great people. Together I believe we can help each other get over the mountain to a blissful life together. Thank you!!"
- E.M., VA | EMSO Participant
"I just can't say enough good things about both the curriculum and my group leader. It has been just such a refreshing cool drink of water with Leslie and John's workbook and video series. Finally, an approach for betrayed spouses that doesn't do more harm via a therapist.. They are truly insightful and responsible with the brokenhearted. My group leader is such a blessing. She has taken her brokenness and used it as a healing balm for the women in our group."
- K.J., WA | HH Participant
"This is one of the richest curriculums in the EMSO program. As the unfaithful, you can imagine how grateful I am about forgiveness. What also struck me is the fact that I also hold resentment towards others and I need to forgive the people in order to let go of the resentments. Thank you Rick for a rich curriculum. Our group leader was also fantastic!"
- F.W., UK | EMSO Participant
"Our Group Leader was an excellent leader. She always made me feel relaxed, reassured & hopeful. Yet she expressed how much she understood and didn’t sugarcoat. Thank you to her & thank you AR - & Leslie & John for this program. It is a life changer."
- A.R., IA | HH Participant
"As usual, it is EXCELLENT!! It is the highlight of my week!! Our leader is so faithful to write on our wall with words of encouragement. Bringing us together as a sisterhood, helping us share our burdens. Working through our journey. The curriculum is top notch!! I have been searching for this exact balance of "no judgement" zone.. stay or don't stay.. but heal.. This is the only place that I have found it.. 4 counselors and dozens of books and 20 years!!! Thank you God for my Group Leader, Leslie and John!"
- K.J., WA | HH Participant
"Always excellent. I look forward to each week. The curriculum is both tough and gentle, if that makes any sense. It is so valuable! This class has afforded me the comradery that I have so needed for decades, that even my dearest of lifelong friends have not been able to give to me. It is just the shared pain that this sisterhood brings that allows us to not bring judgement, but rather a healing balm for each other. Our leader is so prepared every week, she is awesome! The pain that she personally suffered from the personal betrayal in her own life has not been wasted. She brings such wisdom and comfort to each one of us. I know we are all so grateful for her! She is just terrific! "
- K.J., WA | HH Participant
"I LOVE this group. When I’m talking with these ladies it’s the most normal I’ve felt since D-Day."
- K.J., TX | HH Participant
"I was nervous about how helpful this would be. I was hopeful but cautious....I do appreciate the guidance for the betrayed on how we can become the best version of ourselves through our greatest pain. We do not like the ugly side of us through this and you helped guide us in a gentle and compassionate manner with practical advice. [Virtual EMS Weekend] was life changing…"
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I didn't know what to expect. When my wife told me about [Virtual EMS Weekend] I was unsettled...What I didn't expect was this event did more to pull me out of the pit and give me hope...Besides all that, the connection we made with the other couples was probably the biggest bonus I never expected. Keep in mind I'm that guy that thought he could fix everything himself and without God's help. By the end of day 1 it was very clear I couldn't, and by then our new friends were a Godsend and they gave me support I absolutely needed. Long story a little longer...This was the beginning of the rest of our life. "
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"I find that the curriculum is really spot on. We are only in the first chapter, but already it is getting into issues that I have been trying to get counselors to address for years, but they just don’t seem to have any understanding of the trauma of betrayal."
- D.H., NC | HH Participant
"I have been so grateful for this group during this dark time in my life. I am truly grateful for AR's resources, Leslie & John, and my particular group. Thank you and thank you again. I am so so grateful!"
- A.K., CA | HH Participant
"We've enjoyed AR so much - and it has given us so many helpful tools to use on this long journey of recovery! It gives us hope that even after an affair not all is lost."
- S.S., OR | EMSO Participant
"I did the EMS online course. I have been married for 22 years and most of that duration my Husband has been involved in some sort of infidelity; be it porn, massage parlors, meeting other women, then an affair. My husband found Affair Recovery in his search for healing. He did another course and really wanted to do a couple's course. I was very doubtful to begin with. Over the 13 weeks of this course I have had many highs and lows but with that has come growth and change. I have come to see that my husband is capable of change and can love me in ways I was not capable of seeing. I have learned how to let my guard down and allow God to work in our lives and marriage. The changes we have made in our daily lives are: communication is open and honest, time spent is quality time together, we go to bed nearly every night together, we do pillow talk, hold each other, bless each other goodnight, we are aware of what the other has on during the day, we listen with not just our ears but our hearts too. We are choosing our marriage and turning to God. No matter what happens I know God loves us both and all things are possible to those who love and trust in our Lord and Savior. "
- C. Australia | EMSO Participant
"This week's work was incredibly helpful. I had a breakthrough in letting go of my husband's healing. Thank you!"
- B.H., IN | HH Participant
"I appreciate the Group Leader and the curriculum. Both help me understand the trauma I am experiencing. I'm thankful too for the strong, beautiful women in my support group."
- M.R., HI | HH Participant
"We had a wonderful group leader, always kind and validating. My group was wonderful. I am praying for the beautiful recovery sisters as they continue their journey of healing. The curriculum was very helpful. I am encouraged to know how much that God loves me and He will help me as I lean into Him. I want to come to complete forgiveness of my husband and all the women he had sexual encounters with in God’s time. I have learned that I need to grieve well and that forgiveness is not cheap. It is costly to my soul and God is greater than any evil power that wishes me harm. God is able. I can trust Him. Thank you for this course and for continued access to the library. It has been very helpful in my healing journey. Many blessings."
- M.B., IN | HH Participant
"Our Group Leader was an absolutely outstanding leader for our group - always so sensitive, caring, and understanding of everything that we discussed. I will really miss this as we move forward with our small group. The curriculum was so amazing and eye opening. Even though I have a long road ahead in my recovery, I have learned so much through this program and I plan to constantly refer back to the book as I am healing. In fact, my spouse (who is taking their own AR course) and I plan to go through both our books together as part of OUR recovery. Thank you so much for this excellent program. We desperately needed it and are so thankful that we were led to Affair Recovery."
- J.B., OR | HH Participant
"I started Harboring Hope because of my spouse's infidelity. During the course, I learned: 1) How my affair had hurt my spouse. How I wished we had gotten help for our marriage. 2) How the things I was feeling were normal. 3 ) It was sad/good to have others dealing with the same thing at the same time. 4) That you can’t just expect it — pain, thoughts, anger and bitterness — to go away. 5) That counseling is a good thing. 6) Last, but really should be first, God’s plan may not be what I want."
- C., California | HH Participant
"The Harboring Hope course was very beneficial to me, and it helped me to understand how I was feeling. I looked forward to my weekly chats with the people in my class and being able to have a forum where I was free to share. There were times during the course that the other women shared about their husbands doing the work and being supportive … I think my own recovery from my husband’s betrayal would be easier if he was involved and didn’t make fun of me for turning to strangers for help. After 35 years of marriage, I am at a crossroads and have a decision to make, which is something that I don’t want to do. But I do know that I will be OK, a little banged up and bruised but I will be OK, especially knowing that the tools the course has given me will help me to overcome my husband’s betrayal. Thank you for your ministry; I watch the videos and am learning slowly that this is not my fault. "
- O., California | HH Participant
"Both the rich and material and the videos are very helpful. When paired with the follow-up questions and our small group, they lead to greater understanding of the process. I can say in earnest that the 7-day boot camp, the materials on the website, and Harboring Hope are helping me. The greatest help though is the support you're providing to my husband. He is making himself vulnerable and accessible and honest in a way that I've never seen before. I thank God for your work and want to get the message out to so many people about the support you provide."
- B. IN | HH Participant
"This class really did help me in finding hope. I learned to manage my extreme anger. Our group leader advised and reminded me to journal my thoughts and I was amazed at how helpful that was. Somehow she also got into my head because I always had the problem of being uncomfortable when going places with my husband, and how he would always double take or be gazing at other women. After this class, I am more comfortable and not really worried about that!! WOW!!! I haven't even looked at my husbands call logs in a few months! I am working on keeping myself healthy and I learned so much. My life is better and I came away with a lot of tools to help me heal! Thank you to my group leader and Harboring Hope. I totally recommend this to anyone going through betrayal."
- M. TX | HH Participant
"So impactful taking Harboring Hope! The lessons in there should be taught overall. Well worth the time and another step to healing. Thank you!!!!"
- I., Colorado | HH Participant
"I just completed the EMSO course with my betrayed husband. For me, the course helped me deal with baggage I brought into my marriage — some of it I was aware of, some was unknown. This course requires that you are honest with yourself, even when it hurts and you REALLY don't want to. The time frame differs each week. Some weeks, there are five hours of video if you choose to watch the extra material too. And then, there are readings and questions to answer. You connect with the group and can mirror your own experiences and feelings in them. Rick and Hope-Now has taught me so many things about myself I never would have figured out on my own. I have hope for the future now."
- C., Denmark | EMSO Participant
"Our leader was absolutely amazing. I loved this program. It was life changing. Thank you!"
- E.C., CA | HFH Participant
"[Virtual EMS Weekend] made me feel so hopeful! Even as the online group, I still felt we were getting all of the same valuable information as if we were attending physically in Texas. I also received a road map for recovery and how to prevent relapse. It was also really nice to feel not alone in this very dark journey....I know it's going to be a lot of work, but I feel like I received the necessary tools for success."
- Virtual | EMSW Participant
"This has been the best experience on my journey to recovery. I had almost completely lost my faith and hope but my group has helped me find it again. Thank you!!!"
- E.B., WA | HH Participant
"Sad that next week is our final session. So grateful for this group, participants, and our leader. Presently appreciating the comfort I am finding and courage to break isolation and address loneliness."
- C.W., CA | HH Participant
"I discovered my husband’s infidelity and porn addiction 15 years into our marriage. It felt like the ground was removed from under my feet. My whole perception of reality was taken from me. I felt broken, lost and honestly didn't have much hope for ever feeling "normal" again. I heard about Affair Recovery through a friend who had gone through infidelity and sexual addiction in her marriage. After two more discoveries and my husband signing up for Hope for Healing, I signed up for Harboring Hope. Like most women who join the betrayed spouse side of things, I started out hurt and upset that I was forced into a healing I never asked for. Right from the first chapter, I found language for what I was going through. Not only was I suddenly not so alone, but I also had people who understood the absolute train wreck of emotions I was feeling. Every chapter, though painful, offered me a choice: to heal or to stay put. I'll admit, I have a long way to go, but every week brought truth and clarity to me. In a time when everything feels about as clear as mud, Harboring Hope really helped me find some stable ground again."
- M., Canada | HH Participant
"I just finished EMS Online a few days ago and those 13 weeks ran so fast. It would have been impossible for me to move forward if it weren’t for Affair Recovery’s help. I truly think that God was taking care of me when I started to look for the right help on the web. I come from a family in which divorces and infidelity were common practice. They were not perceived as good things, but they were certainly natural. I grew up learning that attachment was a risk rather than a benefit. I truly thought that loving someone just meant to be together and provide support and company. After 30 years of marriage, my usual infidelities throughout my marriage started to haunt me. All of the lies that come along with a double life started to block my capacity to freely talk about me, my life and my problems. The marriage had fallen apart. And then, because of my nonattachment conduct, I decided it was time to divorce, which had been in my plans for many years. Only then did I decide to tell my wife about my infidelity, as a gift for her, so she would understand why I have failed and not feel bad about her part in our marriage. God was certainly there with us that day because instead of divorcing, we started this journey of understanding and working toward another opportunity for us and our many kids. I wish we would have gone through EMS Online before we got married. We would have avoided so much pain and used so much of the time we have already wasted. We learned how to communicate with deepness, about empathy and unconditional love, how to manage anger and triggers, and how much hope there is when you are honest and committed to each other. Your course should be mandatory for couples before they get married, and it is a blessing for those, like myself, that were in desperate need of help. Thank you, God, for putting Affair Recovery on my path."
- R., Argentina | EMSO Participant
"My husband and I just finished EMS Online. D-Day was last December, and ever since then we have started our journey of healing with the help of Affair Recovery — first with the seven-day bootcamp and later with EMSO. I was not sure I wanted to try EMSO because I could not imagine sharing the most painful thing that ever happened to me with complete strangers, when I find it impossible to talk about our story with anyone except our counselor. I am so thankful that my husband convinced me to give EMSO a try. I can honestly say that we are already in a much better place now than we were 13 weeks ago, and that the people who were strangers at the beginning have now become essential to us in our healing. I am happy to say that we have all decided to continue with the Married for Life program. EMSO is amazing; it helped us get through the first incredibly painful weeks after learning about the infidelity. We both learned valuable lessons about love, communication, marriage and how to deal with the trauma of infidelity. We learned lessons that are essential for healthy relationships (not only marriage), which we know will be helpful to our individual recovery. I would definitely recommend both Affair Recovery courses to others. We found an incredible amount of hope in the mentor videos. Just seeing how others who have already walked this path share that the pain and hard work are worth it, and that we can find a much better marriage on the other side, encouraged us the past few months. "
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"Great conversation today! Week 2 - and it feels like I learned more about the group participants, we are so much more than our painful stories."
- C.C., Canada | HH Participant
"I am so extremely sad that our course is over. I learned much more than I ever expected and I have grown more than I ever expected. Our group leader was nothing short of amazing!! So funny, so real, so empathic and loving. I will miss her tremendously. Our mentor will be an amazing leader. She was a wealth of information and inspiration!! I am really going to miss my group."
- L. Illinois | HH Participant
"I wanted to sleep on it to make sure I wasn’t writing this testimonial from a place of euphoria. While I’m certainly still under some sense of riding the high of a breakthrough, the emotion I feel most is relief. I realized during EMS Weekend that I have been feeling such solitude, even though my wife was constantly listening and reminding me that she’s next to me and with me. In an effort to show her how deeply she had hurt me, I kept reliving pain and trying to share that with her. All I was doing was making myself sad and more lonely. Seeing the faces of others that had been through this fire, both participants and staff, started to make me feel human connection again. Meeting other men that had been betrayed made me feel manly again. And staring into my wife’s eyes as she detailed to me what infidelity cost us and how sorrowful she was, it lifted what seemed like an immovable weight off of me. I understood I no longer had to prove my pain to her. I slept through the night for the first time in six weeks. The entire program was a launchpad for me, for us. It freed a crushing weight from me and showed us a path forward that didn’t assume a predestined destination but, rather, a goal. I know we are at the beginning, but there is hope and relief and connection where there wasn’t just days ago. We can’t thank you enough, Affair Recovery. "
- -M., TX | EMSW Participant
"Since my now ex-husband told me about his infidelity and left, the decision to complete Harboring Hope has been one of the best ones I have made. While I embarked on the journey of recovery hand in hand with God and a few trusted friends, I knew I would definitely benefit from people who have walked this painful path before me. What convinced me that Affair Recovery was the right choice is the fact that they are a Christian, Christ-centred ministry of trained people who have walked through the pain of betrayal themselves and come out on the other side successfully. I have loved every single session of HH. It has really helped me to understand better why the affair happened in the first place and why it's not my fault. Because I needed to answer the sometimes difficult questions in the workbook, it also encouraged me to journal and walk through the grief and pain with God rather than avoid it. It was also fantastic to be able to talk at the small group and know that I am not alone on the path of recovery. Finally, I absolutely loved that the whole course was filled with so much hope and encouraged me to trust in God and keep Him at the center of my healing journey. Likewise, I found the topics very relevant and helpful. Last but not least, I found it very easy to complete the course from outside of the United States and connect with my small group based in the U.S. Thank you so much for the amazing work you are doing at Affair Recovery, I am so grateful!"
- J., United Kingdom | HH Participant
"I have “enjoyed” this course immensely. It has taught me so much about myself, my relationship with my husband, and life with him. Many, many thanks to Affair Recovery for this wonderful course!"
- S.F., MD | EMSO Participant
"We loved our group leaders. They were caring, knowledgeable, supportive and everything we could have asked for in a mentor during a difficult passage in our lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
- S.K., IL | EMSO Participant
"As hard as some of the topics have been, it has helped us tremendously and is worth all the effort, emotionally and physically. Our Group Leaders have been awesome and inspiring. It’s good to put 13 weeks behind us and move forward. Thanks for being there and praying for us!"
- M.D., CO | EMSO Participant
"I was shocked. I was hesitant that I would be allowed in a group because everywhere I have turned thus far has basically said "figure it out," "tough it out." etc. and not been able to really help me actually do those things."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"The curriculum was invaluable. It changed me in so many different ways. It is helping me help my wife heal and recover. And it revived & rescued our marriage. Our group leader was exceptional in so many ways. Our mentors enriched the course and my life, immeasurably. "
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"I just completed the Harboring Hope program. My husband was unfaithful to me emotionally, physically and sexually with a co-worker. What I wished I would’ve known is that forgiveness and reconciliation are two different things. People who refuse to forgive can never live their own lives, they are too busy obsessing about the life of the one who hurt them. They are stuck. They are unable to enjoy friends, family or even their children. They imprison themselves in a bondage of their own making. I definitely recommend the Harboring Hope program as a support for healing. To be in a safe community with other women who know what you’re going through and how you’re feeling is comforting. Whether you’re able to reconcile or not, there is hope. The program provides a lot of supportive articles and videos, which I have watched and found encouragement in to help with understanding and healing my pain."
- M., Michigan | HH Participant
"The sooner after D-Day you can become involved in Affair Recovery, the better. I completed EMS Weekend, Hope For Healing and am currently in Married for Life. I went from not being welcome in my own home to sharing a bed with my wife once again — much sooner than I expected. EMS Online helped us to communicate effectively, and Hope for Healing really helped me understand the issues I have with myself. Meeting strangers that are in the exact same situation as you is so helpful. They become your friends and confidants."
- E., Pennsylvania | HFH Participant
"In June 2019, my husband of 40 years told me that he’d been having an affair. He also admitted that he became addicted to watching pornography during his affair. After much soul-searching on both of our parts, we decided to attempt to save our marriage. We saw a marriage counselor and individual counselors. In many ways, our marriage became better than ever, but I still had so much hurt. That’s when I began to look online for support groups and found Harboring Hope. Harboring Hope is appropriately named because that’s exactly what the course did for me — it gave me hope, hope that I could heal and hope that our marriage could survive and even thrive. Although the course is written from a religious viewpoint, it’s easily applicable to anyone. A few of us were working on our marriages, and two women were healing on their own. Our group leader had experienced betrayal, a divorce and then a reconciliation, so she was definitely able to relate to all of us. I would definitely recommend Harboring Hope to any betrayed spouse who is looking for healing. It's wonderful to be with a group of people who understand your pain and are all striving to heal."
- D., Iowa | HH Participant
"In the fall of 2019, Brad and I were celebrating our 24th wedding anniversary. Shortly after, Brad began a five-month emotional affair with his stepsister. When I discovered what he was doing, I was ruined. I died inside. I never was going to recover from this. I moved out because I needed time to get better and heal. The morning after I left, Brad sent a link from Affair Recovery. Later that night, we watched our first video together. We realized there were reasons for our pain and other people experienced it too. We heard words such as “triggers” and “flooding” for the first time, and I knew what was happening to me was a real thing. As we neared the end of the First Steps Bootcamp, we talked about EMS Online. We didn’t know whether we should do it or could afford it. We are both self-employed and were affected by COVID-19 financially. Thankfully, we applied for a scholarship and were accepted. As we watched more videos, we started to mend in a healthy way. At first, EMSO was overwhelming. It was also very intense and in-depth. We were comfortable with our team leader and our group. I have learned so much from this course. I would highly recommend couples seek help from Affair Recovery and all the courses it has to offer. Every day, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and that light is still getting brighter for us. We could not have recovered without Affair Recovery and EMSO. "
- Jenny, Michigan | EMSO Participant
"So grateful for this course, it’s honestly beginning to completely turn my life upside down, in the best of ways possible! Thank you!!"
- L. OR | HFH Participant
"Harboring Hope has been the wisest choice I've made since learning about my husband's affairs and addiction. For over six months, I tried doing it on my own. I wish I hadn't let my shame and brokenness keep me away because WOW! The Harboring Hope group was exactly what my soul needed: to be validated; a safe place to tell my story, to cry and, yes, to laugh; and know I wasn't alone. My story isn't over and yours isn't either. Join a Harboring Hope group and find hope and love!"
- D., Michigan | HH Participant
"My Hope for Healing class with Affair Recovery was an important factor in allowing me to understand both why I had my affair and how to recover my marriage. The step-by-step lessons and our weekly group conversations provided valuable tools to help me deal with the emotional damage that an affair can cause."
- D., Colorado | HFH Participant
"I have looked forward to meeting with our group each week. It has been an oasis in my wilderness. The material in the course has been so helpful. I have learned so much. It has been life changing. The road ahead for me does look long but I feel much better equipped and I do have hope. Thank you."
- P.H./Canada | HH Participant
"My husband has cheated off and on for 25 years of our marriage and recently admitted as much. This course helped to level my bad temper, raging anger and other emotions a betrayed goes through. It got me to slow down and consider all my options before using a knee-jerk reaction. I would recommend Harboring Hope to anyone who is lost looking for hope. You will come away with the strength to do what will be right for you!"
- L., Texas | HH Participant
"Affair Recovery played a significant role in my healing process. My experience throughout the 13 weeks of Harboring Hope was great. I looked forward to my meeting every Sunday. My group leader was such a phenomenal, wonderful lady. I got so much out of this course. I didn’t know that at the end of the program, total strangers would become my confidants and sisters — this was a welcome surprise. Thank you, Affair Recovery, for putting this program together. It’s done miracles for me. I learned that my pain is real, that I am not crazy, I will be alright eventually, and that I can heal alone … I can tell you that healing is possible, but the process takes time and effort. I am committed to the process, despite its ups and downs, until I achieve my goals."
- J., Nigeria | HH Participant
"Our Group Leaders both facilitated and contributed to this week’s session in a very impactful and empathetic way. The letters read by all participants were insightful. I can see the work that is being done! So glad our friend signed us up for this. I was “ugh” at first but now I’m thankful!"
- L.D., IL | EMSO Participant
"I joined Harboring Hope after applying for a bursary and was amazed to get one, and thankful to God/universe for making it happen, as it was so needed ... I had to retell my story, which is always the hardest part, but after getting through that, getting the motion going and getting to know the ladies in the group and our Group Leader — whom we all grew to love as we saw her as our Mommy Bear — I was always cheered on and motivated along this journey every step of the way. I gained so much respect for each lady in the group and their stories that brought them here ... It's nice knowing that there are others out there going through the same battle as us, and that we are not alone. "
- L. South Africa | HH Participant
"I would like to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your ministry and the materials you have provided as part of EMSO and Married for Life. We, all five couples that started EMSO, have just completed the Married for Life 52-week course. We are now deciding what to study next as a group, as we so value the relationship we have together as couples. With God, with your materials and with each other, we have saved our marriages. I don't know how often all five couples survive intact 18 months after starting the EMSO course, but we are all very thankful. We are talking about attending a marriage conference in the future, where we all attend in-person together. I am hopeful that all five couples will have long marriages with the work we have put in. "
- B. Minnesota | EMSO Participant
"My husband and I just finished the EMSO course. I am the unfaithful wife and decided to suggest the course six months post D-Day. I was desperate and lost. My husband agreed to the course. I am so glad he did. This course taught me so much. It was so helpful in understanding how important communication and empathy are in this type of situation. The weeks that deal with the unfaithful spouses practicing empathy and learning how to really understand how their betrayed spouse might be feeling were especially helpful. The other couples on the weekly phone calls were extremely important in our healing. It’s incredible how connecting with other couples who are going through a similar hell that you’re going through is so pivotal in this journey. I remember in our early days after D-Day feeling SO HOPELESS. I would log in to Affair Recovery and read the EMSO reviews over and over again. It gave me hope in those absolutely heart-crushing days. Please really consider taking the EMSO course. I was scared when the course began, but you become so close to these other couples and it gets to where you look forward to those weekly phone calls. My husband and I are doing so much better just since these last 13 weeks have ended. I am so thankful for Affair Recovery. "
- L. Alabama | EMSO Participant
"It's nice to hear others who are going through what you are - and how they are handling it."
- BB, TX | EMSO Participant
"The personal stories help the process. It’s necessary for healing."
- RC, CA | EMSO Participant
"I'm a betrayed man married to my spouse for 15 years. After learning of my wife's affair, I was totally incapacitated, shattered pieces on the ground. I was determined to survive but without any belief that recovery was possible. Today, I am nearly one year out from D-Day and can say with certainty we wouldn't be here without EMSO — it was invaluable. The resources gave me something to hold on to when I found myself "swimming underwater in the dark." Infidelity involves both trauma and death for the betrayed. Surviving and healing the trauma is necessary in order to grieve the death of yourself, and then comes the hard work of reestablishing a loving bond with the "tiger that mauled you." It requires a ton of courage, tenacity and endurance, but it's worth it. Hang in there people, you can get bitter or get better. This is an opportunity to transform your life into the one you've always wanted. Affair Recovery WILL help you get there. "
- D.B. | EMSO Participant
"We completed our 13-week study this evening. I must say that our group leader was wonderful and our mentor was great. I got so much out of this course and began on Week 1 thinking it would be a waste of time. Thanks to AR for putting this program together. It has done wonders for me and our marriage....and our lives! God Bless."
- J, TX | EMSO Participant
"As this was our last group session we were sad but know how much we have gained in our recovery process. Our group leader and mentor were fabulous. Our group is continuing on in Married for Life. Thank you for saving our marriage."
- D. TX | EMSO Participant
"Our group leader continues to educate and heal herself, while encouraging and inspiring us all the way. I’m truly grateful for Affair Recovery. I found this site quite a while ago, so I’m not new to this journey and your beautiful group of people who validate me with the blogs, writings, personal stories, and general understanding of so much. Continue the good work. I know this site has saved so many people trying to hang on. I have known from day one that I needed the support from people like me, and should have reached out sooner. But at the same time I feel like I drug my feet to be part of this beautiful group of women that I landed with. I’m sorry this is our last week and am hoping that we all move forward together. "
- K. NJ | HH Participant
"I'm surprised every time I study the week's material - about how deep and strategically placed it is among all the issues that need to be processed."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Really valuable information about Forgiveness. I gained more clarity about what Forgiveness really means and the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I am a 32 year old newlywed who never expected to end up here. My husband began his affair with his ex-girlfriend just 3 months after our wedding when she messaged him on Instagram to ask "How's married life?" Harboring Hope has given me the tools to confront the betrayal head-on, outwardly and inwardly, and a community of other women who know exactly how I feel. I've learned how to grieve, and how to really feel those scary emotions like anger and sadness, and allow them to transform me. I've learned what forgiveness really means and what it doesn't mean. I've learned to be vulnerable and ask for help. I've learned about what trauma does to your brain and body, and how I can create a sense of safety in my life again. The most important lesson I learned: you did not deserve to be hurt the way you did, but it is your job to pick yourself up and learn how to walk again. You will be so proud of yourself once you do! "
- C. Minnesota | HH Participant
"I didn’t have any expectations because I wasn't sure how we were going to tackle the elephant in the room in groups. Knowing and respecting that everyone’s journey is different, I was just curious to understand what this weekend was going to be like. I quickly came to find out we were going to be covering some rough situations and having some difficult conversations and every time I felt so safe and able to share. The groups gave me strength and encouragement to share and participate. I feel that this journey provided us with many tools to help in our recovery process, as well as equipped us with weapons to fight for our marriage going forward. I’m leaving this weekend feeling encouraged and honored to have such a wonderful wife that continues to fight for us and for me. God has blessed me and us and will be our foundation to build our new marriage upon. Thank you. PS Every day will be a new day, full of new experiences and moments to build memories from. God is love and love is our marriage. [Virtual EMSW Participant]"
- EMSW Participant
"I did not want to do this at all. Totally against it. Broke down my barriers, extremely helpful. Hopeful....see the glimmer now! [Virtual EMSW Participant]"
- EMSW Participant
"Before EMS I was expecting it to be hard and triggering for both of us. I expected to have moments where we would need to separate because of the painful memories we had to face. To my surprise, that was not the case. My fiancé had little to no moments of distress. He didn't display the usual signs of trauma (arm twitching, needing the weighted blanket, no flooding), just minor discomfort and obvious pain. And I think that's due to the way AR approaches it. I believe he felt safe and understood and represented well. Our counseling session provided a break through for us and gave me just the right adjustment that I needed to really be there for him. This program brought us closer and we were even hugging and loving on each without any barriers by Sunday. [Virtual EMSW Participant]"
- EMSW Participant
"Before EMS, I had uncertainty about the future of our marriage and my future. I know we have a long road ahead but I’m encouraged. I feel we have tools necessary to begin our journey to heal. We have both committed to this process. Our small group was wonderful and it was helpful to see their situations and the similarities of our emotions. [Virtual EMS Weekend]"
- EMSW Participant
"I completed the EMS online course. At first I was very apprehensive about it, knowing that it was a different cultural experience and I may be subject to 13 weeks of absorbing blame and accepting fault. I must admit that there is a high level of accepting responsibility for the wrongs that you would have done to someone who you made a vow to. However, each phase of the program allows you to contextualize the responsibility that you are taking. The greatest benefit for me was the ability to retrace my own personal history and understand the factors that would have led to me making poor decisions. The fact that spirituality is at the core of it will keep any believer in check, especially me who had multiple affairs. I have already recommended this course to many folks in my area and I believe it can help us look at infidelity through a different lens."
- D | EMSO Participant
"Thank you for everything, your course has given us a chance to work through things, we have lots of work to do, but you have laid the path for a chance at reconciliation that I surely did not think was possible 13 weeks ago."
- G. Canada | EMSO Participant
"Our Leader was awesome the entire way through. We have a tight group and I think we will stick together. The course was great and may have saved my marriage. The jury is still out, but thank you for everything!"
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Thank you very much for the help. We did not miss a single session. It was hard, but great. The facilitators were also very good! All the best from both of us!"
- T.S. | EMSO Participant
"This week's lesson was so impactful and eye opening for me personally! I am very grateful for this incredible group of women to walk this journey with and very thankful for Harboring Hope!"
- V.P., MI | HH Participant
"After completing Harbouring Hope, I wasn’t sure that I was in a place to be able to encourage others. But, I want to tell you if it weren’t for Affair Recovery, I literally do not know where I would be...I was and still am determined to not let what my husband has done to make me into a bitter person. I would strongly encourage everyone that has had the misfortune of experiencing this most gut-wrenching pain to join Harbouring Hope."
- K. MO | HH Participant
"What Harboring Hope provided for me was a way for me to safely share my feelings regarding the infidelity with others who understood and were going through similar situations. It was almost like I had a weekly lunch date with some dear girl friends. The facilitator was excellent. Her job was not to provide therapy and advice, but to listen and to help the conversation move forward. The thing about infidelity, is it is something that we cannot share with everyone. And as we go through the grieving process, we often feel very alone. Unlike the passing of a loved one where everyone knows about it and they all gather around to help and support you, infidelity is something that is often experienced in isolation. Very few people know what happened and you can feel very alone. No one wants to grieve alone. I found myself looking forward to our Harboring Hope conversations more and more as each week passed. The weekly material that we were assigned to read and study prior to each class was also very helpful. The manual was excellent and helped us move through the process from understanding what happened with the affair, working through feelings of anger and sorrow, and eventually hoping to forgive and create a new life with or without our spouses. Moving forward, the ladies and I have exchanged our email addresses and we will continue to meet via zoom monthly in order to continue to provide support for one other. We are all still on the road to recovery but do not have to walk it alone. "
- N. R., MO | HH Participant
"I was introduced to Affair Recovery by a friend from church who completed the program years ago. She was trying to help me through my husband's recent infidelity. I had just been married for 5 months when he first admitted to cheating...I felt like if he just never did it again we would be fine...However, things quickly started to reveal itself and fast forward to 4 months later and my husband's girlfriend of almost 3 years shows up at my doorstep...In the midst of this I found out I was pregnant, my husband promised he was no longer in a relationship with the other woman....One quiet tearful night alone I finally logged onto Affair Recovery and signed up for the free 7 day boot camp. Answering those questions showed me I needed Affair Recovery more than I thought. Although my husband's infidelity was his choice and problem, healing from it in a healthy way was my responsibility. Going over the questions showed me I wasn't doing that and desperately needed to heal correctly. One thing that stood out to me was the 20 mistakes the betrayed spouse made, I had made almost all of them if not all. I wish I would have had this list sooner and I would have known to try and avoid these mistakes. The Harboring Hope small group was great. I got to bond with other women going through betrayal like me. They helped me not feel crazy when I shared my story. They comforted me through the pain of being pregnant and my husband not being around. The workbook was so helpful, especially the lessons on forgiveness and finding meaning in your suffering. I know I will go back to that workbook for refreshing and encouragement as I continue through this season in my marriage. I would highly recommend Affair Recovery to anyone going through betrayal. I have actually already suggested it to quite a few women. I encourage any betrayed spouse to partake in Affair Recovery, it's such a great support system with so many different resources. There's videos, forums to ask questions from others, and of course the best part Harboring Hope. I encourage you that even though things may feel out of your control, the one thing that is in your control is your healing! Affair Recovery will help you take a step closer to gaining that control. "
- C.T., NY | HH Participant
"The first week is emotional and the Group Leader made everyone feel comfortable in sharing this most difficult time and experience with one another. She made it a "safe place" right away with her gentle words and comfort."
- S.F., FL | HH Participant
"Our Group Leader led us through the tough HURT letters with an unflinching touch. Some of us are truly experiencing brokenness and it is sad and beautiful all at the same time. Thanks AR for the community - us men rarely, if ever, find a safe spot to share all our yuck."
- L.D., FL | HFH Participant
"I am the betrayed spouse dealing with a history of repeated infidelities. The most recent included an emotional, physical, and sexual affair which led me to this course. Lessons 6 & 8 on empathy helped me a lot...I would definitely recommend this course to others that are struggling. It is best to be among others that can understand where you are and what you are going through."
- M. Michigan | EMSO Participant
"Thank you to my Group Leader, for everything. We would not be where we are without you and this program. I can't believe how different things are today from the beginning of the course. The first few weeks were rough but having you and the group to lean on kept the progress moving forward. Thank you so much!"
- K.G., OH | EMSO Participant
"The curriculum was right on point ! You guys know what you're doing, that's for sure! I'm so thankful I can try to move forward in my life."
- R.S., CA | HH Participant
"Two years after our second D-Day (discovery of infidelity), we still found ourselves disconnecting and struggling to find the proper style of support. My partner was an unfaithful who had gone through Hope For Healing at my request. That got us involved in the AR community and was the first real resource hub we found targeted to our problems. Aside from that, we had on-and-off relationships with a couple of different therapists who were in way over their heads as generalists unfamiliar with the heightened situation infidelity brings. We both agreed we needed some form of 'specialist' and that we were still pretending things were better in our relationship. We weren't fully healed; we were simply avoiding it because finding the right resources were hard. I wish I would've known how logical the course information was, which made it really applicable to improving our daily interactions with each other. Despite all the heightened emotions, AR really hones in on just that next step closer to safety between the two of you. If we'd known that, we probably would've jumped into EMSO much sooner without stalling our recovery for almost a year. As a betrayed partner, I learned more about myself, my relationship patterns, and my coping mechanisms. Some were unhelpful to our healing, even though in a 'fair' world, my partner should have been the one to fix everything. The world isn't fair, and at the end of the day, I learned how much I had to give to recovery to move past the pain. I was still here because I did ultimately want to reconcile if the change could occur. However, it didn't occur to me that I was cultivating an environment that wouldn't allow that. This allowed me to watch my partner step up, be vulnerable, do the work, and take the personal responsibility I was looking for. Week after week, I saw the effort and vulnerability being put in from his end as well. We learned that relapse doesn't just mean another sexual occurrence. It can mean the beginning of disconnect between us again; it can be reverting to behaviors that were present leading into infidelity, it could be entertaining high-risk situations. We learned how to protect each other from our flaws and have realistic expectations of continuing a healthier long-term commitment. I'd absolutely recommend AR, and it's courses to anybody going through this very specific, debilitating, and isolating issue. Professionalism, care, and discretion are all present backed by simple logic and psychology that hits the mark. If you're spinning your wheels looking for somewhere to get started, just start here. Much of the material can be religious, as are most AR members. We weren't, but that didn't stop us from growing, healing, and getting value from being part of the community. If you are into faith, then that is just going to be a bonus for you. The pain does subside, but the effort is required. We'd want you to have hope that, as cliche, as it sounds, things do get better. Although it's awkward to put a positive spin on these situations, you can and likely will develop a new bond that is 1000% better than your previous relationship together. You got this. Know that you're normal when you're struggling with your new reality. Your world has shattered, but you could just end up rebuilding it even better, following the past that is safest for everyone involved. Cheers to your own healing adventure. "
- M. Canada | EMSO Participant
"It is such a relief and a blessing to have a safe place to reveal my story without fear of judgement or rejection. I was amazed that I felt no shame, embarrassment or any guilt."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Curriculum is very good. I’ve been going down this road for a long time now. I should have done this sooner and I feel like it’s making me see and admit this whole situation more clearly and making me move to more acceptance finally. Our group leader has been beautiful and caring and real. I have to say the same about our mentor. It’s nice to have both these women caring for my heart. For all of our hearts. Everyone in the group have been beautiful as well. I’m sorry for them but at same time happy for all the good company I am finally holding. Thank you for this program and Affair recovery.com. It’s been my loving friend for a long time now."
- K. New Jersey | HH Participant
"Very happy with the course. Exactly what my husband and I needed to keep moving forward. Thank you staff at AR for everything!!!"
- A. Wyoming | EMSO Participant
"When I came to Affair Recovery I was desperate for some direction on how to deal with the overwhelming emotions that I was dealing with. I was married for 8 years to a man who had multiple affairs. He was unwilling to do the work in the relationship to heal from this betrayal and trauma so I decided I couldn't stay in the marriage. I divorced him and though that was it. I moved to another state and started over. I met a man and fell in love again. 4 years into the relationship I found out he had been having multiple affairs. I was devastated to be here again! I was so lost at what to do. In my marriage I had reached out to friends and family for their support and I found that this caused so much more confusion and trauma. I decided not to reach out to anyone that had never been through this before or never healed themselves. I started searching online for help and quickly found Affair Recovery...My first call with Harboring Hope was incredibly emotional and hard to get through but I was desperate and the women on the call were just like me, broken, looking for hope. I took comfort in this. I felt safe. The workbook and videos each week were full of wisdom, and understanding, and gentle guidance through the emotional roller coaster that is recovery. I am forever grateful for this organization, and for the men and women who have been through this before, taking the time out of the their own stories to help me heal. "
- A. New Jersey | HH Participant
"My husband and I have been married for fifty years. It was almost two years ago that he let it slip out that he had slept with a prostitute five years into our marriage. My husband trickled out two additional affairs over the following five months. I was shocked and devastated, not only by my husband’s betrayals but more so by his 44 years of deception. We spoke to our pastor, attended a week-long marriage intensive, and saw a local counselor. None of these avenues were helpful because the actual infidelity was not addressed. Desperate for guidance on what to do to save our marriage, we signed up for an EMS Online course that started in September 2020. The group environment was easier to participate in than we thought it would be. I love the fact that the course is faith based and that it directly addresses infidelity. I did not think that my unfaithful husband would ever understand how hurt I was by his betrayals. However, the lessons in the EMS Online workbook flowed in such a way that I believe my husband came to see the destruction that his choices caused. The recovery process is work, but healing is possible. This course has been a marriage saver for us! I believe it could be a marriage saver for others whose marriage is in crisis due to infidelity."
- R. North Carolina | EMSO Participant
"My husband of 13 years had a five-month emotional affair with a co-worker. I found out while he was on Facebook. He was unsure what he wanted to do, whether to stay or go. I was determined to work on our marriage. After 7 months of hard work, communication, and going through Harboring Hope, I can proudly say that we are at a better place than I ever thought possible. We still have a long way to go, but this class has been a start of greater communication for our marriage. Harboring Hope has been the catalyst to a new and improved relationship not only with my husband but also with God. I have found that I do NOT always have to control things, that God is there to help me see the light through the darkness. I just have to stop and listen and allow true healing to occur. Throughout the 13 weeks of Harboring Hope - I have been come a stronger woman. I have read each chapter, allowing God back into my life, and examining my pain. If it wouldn't have been for our group leader and the women of the group, I would not have seen the "light." They were supportive and kept things in perspective for me. I will always cherish their comments of love and support. Even if my marriage does not survive, I know that with the help of Harboring Hope, Leslie, and John, as well as my group members, I will survive! Through the roughest and toughest of times, you are worthy of LOVE and being cherished. I would HIGHLY recommend this course to anyone seeking guidance while trying to survive an infidelity crisis. It has been a life saver! "
- H. Pennsylvania | HH Participant
"The curriculum was spot on. It gave me a totally new way to approach forgiveness along with supporting steps to take getting there."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I just finished up the Hope for Healing program and it has been very helpful on my journey to recovery with my wife. I am an unfaithful husband who had developed an addiction to porn, fantasizing about sex and objectifying women. These programs, along with my individual counseling, have shown to me just how devastating and destructive my behaviors were to my wife and our marriage. The H4H program has helped me to develop more empathy for my wife and to recognize the necessity of owning my mistakes and taking responsibility for my actions. The program also helped me to learn certain techniques to help my wife with the healing she needs. The last part of the program has been helpful in mapping out a plan to keep from relapsing once the program ends. The camaraderie that formed with the other men in my group was very helpful as we became teammates in working to help each other out during rough times and to also be a sounding board of ideas and thoughts. I am looking forward to continuing the connection to the men after the program ends. The program isn't set up to coddle you and tell you that you didn't do anything wrong, it's to hold you responsible and to help you develop the tools to help yourself in your recovery work. I definitely encourage anyone who is working towards reconciliation after an infidelity to seriously consider taking the class. You will get out of it as much as you put into it."
- M. Michigan | HFH Participant
"On and off for over 10 years I had an affair with a co-worker. The first D-day was over 10 years ago but in a moment of anger, my sister who knew of the affair in a group text told my husband and my siblings of a 2nd affair. Although not physical, an affair none the less. This started my husband on a journey that I didn’t see coming. After the first D-day we didn’t seek any help together really or separately. He dealt with his pain almost completely alone. I was happy to have it off my shoulders and desperately wanted it to go away and move on with our lives. We had 2 young kids at the time of the first D-day, I KNOW without a doubt that is why my husband stayed. With the 2nd disclosure our kids are almost adults and I knew this would be different. He found Affair Recovery and sent me some videos and it started from there. We both took the 7 day boot camp course and then both have taken the individual courses. Although we haven’t had “that” talk if we are staying together, there are MANY very good signs that we will and succeed."
- P. Minnesota | HFH Participant
"This class was awesome! In spite of the pain we are all going through, we were actually able to laugh a little as we addressed delicate issues related to infidelity. It was our last class but I am glad we are not just saying goodbye, but we are continuing to stay in touch and be there for each other. Thank you to my Group Leader for your ears and support. You are awesome! Thank you 😊"
- I.K.,CA | HH Participant
"This course and our group leaders have been essential these last 13 weeks. God led me to Affair Recovery within a day or two of our first D day, and without it I might not have survived the second. Thank you for our hope for the future."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I was so down going into this call...thinking how in the world can anyone even forgive or move forward with a spouse that has done the unspeakable and this is just got to be a hoax...this call really was a turning point for me and us and thank you! I have a sense of hope I have never had"
- A.M., MN | EMSO Participant
"This whole experience has helped me understand better the healing that I need to do. It has helped bring up grief that I need to process - that I was minimizing - as well as tools to help me balance that with joy and a better relationship with God. I can feel my feelings without getting so stuck in them - and hopefully can be a help to others with increased kindness and compassion and an avoidance of things that are not healthy for me. Thanks to my Group Leader and all women in group brave enough to do the work"
- L.Z., CT | HH Participant
"Our group leader was a fabulous facilitator! We were blessed to have his consistent, warm responses that made us all feel valued and heard. This was a great experience and I'm so grateful for our leader, the curriculum, and our group! Thanks!"
- C. Florida | EMSO Participant
"This 13 week course has flown by! We have learned SO much, wish we’d had this info years ago. Our group leader has done a wonderful job as a leader and sharing with the group some other resources as well as personal experiences."
- W. Florida | EMSO Participant
"The course in my opinion is a definite must in order to heal the way you need. It helps you become whole again."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"This was a lesson that helped me realize how codependent I have been through my whole marriage. I felt like this showed me the changes I can make as a person but also gives me a pathway to recovery. It gave me some traction in my marriage in recovery. I don’t just have to be who my husband needs me to be. I need to change for myself to be validated."
- L. TN | HFH Participant
"I have learned a tremendous amount with this program and I'm extremely grateful we discovered this and the videos. Thank you so much! I am hopeful!"
- S. TN | HFH Participant
"I will recommend [Harboring Hope] to anyone unfortunate enough to experience betrayal by a spouse. It was helpful to go through the prepared material with women who have the same pain and were as bewildered as I at their spouses behavior. My group leader was always supportive, offering heartfelt understanding."
- S. Texas | HH Participant
"We had signed up for the EMS weekend a year earlier, but we were unable to go and I’m so disappointed that we didn’t. I wish we would’ve gone earlier. [Virtual EMS Weekend]"
- EMSW Participant
"The force behind so much of the good events in our lives, was damaged by her betrayal, she wept and grieved for it. On the other hand, the weekend was able to build her, and me, back up and to escape the shame.......after EMS Weekend, I feel I have processed much more and in healthier ways than the previous 15 months of me doing recovery work on my own.....I was stuck in trauma loops for 15 months. EMS helped me take my first steps outside that loop. This is the first time I understand that the worst thing that’s ever happened to me could potentially be the catalyst behind the best things to come for me in my life. [Virtual EMS Weekend] "
- EMSW Participant
"I didn’t know what to expect. I was done. I had maybe 2% left. I figured we take the course and it would confirm we were done. My husband did not want to attend the weekend at all. I was prepared to file divorce papers Monday; he said divorce would be a welcomed relief. Sunday he thanked me for insisting we do the weekend. He said he realized he had a lot of personal growth to do (I realized the same thing). I can imagine our 4 kids thanking Rick and the other staff years from now. We both recognize we have a long road a head of us, but for the first time in a long time we both have hope. It was worth every penny!!! [Virtual EMS Weekend] "
- EMSW Participant
"I (BH) consumed a fair amount of information about EMSW prior to attending so I had an idea what it was all about. However, I was apprehensive about the remote experience concerned my Wife and self would not get all we could out of the weekend. I was completely wrong. The overall experience was awesome and no one made us feel uncomfortable, alone or embarrassed. Just the opposite! Amazing sessions that have help us see things and us differently. I'm optimistic we have a solid foundation now to build our new life on. Not to say the journey is over in any way but we now have the tools and map to get to the other side. [Virtual EMS Weekend] "
- EMSW Participant
"Each week, the material really hits home. As much as I would like for this to be over and on to totally better days, your course gives many pictures of complete healing and what that takes. Many times, the pain is at an intensity level I've never experienced and your rich vault of wisdom explains what is more than likely happening. Thank you and God bless you!!>>"
- S.S., SC | HH Participant
"After being devastated by the disclosure of my husband’s 3 month emotional affair, I prayed and trusted God for guidance. I was broken and confused but felt compelled to show my husband grace and a chance to prove himself and possibly save what was left of our marriage. I started a desperate online search- which landed me on the Affair Recovery website. On the AR website we both found HOPE and answers to all our immediate questions, professional help- and the necessary guidance we needed to move into the right direction to save our marriage. The AR online library has resources available in the form of Q&As, short 8-10min videos (with helpful tips and discussions), longer videos (that sheds in-depth, professional light on each topic), individual and couples online courses, and forums for the betrayed-as well as the unfaithful spouses. We first enrolled and did the online Bootcamp which helped us get through the initial stages. Then we both enrolled in the individual courses, Hope for Healing and Harbouring Hope, and it was during this course I started experiencing a huge change in my husband defensiveness, and I found the support and practical help I needed to get me focused again. After our individual courses we immediately enrolled in the EMS Online course for couples and we finally reached a stage where my husband could fully disclose of his lifelong porn and sex addiction, and where I had the necessary emotional support to deal with the obliterating impact. We are due to start the Married for Life group meetings next week and are looking forward to the support and growth that will bring about. Affair Recovery has been a beacon of light during the darkest time in our lives and without their help and support we would not have had the help to survive the deep and devastating effects of betrayal."
- L. Australia | EMSO Participant
"This was the last week of the course. I cannot begin to express how great our group leaders have been. It has been a great pleasure and honor to be in this course. The course material has been fantastic, and I am sure I will be referencing the material often for personal growth and reflection. Thank you."
- J.B./Oklahoma | EMSO Participant
"EMS Online saved our marriage. I was going to leave and was searching for divorce lawyers when an Affair Recovery video appeared in my feed. Before then I had no clue that reconciliation was an option after an affair. I am not totally healed yet but I have hope and we have been equipped with tools to help us as we work on reconciliation."
- P.J./Canada | EMSO Participant
"This Harboring Hope Recovery Course for Betrayed Spouses was a Godsend! The curriculum helped me to understand what I've been experiencing and gave me some clarity on how to manage my pain and begin recovery. The weekly phone calls were so very helpful because everyone in the group understood the pain and was empathetic. I recommend this course to anyone who is suffering from betrayal... My faith was shaken and this course acknowledged that wrestling with God about the pain I suffered was normal and to be expected, but not to give up hope that I would heal with God alongside me. This book is not a cure-all but a faith-based way to begin the journey of recovery instead of tucking the pain away and moving into denial-only to have the pain to come back with a vengeance later. Recovery will take much longer than the 12 weeks of this course, but it showed me how to "do my own recovery work". I am definitely going to start my book again (right away) from the beginning and work through each lesson again and again until it really begins to become a part of me so that I can move forward with hope. I am so grateful for this course!"
- D. Hawaii | HH Participant
"I just finished Hope For Healing and am proud of the changes that I already feel in myself and my marriage.I found AR when I was at the darkest point in my life and this course has helped me to get myself on a true path to recovery. I know my road to recovery is only beginning, but with the information and support I've gained from HFH, I am more confident that I can stay the course and make my life much better than it was before."
- S. Alabama | HFH Participant
"I would like to comment on the course as a whole. I am the unfaithful spouse and today on the call my spouse said that they had started the course as a last ditch effort before divorce, but they now see hope for our marriage. We are continuing with Married for Life and I am grateful not only for EMSO and all that it has taught us about how to recover from infidelity, but that it also provides us with materials on how to rebuild a solid marriage and the tools to move forward. I cannot count how many times I have thanked God for Affair Recovery over the past 13 weeks."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"Really sad the 13 weeks has come to an end. Although the curriculum requires a lot of application and facing difficult and courageous decisions, it has also been very beneficial to the growth and healing process. I have great appreciation for our group leader and his wife for allowing him to share his story and be a part of everyone's healing process. Everyone in our group is going to continue with married for life, and so looking forward to growing together. Bless you AR for doing what God has called you to do. This week summed up the 13 weeks very well."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I am an unfaithful wife who grew up in a Christian environment and believed herself to be a good girl all her life yet here I was signing up for this group... Didn't know how and why it happened and who I was anymore. This course revealed more than what I knew I could understand about myself. It completely changed the way I think about myself, life, and marriage. The only regret was that I didn't sign up sooner. "
- E. Florida | HFH Participant
"A very productive group call. Everyone is so supportive of one another and I really look forward to my calls. I can actually laugh out loud with these ladies, something I haven't done in months. :)"
- S.P., MI | HH Participant
"I took the 13-week online course for couples to heal after Infidelity and to be honest I don't think my wife and I would be together if not for this course. The shock of discover that my wife was having an emotional online affair (sexting as well) with her counselor shook my world and hers as well. We had no idea where to start and immediately googled where we could seek help from. It was a blessing that Affair Recovery was high on the list of options. Once we opened the website and read the information, we immediately completed the 7-day Bootcamp (free) and soon after we signed up for the 13-week course. As the betrayed spouse I was hesitant and almost resistant to enter any type of program, but at the end of the day I wanted to salvage my marriage or at the very least find out why my wife entered into an affair. The lessons provided me with a step by step guide with how to navigate the ugly truth about affairs. I had no idea prior to the course about flooding, triggers, intrusive thoughts, empathy and that there was a way forward after an affair. Affair Recovery provided hope where I thought there was none. Along the way I did gain understanding as to why my wife entered into her affair. I am better off as a person and husband in taking the course. It forced or nudged me to look at myself and the role I play/played in the marriage. In many ways it brought my wife and I closer together and for this I am grateful to Rick and all the people at Affair Recovery. We just finished the course (August 2020) and we are not out of the woods at all. One thing I learned from Affair Recovery is that there are no quick fixes and that it will take time for the marriage to heal. Also, there will be pain but if we put in the effort our marriage will be stronger than it was before the affair. I truly believe this even though there are still some very difficult days and moments. The course definitely has taught me how to deal with those difficult days and moments in a much safer manner. It's not a 'club' any of us want to belong to but if you find yourself in this 'club', I can confidently say Affair Recovery is the place you want to land and land in as quickly as possible."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"My wife and I just completed EMSO and found the structure, curriculum, and exercises to be extremely helpful. Painful, but helpful. I have a completely different outlook on life and the world. Working within our small group and hearing the encouragement and testimony of our mentors has given us hope and provided a path forward."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I completed EMS Online with my wife (thank God we're still married). I'm the unfaithful partner. We also finished the Bootcamp in the weeks leading up to EMS Online, which was amazing and highly recommended. There is hope. Please push through the pain and uncomfortable discovery. Ask God for help. And follow the curriculum's guidance. You can heal."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I just completed the Harboring Hope program and it was a great resource for me, a betrayed wife. I always looked forward to my weekly phone call, knowing on the other end of that line were some amazing women that were going through the worst tragedy they could have ever imagined, just like me. Those phone calls, coupled with the lessons in the workbook, helped me find some stability when it felt like my life was spinning out of control. I highly recommend taking this course."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I am very grateful I was introduced to AR and I enrolled in Harboring Hope. Right after I discovered that my husband had an affair I was devastated. I needed someone to talk to that would understand exactly what I am going through. For me the group from HH and the materials in the course were a blessing. I could understand so much more about the affair and about what it takes to heal. I would highly recommend. "
- Anonymous , FL | HH Participant
"I have recently completed the Hope for Healing 17 weeks course and have also completed EMSO. I have no doubt that without these programs and AR, my husband and I would not be where we are right now. My most recent affairs were discovered by my husband this past December. He discovered my first affairs over five years ago and neither one of us did the healing and recovery work that was necessary for me to understand my addiction or for him to heal at all. We did not know about AR then and I tried to do some recovery work on my own, but I never stopped my infidelity. We stayed together but it was always painful and we were never able to give the other what was needed to do any kind of healing. When my husband discovered my most recent affairs he immediately got online and came across AR. He decided immediately to do the bootcamp with or without me. I was ambivalent at that point but I decided to see what it was about. I now know that God put AR on our path at that moment. From December until this point we have both worked diligently together and separately on our individual healing and the healing of our marriage. I've gotten support and encouragement to help me deal with the shame of my infidelity. I have learned to forgive myself and forgive my husband for the wounds he and I both created. I've learned how crucial safety is for him... I've learned more about this addiction that I will have for the rest of my life. I've learned what I need to do to make sure I don't relapse again. I've learned that I am not alone on this journey and that I have a tribe of people who will continue to support me as long as I continue to be vigilant and seek their support. Because of AR and the programs that I've taken and my husband has taken, we are discovering our second marriage. We are taking it one moment and one day at a time and we continue to use AR forums and the people in our groups, our marriage has definitely been saved. So if you are in a place where you have no where else to turn, you are at the bottom and you feel there is no hope, reach out to AR, and begin a journey of hope and healing."
- L. Crane | HH & EMSO Participant
"Affair Recovery resources literally saved my life...in my darkest hour of despair, after learning of my husband's affair. I enrolled in Harboring Hope for additional support and it was a tremendous help and enriching experience for me. I found encouragement, love and "hope" through a group of women who spoke the same language as me and who understood my pain. I highly recommend Harboring Hope for betrayed spouses!"
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"What can I say about a community of fellow sojourners like the ones I found at Affair Recovery? They were and are a gift from God, an oasis of understanding and support amidst the agonizing tears, pain, and heartache of my husband's second affair. I found myself drowning in my sorrow and felt so lost and directionless, having great difficulty holding it together some days after discovery. I found Affair Recovery by doing an internet search and up popped Samuel and his words of wisdom, comfort and insight. My husband and I watched Samuel and others from AR during the second winter after discovery. The first year we were separated as he was still with the affair partner.. Unfortunately my husband did not agree with Samuel and others on many issues. We then tried a Boot camp together which then led to doing an EMSO the winter and spring of 2020. The material and group sessions were exactly what I needed to gain the healing in my own life that I longed for. I am, of course, still on that healing journey. Our group still meets every other week for the follow up with the Married For Life sessions. It is the connection with people who have experienced similar heartache and emotional upheaval that was so helpful for me. Although my husband participated in the sessions and did the lessons, which I am grateful for, he has not owned his actions and has not sought out any help on his own. This makes me very sad, but it does not feel life threatening like it had earlier on thanks to the wonderfully insightful information I have received from Affair Recovery. I have come to realize that I can only work on my own healing and leave my husband in the hands of the Lord. The library of videos and blogs continue to speak to my heart and aid me on my healing journey. The words thank you do not even come close to expressing my gratitude to the people at Affair Recovery. Many times I have recommended them to others and will continue to do so."
- K. Texas | EMSO Participant
"Thanks to everyone. My wife had to talk me into this because I was already in an Every Man's Battle Accountability group, but it was worth every penny. I will recommend this recovery group to anyone that comes to me in the future trying to recover from an affair. Awesome program."
- Anonymous | EMSW Participant
"I really feel understood in this group. And it definitely gives me perspective and I'm better able to see where I go wrong. I feel like I love more deeply now. And that's a wonderful blessing."
- S. Florida | EMSO Participant
"This group has changed our lives! From the non-judgemental, open, encouraging, atmosphere that you all have created by rules such as listening (not giving advice), the support you supply through conversations, the lessons and all the resources. You all give guidance on how to change a horrible situation into one of positive change, by realizing that we are not alone and that there is amazing support available through groups like Affair Recovery. Our group leader was a constant guiding light with a positive demeanor that set the group up for tremendous forward progress. Thank you!"
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"Every week I feel we are connecting as a group. The women are becoming more vulnerable and sharing More than facts, but our stories. It’s weird that we have no visual faces to recognize each other BUT we know each other’s stories and pain. I’m 2 years and 10 months into our marriage restoration. I’ve never known other women who have been through this. This harboring hope group has already helped me heal. I pray for these women daily. My Group Leader has been fabulous!!! She is so tender to each woman and acknowledges their pain. This is exactly what I’ve been searching for almost three years. It’s a blessing to be part of this group. The ah ha moments keep coming. My husband is taking hope for healing and we are both so blessed by God to be doing this. Thank you so much!!!!!"
- T.S.-TN | HH Participant
"I believe for us this has been the best and most effective and efficient way to learn and recover. I don't believe we would have ever made these strides with a couple’s therapist. I was ambivalent when I started and now I am hopeful. Group leader was absolutely wonderful with all of us. So compassionate and open. I'm so thankful he was assigned to our group. His input and experiences were so helpful. He was kind, gentle and gracious with all of us making us all feel comfortable. He gets 5 stars from us. Thanks so much."
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I was very happy that it sounds like there is another unfaithful female in our group- I have been praying that I would not be the only one. Not for my sake but for the sake of my husband, so that he didn’t feel like an anomaly."
- S. NE | EMSO Participant
"For some reason I find the EMSO to be a very "safe space" for me. It is heartbreaking hearing people grieve over the betrayal, but somehow I know that we can be there for one another. Great way to start the course, Our group leader did well - great job. I am looking forward to the next 13 weeks, although I know there will be many hard times as well. Thank you."
- M. Australia | EMSO Participant
"Honestly, the material from this week helped pull me out of the ‘fog’. I first read it during week 9 when the book suggested to skip ahead to week 13 for more insight on desire. I resonated SO MUCH with Lenore’s story from the curriculum. It gave me hope that someone else had the same undesiring feelings towards their husband as I do, and they were able to turn it around and gain that desire back. Something I never thought was possible! I also realized I definitely had been seeing my Betrayed Husband through a negative lens, and I needed to start seeing him as the amazing man everyone else sees him as. It didn’t happen instantly, but a few weeks later I felt a significant shift in me. Now that I’m actually open to connecting (all forms), I feel like we’re doing a lot better :) We just spent an amazing long weekend together going out and trying new things, kids-free, and that probably wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t read ahead to the week 13 material. Thank you!"
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Before arriving at EMS, I was hesitant and didn't believe that 3 days would do anything to help the state of my marriage (which was broken beyond recognition). I didn't believe that a group of strangers would help me open up to the extent that I did. Lastly, I had no faith in the idea that I would ever feel connected to anyone in that group or want to stay in touch with them. However, at the end of EMS weekend, all of the assumptions and reluctance that I had prior was completely gone. Within 3 days, I was able to share feelings to my wife that I hadn't our entire marriage, I understood the damage I did on our marriage more, and most importantly her pain and anger………..It gave myself and my wife hope that we could have a great marriage in the future as long as we take what we have learned through EMS and continue to apply. [Virtual EMS Weekend]"
- EMSW Participant
"I honestly thought this had worked for other people but didn’t think anything could change our dysfunctional way of relating after 35 years of marriage. I was wrong. I have real hope going forward for the first time. [Virtual EMS Weekend] "
- EMSW Participant
"Before EMS weekend my spouse and I were at a standstill and we were losing hope. After going through EMS Weekend and participating in the sessions and activities, we have a whole new outlook on our future...we BOTH have a better understanding of where we were and where we are now going...forward, with love, respect, support, and determination. [Virtual EMS Weekend] "
- EMSW Participant
"I wasn't quite sure what to expect other than realizing it would probably be an intense 3 days……... EMS weekend helped me to face the truth head on by exploring his feelings, my feelings and understanding us both more. Meeting other people going through the same thing made me feel such a sense of community and belonging. I went with an open mind and left with more hope for our future. [Virtual EMS Weekend]"
- EMSW Participant
"When we first signed up for this EMS Weekend I had some reservations for how beneficial 3 days can be because my wife and I have had counseling before and they took weeks to cover enough ground to begin making head-way………..For as much trauma, hate, and resentment we had, we were stuck in our recovery, just circling the wagon. It was amazing to see how my pain started to subside after the first day and half and I started to see more of my wife’s heart and also see that she was "Getting it" and by the end I felt that I was on my way to forgive and move past something that I have been holding onto for months. I feel that our marriage has been given a shot or boost up the ladder in the right direction. I am much more hopeful and optimistic for our future. [Virtual EMS Weekend]"
- EMSW Participant
"I thought the virtual session would not be as effective. I was completely wrong. The context, discussions, homework has given me hope for a future that is new with my husband. [Virtual EMS Weekend]"
- EMSW Participant
"Was a little disappointed that the virus kept postponing the in person retreat, but we really enjoyed the virtual experience. I am extremely hopeful for our marriage. I believe the weekend fast tracked our healing and gave us a ton of materials to rebuild our marriage. Thank you! [Virtual EMS Weekend]"
- EMSW Participant
"Our group leader has been exceptional. She incorporates her experiences and great supportive information and relates it to each participants' circumstances and issues. My wife and I have found the EMSO program very supportive and helpful. We are both planning on continuing on with Harboring Hope and Hope for Healing. Thank you for creating this program and online format. It has definitely increased the probability of my wife and I staying married and having a better and stronger marriage than before the discovery of my betrayals. My wife and I also are thankful for the religious themes and God based references. "
- M. MI | EMSO Participant
"Great experience for the past 13 weeks - we have really learned a lot in the last three months. I will highly recommend this course to others. We also appreciated our group leader's input each week - she made it very comfortable for everyone in a very uncomfortable situation (marital infidelity). She did a great job!"
- S. MI | EMSO Participant
"During week 12, I struggled to think of ways I was not intimate with my spouse & I realized it was mostly physical. I liked how I had to think of things that first attracted me to my spouse and things that still make him a good catch. Those things actually brought a smile to my face. It was nice to have a perspective to see my spouse as a person again by focusing on his positive attributes and not focusing on the negative. I realized my biggest battle with intimacy were the intrusive thoughts. Also the hug, which I thought would be awkward was actually surprisingly refreshing, comforting, secure, warm and satisfying. We want to make it a point to hold each other like that more consistently. I loved this week. Every time I think that there’s a topic I understand, Rick puts a spin on it & there’s always something to learn."
- T. Florida | EMSO Participant
"The grieving section was so hard!!!!! I love our group and our leader! It’s so helpful to hear everyone’s story’s and share our lives knowing we care so much for these ladies we have never physically met."
- B. Florida | HH Participant
"Our final week and it has been a very helpful course with a particularly good group of participants. The fact that we all have had and still are experiencing similar issues during our healing has helped greatly and the course curriculum, albeit demanding at times, was very comprehensive. The support offered by fellow brothers has been invaluable and their insight hugely beneficial. I hope we will continue to support each other as we all realize that this is "work in progress". Thank you for enabling contact by retaining the small group wall. The group leader also deserves a special mention for assisting and directing us so well. Thank you to AR."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"The curriculum creates so much awareness about what I am going through and brings so much guidance as I go through the process. I thank God for people who dedicate their lives to helping us find our way in the maze so difficult to untangle. God bless the Team! May your tribe increase!"
- J. NY | HH Participant
"It has been an amazing 17 weeks and I am so thankful for my Group Leader, our mentor, and my fellow group mates. The amount of support, encouragement, understanding and love I experienced these 17 weeks have literally been a saving grace!!!"
- R. NC | HFH Participant
"I thought it was a great way to start the program. It eased us into sharing part of our story with others instead of jumping right into the more difficult stuff in lesson 2. I appreciated that a lot as most of us are scared or feel intimidated to share our story with others. I already love my group after just a few days and one phone call!"
- M. TX | HFH Participant
"Curriculum was very necessary for my marriage - my husband and I both got a lot out of it."
- S. MI | EMSO Participant
"I now have a better understanding of the psychology behind my husband's betrayal. For the first time, I get that it had nothing to do with me or faults in me. I struggled with feeling insecure for so long. I'm 18+ months out and I finally feel a weight lifted as I understand more and more."
- T, Wisconsin | HH Participant
"The curriculum & videos are excellent! I feel God is really working a miracle in transforming us & our relationship thru this process. We’re not perfect but growing. "
- B., California | EMSO Participant
"My husband is also in a recovery group with AR. We are on the same page, but not necessarily in the same place. I’m so thankful for AR. I don’t know where we would be without it. Thanks, you guys, for the sacrifices you make to help others recover. I’m expecting great things in our marriage."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Very intense and very emotional week, but definitely took one GIANT step forward with this exercise. If you’re willing to change and work hard on your marriage, this week can be life changing. It was for us. Grateful for affair recovery and we both agree we would highly recommend it to any couple. Thank you for helping to change my ambivalence. "
- N. North Carolina | EMSO Participant
"Very intense and very emotional week, but definitely took one GIANT step forward with this exercise. If you’re willing to change and work hard on your marriage, this week can be life changing. It was for us. Grateful for affair recovery and we both agree we would highly recommend it to any couple. Thank you for helping to change my ambivalence."
- N. North Carolina | EMSO Participant
"Great course, very impactful. Sad to see the course end. Looking forward to the next step and to find a way to give back. "
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Very intense and very emotional week, but definitely took one GIANT step forward with this exercise. If you’re willing to change and work hard on your marriage, this week can be life changing. It was for us. Grateful for affair recovery and we both agree we would highly recommend it to any couple. Thank you for helping to change my ambivalence. "
- N. North Carolina | EMSO Participant
"The curriculum, videos and links were all very helpful and relevant and I continue to be impressed with the “realness” of what I’m hearing and reading! I’m so glad to have found AR!! Group leader is doing a fantastic job!"
- D. VA | EMSO Participant
"Having spent THOUSANDS on clinical psychologists over a 46 year period...FINALLY I am in the right conduit for exactly what I have needed."
- C. California | HFH Participant
"Our group leader was extremely supportive, insightful, comforting and wise in her leadership. I appreciate her questions that help us reach a better depth of understanding so that she can in turn support us better (such as sending us various resources that are very helpful and relating her own experience). I feel very grateful to be in her group and the thoughtfulness and care she puts into supporting our recovery."
- B. Texas | HFH Participant
"The curriculum this week was great, by far better than anything I’ve seen through counseling. Our group leader is wonderful."
- A. Ohio | EMSO Participant
"This group is a life saver for me. So blessed to have found Affair Recovery."
- S. Texas | HH Participant
"The curriculum for week 1 provided a lot of insight for me in this situation. It gave me a more positive outlook in overcoming the issues that my marriage face. In my view the group leader did an excellent job in facilitating the involvement of all participants in the group. She also exerted effort to try to relate to each person during the session. "
- W. Florida | EMSO Participant
"I thought the group was well done. The curriculum far exceeds my expectations. I’m glad this is available online because nothing even close to this is available where I live. Thank you."
- A. Ohio | EMSO Participant
"The group leader is always a wealth of wisdom for all of us! This weeks material was eye opening with a twist of helping me get free from old school women stuff! The video was a precious gift from God. When Rick talked about how we were made as women, WOW! I have seen myself and all women in a different light! When he apologized for all men, I was able to let go of the anger and pain that has been a part of me for way too long! Thank you Rick!"
- K. Washington | HFH Participant
"I appreciate all of the course content, and our Group Leader's feedback/support throughout this difficult 13 weeks. I also appreciate the 52 extra week content to help us continue to move forward with our healing. I am very grateful for Affair Recovery because I would be completely lost and not where I am at right now, without you. Thank you all!"
- Y - Ont | EMSO Participant
"I had a lot of anxiety going into this first session, so I really appreciated the calm, deliberate pace and establishment of a clear structure and expectations. I started with an anxiety level of 7 and ended more at a 3. I'll look forward to less formal, more substantive sessions in coming weeks, but this was just what I needed in a first session. Thank you!"
- C. Oregon | EMSO Participant
"(Anger Management) So much mind blowing and helpful information in this weeks lesson. It was a lot to take in and process. It will be a chapter that I will have to go back to numerous times as life goes on and hopefully can teach it to our children. This should be taught with or without recovering from an affair. Very very grateful to have this in my tool belt. "
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"Each week you learn something new and things are put in perspective. Healing is happening"
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I think it’s a really effective program ....... and would like to do it again when my life's in a little different place..... I would recommend it to anyone and I have:)"
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I expected the call to be awkward, possibly having issues with people taking over each other; however, the call was so smooth! We each had sufficient time to share and I appreciated how our leader provided comments back and gave us hope that our concerns would be addressed throughout this program. I’m really looking forward to the next 13-weeks - even more so after this call. I can tell the leader has experience that will help this be even more successful. Thank you!"
- Anonymous | EMSO Participant
"I wish I would have done this program sooner! It’s life changing! :)"
- T. TX | HH Participant
"The last week's curriculum did a great job tying the last 12 weeks together. My husband was ambivalent and admits now that he was going to leave our marriage for his AP. Affair recovery saved my marriage and it all started with the free boot camp. Amazing curriculum, amazing program. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
- C. ID | EMSO Participant
"Loved this program. It saved my marriage. God bless you all."
- K. California | HFH Participant
"I loved this week's curriculum and discussion. It was very eye opening and beyond helpful. I wish I would have had that type of information early in marriage or when working through troubles over time. I even told our group that all week I thought about how Rick and the team should create another site/course for marriage before affair. Such as for those planning to get married, newlyweds and just anyone working through difficult times in marriage. I would recommend it to everyone I know! My husband and I had done a course through the Gottman institute a few years ago pre infidelity but it never really stuck with us but this made an impact and spoke to us both. And the format of the EMSO is so helpful and helps start habits and stick with it too! Thank you for this special week!"
- C. Colorado | EMSO Participant
"This week’s exercise was really powerful. I’ve told my husband so many times that if he could feel how I felt, he would be a lot more sensitive. I’m realizing now that if I could feel how he’s feeling when he is expressing regret and disappointment in himself related to his cheating, that would help me really believe him and move forward. I feel like this exercise helped us in trying to understand the other’s heart. Also, the group leader is really caring and loving. "
- L. New York | EMSO Participant
"I look forward to my group calls each and every week! Thank you for such an awesome experience of love and support at such a difficult time in life! "
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"I attended Hope Rising 2019 and I completed Harboring Hope. Harboring Hope was just what I needed. It helped to shake me up. I felt like I had read everything out there on infidelity, but Harboring Hope is about healing independent of my husband's course. It's not just about the trauma (oh I had that), it's about moving beyond trauma. Week by week in Harboring Hope, I could see that I had come a long way in my healing, but I also was able to identify the areas where I was still blocked from healing. During Harboring Hope I recognized resentments that I had toward past therapists, former affair partners who I did not know, the list goes on. I had let these resentments steal my energy, my joy, my power. I would encourage women who are considering Harboring Hope and thinking that it is too late, it was so long ago, I'm healed enough, etc, etc. to give it a try. Do it. You may be surprised as I was. I really am on my way to complete recovery."
- L. Texas | HH Participant
"I really like the options that are given in each chapter to let us know we may not be at that point yet. It gives us the grace to know that it is ok and the knowledge on how to go through it when we each get there. It is giving us tools for the present and future. Thank you for this wonderful program. It has both influenced my life and well being, along with the restitution process of my marriage. I will be forever great full!"
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"So thankful that we took this course. It has greatly improved our communication! So much work still to be done, look forward to continued healing of ourselves and our marriage! A big Thank you to our Group Leader!!! Your encouragement, wisdom, and kindness will always be appreciated!! Blessings!!!"
- K. Arizona | EMSO Participant
"This [Week 6] exercise was really powerful. I’ve told my husband so many times that if he could feel how I felt, he would be a lot more sensitive. I’m realizing now that if I could feel how he’s feeling when he is expressing regret and disappointment in himself related to his cheating, that would help me really believe him and move forward. I feel like this exercise helped us in trying to understand the other’s heart."
- L. New York | EMSO Participant
"This is the best thing we could have ever done for our relationship following infidelity. I don't know that we would make it without EMS Online. I now have hope."
- R. South Carolina | EMSO Participant
"It was such a blessing to share with our group leader this evening. Her vulnerability in sharing her story was inspiring and she brought so much insight to our topic this week of Brokenness. I’m going to have to sit with the content of this lesson for a lot longer than a week. There is just a lot to unpack in myself, but it was very straightforward. Seeing the pride vs. brokenness quiz in black and white was truly eye opening for me."
- E. Texas | HFH Participant
"Thank you for everything, both Harboring Hope and my Group Leader! It has been an amazing journey for me and helped me immensely in the past 3 months. I didn't think this course would have the impact it made in my life and recovery. This course has truly saved me and gave me the tools, strength and support to keep moving forward and not waiver at the immense pain that I feel and will continue to face. "
- Y. Canada | HH Participant
"Going through the EMS Online course was so integral to jump starting our healing journey. It provided tools that have helped us communicate better and develop more empathy for one another. This is the 1st time my husband finally gets the trauma betrayal causes. Our leaders were wonderful, gracious, and encouraging throughout the entire course. Thank you for giving back and helping others "
- J. NJ | EMSO Participant
"Learning about the 2 different types of forgiveness, how it is actually for the person forgiving and how it is a vital part of recovery to reach the point of the ability to forgive was very valuable information. [Week 9's] chapter was very eye opening and thought provoking. Our group leader was great, as always. She is very knowledgeable and understanding to our needs. She is such a blessing."
- R. IN | EMSO Participant
"The group of women in our call are all so helpful in sharing and discussing our current situations. This has been a lifesaver for me as I so often feel alone in this process."
- D. CO | HFH Participant
"I never thought I could forgive my husband, I planned on attending EMS Online to say I tried something before getting a divorce. Instead we have transformed our marriage and intimacy to levels I never knew were possible and we had a strong marriage before the infidelity. I am so grateful we found Affair Recovery."
- G. IL | EMSO Participant
"Real men - real problems - real solutions - and a hope for a life Worth Living."
- T. TX | HFH Participant
"This course saved my marriage, but even more importantly, saved my sanity, self-esteem, and health. Before it, I had lost hope and was trying to recover alone and heartbroken, second-guessing my sense of reality. Now I see how much I have in common with others, and also see a common goal that we as a couple are committed to. "
- S. Switzerland | EMSO Participant
"I have just completed EMS Online with my husband. Before undertaking the 13 week course of late-night calls (European time!) we were suffering so badly from the trauma of my affair that I was sure our marriage would inevitably collapse. There was constant anger and flooding and we were totally rudderless. The course has had an immense impact: I have learned a lot about why I acted out and that is very important to me. My husband has gotten a serious grip on his anger and as a result we are able to communicate reasonably and in a productive and loving way that leads us to believe we can eventually make it out of this mire. There were two other unfaithful women in our particular small group which was a happy surprise as I was worried about being the only unfaithful woman in the group. We are not religious people but we have been able to participate fully in EMS Online and enjoy the fruits of the group dynamic. In our situation it has been crucial to have the support of the group and this is ongoing. During my EMS Online experience I learned the small but beautiful art of 'Hearfelt Listening' which was a revelation to me and has helped soothe my husband to no end. I couldn't recommend this course more. It offers and delivers hope, support and a road-map to recovery. It's an immense feeling to know you are not alone."
- I. Ireland | EMSO Participant
"I have just completed Harboring Hope. Almost one year ago I discovered that my wife had an affair. I was unable to heal or move out of the pain for 9 months. Then, I found Affair Recovery. I found hope in the online video blogs posted by Samuel on YouTube. It seemed like someone finally understood what I was going through. No therapist we visited was equipped to deal with our situation. The counselors and therapists that we had seen were not specialists in this field and although they meant well, It was like we had been visiting our general physician for a cancer of which they were not trained to treat. We signed up for the EMS Weekend where we experienced more healing in 3 days than we had in the previous 7 months. We left EMS Weekend with optimism. We had a plan, a prescription if you will. This recovery program had worked for many other couples and we now had people who specialized in our problem. I learned how to deal with the trauma I experienced, how to grieve the losses caused by the infidelity, how to forgive and finally how to let go of the pain and move forward. I don't know where I would be without Affair Recovery. I would recommend Affair Recovery to anyone who has been hit with the unfortunate circumstance of having to deal with infidelity in their life. This goes for the faithful as well as the betrayed. I have seen so much healing on both sides of the fence. Whether you are just finding out, or stuck in an unforgiving bitterness cycle that has taken over your life, there are people at Affair Recovery that can help you. Don't try and do this alone. There is hope and it's not just a program. These people care and will help you to not let such a devastating event define or destroy your life. Thank you to Affair Recovery for the healing I have received. I won't ever be able to repay it."
- S. TX | HH Participant
"I have been with Affair Recovery for over a year. After much searching online, I was giving up hope of finding a place that suited my needs as a betrayed husband. Married for 28 years but separated at the moment as my wife still shows no empathy nor has she recommitted to the marriage. She is still in an affair and discovery was almost three years ago. I finally signed up for Harboring Hope after listening to Rick and Samuel's many videos. I was nervous about spending money on Harboring Hope, especially after going to a couple of counselors that just made things worse. I was personally struggling with isolation and desperately trying to find which way was up and needed guidance with my thought process. Harboring Hope brought so much clarity! Hearing the stories of the guys in my group brought a sense of relief. They were part of my journey and our Group Leader was a regular guy that has experienced infidelity. They know what it feels like! I can say that I finally feel like I'm starting to heal even without help from my wife. I have a ways to go yet but Harboring Hope and the resources Affair Recovery provide are the best I know of or have found. Rick, Samuel, Leslie, John and my Group Leader from my Harboring Hope class . . . Thank you!!! God Bless you! One more thing. I know a couple of guys who have taken Harboring Hope more than once, and I now know why."
- G. FL | HH Participant
"Hope for Healing was very helpful in providing me tools to deal with some of the challenges I was facing. It helped me to be okay with things beyond my control and encouraged me in knowing that I can only be responsible for things pertinent to me and/or my own recovery, I am confident that this will prove to be better for my spouse in the end."
- M. CA | HFH Participant
"When I found AR and Hope for Healing I was at rock bottom. I had blown up my marriage and had relapsed after an episode of infidelity previously. I needed help. Hope for Healing was a safe place where I didn't have to pretend to be "normal". I could be my flawed self. In those first few weeks, I sat in my misery and my group sat with me without complaint and with support. Ours was an interesting group in terms of both age group as well as stage of our relationships. I can say without a doubt that without Hope for Healing, I could not have made the shift I wanted in myself that has brought about the work of reconciliation in our marriage. I am thankful each day for the work that the group leaders put in to support people like me so that we can find our "true" selves and the path to a better, clearer, more authentic life. I thank Hope for Healing and Affair Recovery from the bottom of my heart for all they have done and am certain God put them in my path to save me. It is my sincere hope that others may find the same salvation I have found through this course."
- A. MD | Hope for Healing Participant
"It was so helpful having a tangible workbook to work through every week, and weekly emails with links to articles on betrayal and recovery. The online library with resources of articles is golden. "
- E. TX | Harboring Hope Participant
"We embark on this journey we did not ask to take clueless as to how to recover. I found Harboring Hope to be a beacon in the darkness allowing me to begin my recovery journey in a healthy manner. "
- M. MN | HH Participant
"Knowing that once a week I was going to have a safe place to work on my recovery, was my bright spot in some otherwise very dark and difficult weeks. Thank you Harboring Hope for helping me though."
- A. CO | HH Participant
"I found the videos and curriculum to be very helpful in dealing with the many facets of healing from my spouse’s infidelity, and the group calls were such a great place of venting, learning, encouragement, and support. I’m very thankful I could take this course."
- B. TX | HH Participant
"When I first found out about my husbands infidelity I thought my story is the worse story - the length, the actions, etc. There was shame with that discovery. But through Harboring Hope I found I was not alone, that others also understand the deep pain of the journey and can share empathy, encouragement and hope with you. "
- P. OH | HH Participant
"It was wonderful to be around other betrayed spouses who made me feel normal and didn't judge me, but only supported me. It was so helpful!"
- K. NH | HH Participant
"The content of Harboring Hope - the videos, and the coursework were key in helping me to find words and meaning to my suffering. It became a joy to devote time each week to healing and finding peace. Then discussing openly my feelings, my struggles, and my triumphs with others who knew exactly the pain I was experiencing was so indispensable. I left the calls each week smiling and feeling a sense of relief and encouragement. It really did "Harbor Hope" for me. "
- S. GA | HH Participant
"I cannot express how thankful I am that I enrolled in Harboring Hope. I had been looking at it for a while and the cost deterred me, but this course is truly priceless. I feel more hopeful for the future and closer to God than I can express. The workbook and instructors were so helpful, knowledgeable and it was all easy to read and listen to. The small group calls were one of the biggest blessings. Sharing my story and knowing I was in a safe space to be heard and have women know what I was going through meant the world to me. I'm going to miss this course and plan on re-reading it as soon as I'm done!"
- B. VA | HH Participant
"Harboring Hope was essential is helping deal with the loss and pain of my husbands 5 betrayal. Having others who had experienced this type of betrayal to discuss matters with was priceless."
- A. USA | HH Participant
"Harboring Hope gave me the opportunity to bond with other betrayed women so I wouldn’t feel so isolated or alone. Typically, infidelity is a taboo topic of conversation, but Harboring Hope provided a safe environment in which to share our respective experiences. The course, as well as my faith, helped me to believe that in the long run I will be fine, regardless of the outcome of my marriage."
- R. CA | HH Participant
"Hope for Healing allowed the light bulb to go off for me that pimping, tenderness and grooming is also infidelity and was used to fuel my false self image. I was comforted learning that I shared similiar flaws as the other men in my group. It was the first time i was able to admit that i have issues with lieing, pride and shame. I would recommend the class to everyone, including faithfull men. "
- R. NH | HFH Participant
"Alone... guilt-ridden.... full of shame, and a sense of hopelessness. These feelings to name a few were swirling in a great turmoil within me following D-day. How do I move forward? So many questions unanswered but the sense of isolation was perhaps the hardest to deal with outside of the pain I had brought upon my wife and myself. This course has taken me out of those dark and isolated places. It has been a great sense of peace and comfort to have this community of men to walk this journey with. "
- B. Canada | HFH Participant
"We apprehensively began EMS online because at that time, we were at 14 months past disclosure and felt concern that this course would not be tailored to fit our situation. However, we are so thrilled to share how untrue that turned out to be! The course offers essential information and intimacy building exercises that are excellent tools that serve us well in our struggle for peace, hope, strength, and love. Married for life, here we come! "
- C. Canada | EMSO Participant
"I was very worried about signing up for EMSO. I knew we needed help, but I'm such a private person I could not imagine talking about his affair to strangers. It was such a relief to find it so helpful, so supportive, both to me as the betrayed but also to the unfaithful spouse. I have finished the course feeling so much better about myself and my marriage. "
- C. Portugal | EMSO Participant
"It was great to connect with people that will hopefully be friends for life! "
- W. MN | EMSO Participant
"I was initially skeptical of this course but even before registration found AR to be quickly responsive and positive to questions and problems quickly solved via email. From delivery of the course materials to the end of the course AR are always helpful and there for you. The course content is hard as stated in the literature but from the first call I was won over by the openness and honesty of everyone within our small group, particularly our mentors. It was a relief to be able to talk to others, without fear, who are in the same situation and can help and empathize. A great support system to have on my journey to a better life and marriage. I just wish I'd known what I know now before my infidelity. (It probably would not have happened but we, unfortunately, can not change our past) Can't recommend AR strongly enough!!"
- S. Portugal | EMSO Participant
"After talking to a counselor for about a year, this class was by far the best thing for us. Talking to the counselor helped a bit, but through the homework we did in this class, it helped us talk about the issues we are facing. There was clearly a specific order of topics that helped us to work through the pain and discovery and eventually leading us toward the hope of trusting again. The other benefit, talking to other couples in the same situation, with the same pain as my marriage. I thank them for their honesty."
- B. OR | EMSO Participant
"It was absolutely amazing the way we able to have non escalated conversations about what happened, what lead up to the affair happening and what we could do to recover from it. Our marriage would not have made it without this course. We are so thankful for the material, the homework (even the tough weeks and conversations) the videos and Q&A to know that we're not crazy for the way this has affected us. Thanks again for the Hope of our marriage not just surviving but thriving."
- D. FL | EMSO Participant
"AR has saved my marriage. We may have stayed married, but it would not have been the marriage it should be. One of Samuel's videos was the breakthrough for my husband. It made the blinders fall off, and he agreed to take EMSO. EMSO has changed both of us. My husband now has empathy, stays present with me, and we are communicating better and more honestly than ever before. And I found a community that completely understands what I am going through. I found out I am not alone. "
- J. FL | EMSO Participant
"This program turned my outlook from very, very little hope to great hope for a better future together. It provided the tools needed to move me forward from my "stuck" position. This is better than weekend to remember, although that helps a marriage, this addresses our issue in the length and way I so desperately needed, being the betrayed in the relationship. Hopeful again!"
- C. TX | EMSO Participant
"Thank you Affair Recovery, our Group Leader, and the Community calls for all your efforts to help rebuild marriages. When we started the EMS Online our marriage was a mess. We both did not feel safe; opening ourselves up to the other. Communication was lacking, feelings of frustration, and a lot of hurt kept us from moving forward in our marriage. EMS Online has given us tools to rebuild our marriage. We have learned how to be vulnerable, heartfelt listening, how to work with anger, learning to enjoy each other, and lots more. Another marriage healing. Thank you so much."
- L. Florida | EMSO Participant
"After getting caught in one affair, I was still holding back and trying to protect my image. Hope for Healing convinced me I had to become broken and tell all. My wife and I have been slowly working towards recovery and I owe whatever success I have had to God and this program. I cant say enough about how much Affair Recovery has helped me and us. I completed Hope for Healing and volunteered to be a mentor during another class. I want to stay connected. My wife and I hope to do the EMS weekend soon. Thanks to Rick and his organization!"
- D. Ohio | HFH Participant
"...The material is great but more importantly I looked forward to the call each week because of the connections. It was a safe place for me to talk about the week without judgement, release, learn some things to help in my recovery, talk about books & other resources and to know that I am not alone. The group leader was consistent; she did not miss a call and was helpful. She encouraged us to reach out to her. I recommend this course to any woman who needs help with recovery."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"At the beginning I thought this was all hogwash, but after about 4 weeks I realized most of the information we were going over I could actually relate to and felt the course was written for me..."
- Anonymous | HFH Participant
"Having support of others struggling in the same way as me was such a help. Knowing that there is hope for my marriage and getting the tools to make our marriage better was wonderful! "
- K. TN | HFH Participant
""I was able to look at my issues that made me choose infidelity clearly for the first time, and I was able to work with a group of people who were understanding and non-judgmental.""
- S. MS | HFH Participant
"In the face of betrayal, it seems impossible to take care of yourself - much less others around you. But Harboring Hope gives hurt spouses the opportunity to develop self-love and self-care on a journey of self-recovery. To any betrayed women or men out there, just know you are worth it and one of the best things you can do right now is take care of you by joining Harboring Hope! "
- A. TX | HH Participant
"It was a game changer in my healing from betrayal to finally have a group of people comfortable with my pain and the amount of time it takes to heal. I couldn't work on the big picture when just day to day I felt abandoned, judged and afraid. It was an isolating process until I joined Harboring Hope."
- N. OR | HH Participant
"Before finding Harboring Hope, I was desperate in my situation. I knew of no other couples dealing with infidelity, and I felt so alone and isolated. It was comforting to have other women to share my feelings and pain with. Before the course, I felt like a normal life was over for me. Now I have hope for the future. "
- A. Canada | HH Participant
"The Week 6 curriculum is very emotional. It's intense but a major breakthrough in my recovery. Hearing my husband's assignment was like removing every thorn in my heart."
- S. California | EMSO Participant
"It was astounding to see this process as I go along. Seeing myself at exactly the time I needed that particular lesson to get me on track or to remind me that’s not where I should be. This is definitely a process that needs to happen for both betrayed and betrayer. Thank you."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"The EMSO was a life saver! Just to know I wasn't alone and my feelings and emotions were "normal" was so helpful. I don't think my marriage has a chance without this course. I would recommend this course for anyone facing infidelity! It's a life like and a ray of hope."
- T. California | EMSO Participant
"While the [Week 2] lesson was a more difficult lesson to get through because of the topic, the workbook and videos were excellent. I especially appreciated that the mentor video was from a couple who had been married for so long and had so many years of infidelity. Talk about providing hope! I know that how things progress depends on how the much work we are willing to put into this. I have struggled with trust, stemming back from 7 years ago... I had no idea how to address it. ...Reading the part about safety and honesty, instead of focusing on where is the trust, was so freeing and provided hope for both of us. We have made more progress in two weeks in our marriage, than we have in the last 7 years! I think part of that is realizing how to understand our mate and what they might be going through. And it definitely helps that we are both willing to work through this together. You have provided a means that my husband was able to open up about things he has held in our entire marriage, because he felt safe! Thank you for that!"
- K. Wisconsin | EMSO Participant
"Being in a group that understands and empathizes with the challenges of infidelity was a blessing. I needed people I could talk to without a filter and without tiptoeing through the recovery discussions with my wife. HH and my group was a life line for me."
- B. AK | HH Participant
"As an unfaithful wife, I felt like I didn't have anywhere to turn for help. I was too embarrassed to discuss what I had done with family and friends. Finding Hope for Healing that was comprised of wives who made the same horrible mistake I had made was encouraging. I felt like it was one of the few times that I truly felt understood in this process. Others knew how difficult the struggle could be sometimes and were there to support me without judgment."
- J. OH | HFH Participant
"Great videos, great material, challenging assignments, and frank conversations. Everyone who gets married should have to do a course like this prior to and periodically during marriage, even without infidelity, to help keep them on track personally and relationally."
- T. VA | HFH Participant
"I really appreciated the safe place to share, when the week had been rough or even good with my spouse. No judgement or criticism, just understanding."
- S. TX | EMSO Participant
"...We are learning and applying so much of what we are learning in this course. It's amazing... I have talked about it a lot with my therapist and she too has been amazed. I'm so very glad that God led me to your organization and the people in our group!! Thank you for doing what you do!!"
- K. Pennsylvania | EMSO Participant
"I was searching for a way out of my affair. I was having an affair with the one father in a group of stay at home moms. It lasted eight months. It was sexual and emotional. I thought I was supposed to leave my husband and two children. I knew nothing good would come out of this selfish act. My husband discovered pictures/videos of my affair partner-revealing to him an emotional and sexting affair, but not the full truth. I made a huge mistake of continuing to speak to my affair partner after discovery. And fell back into patterns that were inexcusable. After several failed attempts and opportunities to exit the affair, I knew I could not do it on my own. After literally searching google for "living in limbo with affair partner," I came across an article from Affairrecovery.com. I signed up for Hope for Healing within the week. I was so hopeful for a return to my family. I had no idea the amount I would learn about myself and my behaviors and thoughts that lead me to my affair. The most important thing I learned in the Hope for Healing course was how to prevent further false thinking and behaviors that could lead to infidelity. I will admit I was deeply terrified of full disclosure to my husband (he didn't know anything past the first disclosure, and believed I had stopped seeing the affair partner). Trust in the process and the support of the group lead my to know God's love and grace in a way I never understood before. I have been without hope. This course and website are so valuable to me through the hope that it has brought me and to my family."
- A. Europe | HFH Participant
"As the [betrayed] Spouse-- the curriculum is " spot on". The conference calls has made me see and feel that all my feelings, thoughts , emotions, etc are validated and normal--- with the nightmare of infidelity. And--- finally after months and months --- my spouse is finally " getting it". I truly have hope now."
- L. West Virginia | EMSO Participant
"... this should be a mandatory class prior to marriage.... I had a completely wrong idea about what marriage really is. I definitely learned a lot of new tools that I would like to apply in the future. Thank you again to great feedback and support...."
- N. Ontario | EMSO Participant
"Harboring Hope was a life saver for me. I looked forward to the readings and small group chats every week. Although our group was on a first name basis, I feel like I know have a group of ladies who have become apart of one another's lives."
- E. Canada | HH Participant
"Harboring Hope walked me along my path of recovery after my husband's infidelity. It was helpful to talk with others experiencing similar emotions and struggles that I was feeling. Knowing that the facilitators, and everyone associated with Affair Recovery has been through infidelity, was reassuring. Everyone was very empathetic to me. I highly recommend this course! "
- K. PA | HH Participant
"I was told this was a transformative weekend. I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree! Thanks."
- EMSW Participant
"If you are the least bit hesitant for any reason, I strongly encourage you to take a leap of faith. The healing power of working in a small group was beyond my comprehension when I started. Now, I am a firm believer that true healing begins when you are surrounded by others like you, who have walked in your shoes, and can support you on this crazy rollercoaster of recovery. The Hope for Healing course has completely changed my life! I am a different person than I was when I started 17 weeks ago. I learned more about myself than I have in years and years of personal therapy. The shame I have been carrying around is finally dissipating. I have gained so much more than just knowledge. I have a sense of self worth and self esteem that never existed before. I have a new outlook on life. I have hope! These intangible things are priceless. "
- M. Washington | HFH Participant
"I can'tell imagine how I would have gotten through my recovery without this course. I have gained insight, healing, and freedom. The curriculum was phenomenal! "
- T. Florida | HH Participant
"Harboring Hope was incredibly healing for me. I finally was able to face the pain head-on and actually learn how to grieve, how to forgive, how to let go. Have I conquered these things now? No, but I have a path to move forward on, and sisters to walk with. I highly recommend this class. "
- A. Florida | HH Participant
"I thought that because the initial betrayal took place years ago, and even though I found out the truth only one year ago, that I should just ''get over it''. The feelings and emotions I was experiencing every moment, was destructive to me and my family. Harboring Hope brought me to a place of realization and help, that I NEVER thought I could be at. Thank you so much. This was a life saver for myself and my marriage."
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"EMS Online was helpful to us. My husband, the unfaithful, contacted Affair Recovery out of desperation for help. It was 3 months after discovery and we had no one to turn to or direction to go. Affair Recovery gave us something constructive to do to help us understand our situation and to know there were others who have experienced similar heartbreak and recovered. It encouraged us to read the lessons and use the workbook to relate to each other and stir some intimate conversation that otherwise wouldn't have been there at this difficult time. "
- J. Virginia | EMSO Participant
"Hope for healing breaks you down and builds you back up in 17 weeks. The hopelessness at the beginning of the class was replaced with tools, recovery direction and hope for the future. I got to find out who I really am and what I can be. "
- M. Washington | HFH Participant
"Since D-Day, I've struggled at showing empathy towards my wife and what I did to her world. My first personal counselor stated "you sound awful cavalier about what you did" which brought me up short and continued to bother me to this day. This course had some exercises that forced me into my wife's world and I now understand better how much I hurt her heart. That alone was well worth the price. "
- J. Nevada | HFH Participant
"It was a great way to share with others who are struggling to understand their feelings, pride, and shame. We were able to be open without criticism. I feel like a new man and in a happier place after Hope for Healing."
- B. Europe | HFH Participant
"I was so intimidated by the thought of telling my story and feeling vulnerable to strangers but the ladies in my small group accepted me and my struggles with love and support and constant uplifting encouragement. Thank you HFH."
- T. South Carolina | HFH Participant
"Awesome overall - there is so little help and real guidance out there for people in our situations. This program has been amazing - giving clear direction, addressing real issues and the wealth of experience and mentoring from people who have been there themselves makes it absolutely invaluable. Putting us in touch with people in the same situation, where we can hear others speak our truths validates our feelings and helps us make sense of what is happening. This program rescued me from a deep dark pit and got me moving forward, where 18 [months] of counselling had failed in every respect. Thank you thank you than kyou - you are life savers - keep doing what you do."
- V. New Zealand | HH Participant
"Anyone who reads this should invest in the Harboring Hope class and by doing so you are investing in your recovery. When I didn't know where to turn and it seems as if my individual counseling sessions where not deep enough for me to handle the infidelity along with my husbands sudden departure to go and be with his affair partner, I turned to the 13 week course. I am now at the end of the course and yes I am hesitant; however, I have the tools, guidance from God, and work book to refer to as well as 6 individuals that I have heard go through the same things that I have; therefore, I don't feel so alone now. I am able to keep in contact with them and I hope to be helping others in a year or two. Thank you Harboring Hope's Leslie and John."
- H. CO | HH Participant
"Just days before EMS Weekend, I asked my [betrayed] wife to get a refund. Now, [Sunday] I wish it was Friday again, and I had this same weekend to relive. As painful as some of it is, the experience is something I never would have wanted to miss. "
- EMSW Participant
"Is heart surgery good? Yes, when necessary but it is still super painful. Is EMSO good? Yes, it was like heart surgery for me: painful and necessary. As the betrayed, I went into the course wanting structure and community with others who were walking the same road. I didn't know at the time that I also needed to truly grieve the situation. But through the weeks, I got it all. The structure is great, keeping you thinking, digging, processing, praying and talking to each other. The chance to meet and share with other women who truly understood was so good. The chance to give me a safe place to wake up to my emotions and grief and really look into my life and our relationship was wonderful. We are still on the road, but EMSO gave us tools and framework for healing. Would we still be together without it? Probably, but it possibly would be like putting a band aid on a heart that needed surgery. Thank you so much for our scholarship. It was a blessing to do the course without worrying about how to pay for it. "
- E. Texas | EMSO Participant
"We are in the Netherlands... just finished EMS Online with calls early in the morning. It is killing at times... but for us: it was all more than worth the trouble.... I had a hard time sleeping anyway, waking up early and sometimes being awake for hrs. A conference call with good people in the same boat [was] great. And I never slept better than after the calls.... Get Skype to work on your device, it is easy, worked best for us on the iPad. Really, I highly recommend it as you gain so much from it..."
- E. Netherlands | EMSO Participant
"Overall, without EMS Weekend 2 months ago, and all the tools it offers, my husband and I would not be where we are now, and might have, in fact, been divorced by now. I thank God that Rick created Affair Recovery to help couples. Thank you thank you thank you!"
- EMSW Participant
"I cannot believe how far I have come since EMS weekend just a couple of months ago. At that time, I could not even envision where we are now. Looking to a future of "better than". Thank you."
- EMSW Participant
"I cannot say enough about the EMS Online curriculum. It is challenging, biblical, thorough, and life changing. I have learned so much about myself, God, and my spouse. Thank you Affair Recovery for changing my life and my marriage. Our group leader, Greg, led us with strength, hope, and humor. So thankful for him and our time in EMS Online. Thank you so much."
- D. Texas | EMSO Participant
"I cannot say enough about what this course has meant to my husband and me and the impact it has had. We are using the techniques daily; especially the Pyramid of Truth and L.I.F.E. I came looking for a way to save my marriage and sanity and I found a new way to live, choosing life, not death. Getting to ground zero was a big challenge for us. My husband had many secrets and a great deal of shame around them, things he had never told anyone. I was so discouraged at the time of our last D-Day to get a bunch of new information. I revisited Rick's words about viewing this as progress and wrote our Group Leader for advise as to whether or not we should separate at that point. She reminded me that it is progress and told me to do what God is telling me to do. That was the best advise I could have gotten. God was and is calling me to stay, fight for redemption and heal. My husband is working so hard to heal and rebuild and I know that is a blessing that not everyone has. Surely God's Grace is delivered through Affair Recovery and the Saints who work there. Thank you and I look forward to Harboring Hope and Married for life along with our private counseling and the extraordinary life to come. Our Group Leader did an amazing job as our mentor. She always seemed to know just what to say and met everyone where they were. Her hope and faith is contagious. I am so glad God sent her to us or us to her. Either way it is pure Grace."
- M. Ohio | EMSO Participant
"So happy we completed the EMS Online course. It was exactly what we needed to restore our marriage & give us hope. We would recommend this program to everyone seeking help dealing with infidelity in a marriage."
- L. Illinois | EMSO Participant
"The chapters in the EMS Online workbook are spot on. I have obtained valuable new tools to better deal with my life. This has been an amazing course and I honestly look forward to our group meetings each week."
- B. Kentucky | EMSO Participant
"Each week of this program confirms the fact that without a structured group support system in place, we would have had very little chance of staying married beyond 2 years post Discovery-Day. During every group call, I feel privileged to be sharing this most personal, private and important journey."
- A. United Kingdom | EMSO Participant
"Well before this course i had no direction nor a real way to get my husband to cooperate, but this course provided so much insight."
- V. Canada | HH Participant
"From Week 9 of EMS Online: The curriculum on forgiveness was excellent. I would also like to say that am really seeing the value in the group experience. I felt the heartfelt sincerity from an unfaithful female in our group as she shared her assignment with her husband. I felt so much empathy for the shame and suffering she was going through. I realized that my husband is just as sorry and hurting from this as she is and has also expressed that very well and thoughtfully. Having empathy for her, because I am looking at her situation from the outside, helps me to have empathy for my husband. Due to the high profile nature of both of our jobs, we could not participate in a group like this locally, it just wouldn't work for us. We are so thankful for this online group experience."
- M. Ohio | EMSO Participant
"Very impressed with our Group Leader. He always encourages us to add our thoughts, to be comfortable sharing, and to use our Small Group Wall more. The EMS Online curriculum has definitely been on target with addressing issues that haven't been addressed as directly in previous counseling type settings we've experienced."
- P. Louisiana | EMSO Participant
"At first I was unsure if HH was something that I wanted to commit to. I knew I needed something more than what I was getting from meeting weekly with my counselor, so I eventually decided to enroll. I feel God lead me to HH and it was exactly what I needed. In my darkest hours and when my world was turned upside down, I found support from others and a safe place to openly discuss my hurts and fears. I felt like I wasn't alone. There was power in sharing my story with others and hope that I would not remain in the valley of darkness forever. I am much stronger today than when I first began HH, and regardless of what will happen in my marriage, I have hope for my future and I know I will be ok. Thank you for offering HH, it has been an amazing blessing in my life and I am forever grateful! "
- J. KS | HH Participant
"The Affair Recovery website has become a touchstone for me since the revelation of my husband's affair 14 months ago. After nearly a year of suffering in isolation (having chosen not to reveal his affair to our family and friends) I joined Harboring Hope, and it has been truly life changing. Not only are the materials important, but the group itself is a tremendous help. Reading the book, taking the time to think through answers to the questions, really allowed me to process each step of recovery -- the disclosure of information, the depth of betrayal, the steps to take in healing. It is absolutely essential for a betrayed spouse to take the time for PERSONAL HEALING, rather than just focusing on healing the marriage. And having a group of women to talk to felt like a tremendous weight off of my shoulders. Each of circumstances was different, and yet we were all in the same boat together. I have found it very easy to blame myself for my husband's affair. And yet, when one of the women in my group did this, I leapt to her defense. When I realized this -- it isn't her fault that her husband had an affair, so why am I blaming myself for mine? -- it was eye opening. There were women who are navigating through this alone, with their husbands, and in a state of uncertainty. Yet all of us provided support to one another. I have made friends for life through this course."
- D. IL | HH Participant
"We were so desperate to find help and direction, and every hope we had for this course was fulfilled, and more. We will take the lessons learned forward with us, reviewing them as often as needed. There is really no way to measure the hope we have found in these 13 weeks. The EMSO course and format taught us more in this short time than we learned on our own in 31 years of marriage. Our relationship is already richer than it's ever been, and we have incredible hope for a very happy future. "
- J. Missouri | EMSO Participant
"This is a wonderful program. It has given us insights that have helped us move forward and understand what to do and how to do it better. Even if we don't make it (I hope to) we will be able to move on individually in a much healthier way."
- T. Illinois | EMSO Participant
"My husband was blind to his infidelity prior to starting EMS Online. The curriculum, as early as just 2 weeks in, along with his personal story, enabled him to see the truth about the way he has lived his life, for which I am thankful. As a betrayed spouse, I felt supported by the curriculum."
- J. Missouri | EMSO Participant
"I thought I was going crazy, a complete failure, and everyone around me was in a healthy place. It was good to know that none of this was true. E - California"
- E. California | HH Participant
"Learning every week! Wish we would have done this program over anything else! We would have saved time, money & pain!! Thank you so much for all you are doing!!"
- D. Missouri | EMSO Participant
"Without community and support, getting through infidelity is impossible. I am so grateful that I found AR as it literally saved our marriage. Finding others that have experienced the same thing creates a safe environment and allows for true healing to begin. It was worth each and every penny. Hands down."
- T. Texas | EMSO Participant
"The material is great and very in-depth. I see myself all over the pages which makes me feel quite validated so I no longer feel crazy and alone. Thank you for sharing hope, it is a great blessing! My Group Leader is fabulous. Her care and compassion really shine through and her voice is very comforting, too!"
- L. Florida | HH Participant
"I was very nervous to get started with the first group call, however, within just a few minutes of listening to our Group Leader, she made me feel comfortable! Our Leader has a wonderful heart and we were able to hear it in her voice during each weekly call. We could feel how she cared for us and what we were going through during our highs and lows of this 13 week course. Excellent group leader!"
- N. Pennsylvania | EMSO Participant
"It's so nice to know that I'm not the only person going through this and feeling this way. Every little bit of the curriculum reinforces this for me. So even if the curriculum was terrible, and it's definitely not, it would be well worth it. Thank you so much for being here for all of us. I look forward to learning how to come out of all of this hurt as a better person and couple."
- A. Colorado | EMSO Participant
"This curriculum was so helpful for us to begin this recovery process. Rick has been an amazing communicator and we also gleaned a lot of great information from the weekly videos of the mentors. We will be forever grateful!"
- D. North Carolina | EMSO Participant
"As we are going through this course, we are seeing how good and thorough it is. I wish we would have taken this course years ago!!! It would have saved us much heartache and pain. It has been much better than ANY of the counseling we've had. We have paid over $10,000 for other seminars, counseling, etc, but nothing comes close to Affair Recovery. This is the best affair recovery resource we've seen or experienced. Thank you!"
- T. Missouri | EMSO Participant
"Infidelity is a painful and confusing bump in the road of life, and even worse, you can't talk to friends or family for support! You find yourself surfing the Internet or reading books full of generalities. Your therapist just wants to talk about your mother. In contrast, EMS Online gives you professional guidance and a support group of other couples in crisis. Whatever you decide to do about your marriage, you will have a healthier future if you complete one of the programs from Affair Recovery. If you're not spiritual, replace the word "God" with "hope" to get the most from this wonderful program. "
- C. Maryland | EMSO Participant
"This course has, hands down, provided the best information on recovering from infidelity and strengthening a marriage. EMS Online provided a personal sense of accountability with weekly readings and group meetings. I can't say enough positive things about this course. I feel for anyone who has been thrust into this horrible situation, but know that this course has the opportunity to provide so much hope and healing. Thank you for helping provide the groundwork to a stronger marriage, that is priceless for myself, my husband, and children."
- S. Michigan | EMSO Participant
"EMSO helped me to realize this isn't something to just forget and move on from. I realized it is okay to talk about the affair and walk through the pain with others like us."
- B. Ohio | EMSO Participant
"This course literally saved my marriage. Watching the videos, working through the written material, and sharing our personal struggles and triumphs with other couples who were going through the same thing gave me and my husband a chance to restore what was lost and heal from the wounds my infidelity had caused. We are in a much better place now. We have a whole new intimacy we'd never had in all the years we were married. Thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless this ministry"
- D. Illinois | EMSO Participant
"For the first time in my life, the Hope for Healing course has allowed for me to truly look at myself as a person and to realize I have faults like others."
- W. Texas | HFH Participant
"Hope for Healing helped me to see myself as a person with hope for the future and not just a mistake because of what I've done in my past. Finally I feel worthy and genuinely happy as well as authentic. It's tough work - but so worth the payoff! "
- S. Texas | HFH Participant
"I can't imagine my husband and I recovering from my infidelity without Hope for Healing. This course taught me to look at myself and what I'd done with rigorous honesty and to understand and love my wounded husband the way he needs me to. It is absolutely true that this course and my hard work have helped me turn the worst thing that ever happened into a very good thing. I feel centered, calm, hopeful, and in love with my husband now after the course. I know that we can work through anything together, and I'm confident we will be married for life."
- S. Texas | HFH Participant
"We started the Bootcamp 3 days after D-Day and EMSO as soon as an opening was available. Words cannot express how grateful I am that I found Affair Recovery so soon after learning of my husband's affair. When he told me that he had engaged in both a physical and emotional affair with a former coworker and close friend, I felt like my whole world was coming to an end. We felt especially alone because we are only in our early 20s, have only been married 2 years, and have no children. Most people in our situation would have walked away. But, after 10 years together, I wasn't prepared to throw it all away and start over. If you feel like there is *anything* worth fighting for in your marriage, you need the resources at Affair Recovery. Hearing the stories of other couples and sharing our own lifted that feeling of isolation--we realized we were definitely not alone. At first I was afraid that taking a course and being open to the possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation was an indirect way of providing permission to betray again. I learned very quickly that is not the case. The marriage we have now is one I never even dreamed of. We still have a lot of work moving forward but I have never been more hopeful for our relationship than I am now. An affair is not something to forget and move on from. It is part of our story now but we've taken the time to walk through the pain and deal with it in a healthy way. "
- B. Ohio | EMSO Participant
"I'm so thankful for this course. It helped my spouse and I methodically work through the recovery process and gave us practical steps to continue moving forward. We were stuck at a place in recovery and this provided a big leap forwarded. I have more hope that we can make it through this now. Thanks to everyone at AR! "
- S. Texas | EMSO Participant
"This course gave my husband and I the tools we needed to stop the screaming and yelling and actually start the healing. Without the help we received, a divorce would be in the works."
- S. Mississippi | EMSO Participant
"I entered the program feeling desperate and confused about my future with my spouse. The program was well designed and well run and we got so much out of it. "
- M. Massachusetts | EMSO Participant
"Harboring Hope was such a wealth of compassion, support, and expert guidance during this intensely painful and disorienting season. And the women in my group are now my "sisters"."
- B. Texas | HH Participant
"Over the past 14 months, I have tackled this painful journey completely on my own. The only person I have spoken to was my husband. HH took me out of my isolation and let me tell my story. It also made me aware that others have a much tougher road than I do."
- R. Canada | HH Participant
"I enjoyed the group discussions. "
- C. Texas | HH Participant
"Thank you to all and to those in this organization who are caring!! To make the wheels turn and to make the whole picture of the pain and anguish real is amazing. I am thankful for all you have taught me....given me and blessed me with. May God bless you...whoever is reading this. May you know that you have touched and reached another broken home, because of what you do. Blessings""
- Anonymous | HH Participant
"Harboring Hope is like water to someone dying of thirst. I needed people like me to talk to. And I needed to find ways to think about suffering, hope, and God in all this. "
- D. NC | HH Participant
"If you have any questions about Harboring Hope, know that it was absolutely necessary to my personal recovery. There is no roadmap when your world is shattered by infidelity, but Harboring Hope connects you with a community of men that truly understand the pain, confusion, and all-consuming effect that your spouse's choices have had on your life. I thought I was alone, and didn't know how to move forward - Harboring Hope helped me find other men that provided support while walking through content created specifically for our situation. "
- C. Illinois | HH Participant
"No one really understands how it feels to deal with everything that you have to deal with after an affair is discovered except people that have been there too. It's so nice to be able to hear others going through what I am going through and to be able to talk about the pain/anger/sadness together. I will recommend this to anyone that I come across that needs it. "
- A. Texas | HH Participant
"Sharing the surface of this is hard enough, but sharing the deeper struggles, insecurities, and fears would have been impossible for me. But a group of anonymous women in the same boat as I was, learning and digging deep together, was the safety and acceptance I needed to open up. Speaking aloud the pain, struggle, or even temptation and getting it out into the light took so much of it's power away."
- A. NC | HFH Participant
"The Hope for Healing class had a hugely positive impact on me. Sharing my story for the first time within this safe environment opened up the door to healing. The lessons made me dig really deep to uncover things that needed to be uncovered. Healing has begun. "
- A. Washington | HFH Participant
"It is a huge help to have a plan of action to conquer this pain, and to have a list of things that are detrimental to the healing process."
- S. Texas | HH Participant
"Gaining a better understanding of what happened, what I was going through emotionally, and how to move forward with recovery was invaluable."
- L. USA | HH Participant
"Thank you so much for your wonderful leading and incredible curriculum. Painful at times but necessary for true healing. Thank you for using God's word as the plumb line for your material. Refreshing in today's "economy" of what to do in these situations. May God bless you abundantly. Everyone at Affair Recovey. Thank you. :)"
- J. Ohio | HH Participant
"I realized it was normal to feel the way I did and that there were steps I could take to help myself heal no matter what direction my life took. "
- S. Texas | HH Participant
"I do not know what I would have done had I not found HH. It was an answer to my prayers after my discovery. I not only found a group of ladies that could relate to what I was going through, I found 5 wonderful new sisters that laughed, cried, and prayed with me. I was very blessed with the group I was put into. We have exchanged personal info to be able to be there for each other any time we need. Finding people who could relate to how I was felling made me feel like I wasn't alone in this nightmare I found myself in. It was truly a Godsend."
- C. Texas | HH Participant
"I don't know how I would've gotten through the last three months without the ladies and mediator in Harboring Hope. The fact that we all knew each other from EMS weekend was the best part. I would highly recommend this for the ladies who meet at EMS. There's a connection during small group calls like no other and we are so comfortable to just dig right in to the conversation."
- L. Texas | HH Participant
"There are no words to adequately express what the Harboring Hope course and the level of healing it has brought has meant to me. As a hurt spouse who has endured multiple affairs before finding Affair Recovery and Harboring Hope, I can honestly say I am in a place of strength, healing, and insight I never thought possible. The band of sisters I have gained through my group members will be lifelong friends as we bonded "in the foxhole" of our own shared pain and healing. Our group leader was a source of grace and hope, as the focus was taken off of "saving the marriage" and onto letting God heal and save us as hurt women. As a result, I believe my marriage has great hope. My children have a healthier, stronger mother and role model, and my shield of faith has grown five sizes! The fiery darts will always come, but Harboring Hope and Affair Recovery have given me tools for healing, weapons for defense, and prayer-warrior friends I will have the rest of my life. To put succinctly, this course helped me clothe myself with strength and dignity, so I am truly able to smile at the future (Proverbs 31:25). To feel dignity again and strength to face the future are the two greatest gifts I could have been given in the midst of such desperate and dark hours. It has changed my life and therefore, my children's lives as well. How can I thank you enough? "
- W. United States | HH Participant
"Hope for healing made the difference between salvaging my marriage and being divorced. It has greatly improved our marriage relationship...in a word a HOME RUN! "
- B. Louisiana | HFH Participant
"It was great to share with other people that knew and understood what I was going through and where I was in the journey. Having a group of women you know aren't judging you because they've been there too was reassuring and made opening up that much easier. The insights you take away from them, the amount of material that makes you think, and the revelations you have about yourself and your nature make Hope for Healing a wonderful, positive, and encouraging journey. "
- C. Texas | HH Participant
"I learned how to be happy again, regardless of what is going on around me. Great, comprehensive information and priceless support for healing. "
- M. Oregon | HFH Participant
"This course helped me process pain effectively and used that pain for good, transforming me and channeling it into love for others. The course also gave me a new perspective that puts hope in even the bleakest of moments and makes me aware of my purpose for living.""
- S. Texas | HFH Participant
"It was great knowing others have the same struggles! "
- A. Texas | HFH Participant
"Without our small group, our marriage may have turned out differently. We're grateful for one another and know that our group feels the same about our presence."
- DT. California | EMSO Participant
"I am quite sure that we would not have been able to see through the mud of infidelity with out the assistance of EMS Online."
- J. Canada | EMSO Participant
"We couldn't find anything like EMS Online around us, with people who understand, who wouldn't judge and would walk through the dark places with us. It has brought healing, hope, and a future to my marriage"
- A. Australia | EMSO Participant
"I think this was a very good course. It helped me and my husband see what our actions have cost our marriage and how many years were wasted in not getting help sooner."
- C. Utah | EMSO Participant
"I think the real key to being able to move forward is learning the right lessons in a non judgemental envvironment. EMS Online shattered alot of preconceived ideas and laid the groundwork for a stronger marriage going forward. "
- E. Neveda | EMSO Participant
"Finding out that my emotions were normal and completely valid made the path to healing a possibility. "
- B. Texas | EMSO Participant
"EMS Online provided us with a safe environment to discuss a deeply personal hurt. It also gave us a road map on how to start a journey of healing for our marriage. "
- D. KS | EMSO Participant
"EMS Online helped us in so many different ways. It was wonderful to have people to reach out to that understood my feelings and thoughts. The support was simply soothing and warm. "
- L. Kansas | EMSO Participant
"We appreciated greatly the communication with others who wanted to save their marriages instead of turning straight to divorce."
- R. South Carolina | EMSO Participant
"It got our marriage out of the darkness and shined a light on important and often challenging issues each week."
- P. California | EMSO Participant
"I was very apprehensive about an online recovery course, but the facilitator and the other couples gave us the courage to stand in the gap and look at situations through each others' eyes.We have hope for a future together! "
- S. Texas | EMSO Participant
"EMSO was going to be my last effort at saving my marriage. This course got us talking about the affair, grouped us with other couples going through the same struggles, and gave us tools and support to deal with our issues. I am hopeful and more committed to working on our marriage."
- D. Kentucky | EMSO Participant
"We tried self-help books and MFTs but this is the first program we did together and actually completed. Absolutely worth it! "
- S. USA | EMSO Participant
"Before the course I was sooooo full of anger and resentment. Thru the 12 weeks my spouse and I learned how to get to ground zero to start fresh and to live again. It feels so good and I feel I have came so far. The feeling of hopelessness is gone and I can see my future! Thank you so much."
- J. South Dakota | EMSO Participant
"Having somebody understand EXACTLY what you are going through makes going through this course worth every penny. Also, having to face the issues that need to be addressed in order to heal WITH your spouse makes all the difference in the world. It was awesome and healing to have my husband "get" the pain I was going through AND for me to understand his too."
- A. Texas | EMSO Participant
""While our marriage is still very much in the healing process, we now no longer feel stuck since taking EMS Online. We feel like we have grown so much over the last few months and that we have a good direction for our marriage. Our communication is definitely more open and we are continuing to learn how to best provide a safe place for each other as we continue healing and recovery.""
- T. Texas | EMSO Participant
"Before finding Affair Recovery, we had seen a few very good counselors. But I still felt lost... like I was so in need of some more specific guidance... something concrete to help us through this confusing & painful situation. Affair Recovery was it! How thankful I am that we found this program. It was a God-send. Things are still hard, but at least we now have some tools to help us work on healing in our marriage"
- M. Washington | EMSO Participant
"My leader was so open and honest about her own journey that it gave me the strength to keep on going and believe that there really is hope for my marriage. "
- P. Washington | HH Participant
"I learned so much more about the workings of infidelity for both the betrayer and betrayed through the workbook. I looked forward to our weekly phone calls; it brought comfort during one of the most unsettling times of my life."
- L. Missouri | HH Participant
"Harboring Hope offered a forum to learn and discuss the pain that is being betrayed with people who can understand in a way no one who hasn't been betrayed can. It allowed me to gain perspective and insight through other's experiences and know I am not crazy, rather human and normal. I am so glad my group was here each week to take me on this journey."
- J. Oregon | HH Participant
"After having struggled in silence with infidelity and heartbreak I was relieved to find Affair Recovery and Harboring Hope. It has helped me a lot to share my pain with other women and start me on the right track towards personal healing."
- T. South Africa | HH Participant
"The women I met in my group are amazing. I have created some life long friendships that I wouldn't otherwise. Given the circumstances of my life right now, it's a special thing to have others that I can connect with, that are going through the same thing."
- N. Idaho | HH Participant
"The combination of the course material and the small group discussion was fabulous. I am confident that I have explored every aspect of recovery and have a strong foundation to continue working on my own. And the group discussions provided a safe forum to delve deeper into my feelings and to get new perspective that I would not have discovered if I was working on this by myself."
- J. Virginia | HH Participant
"Talking with the people in this group was one of the most healing experiences. Through healing together I have found some life long friends."
- C. Alabama | HH Participant
"I just wanted to thank you. I have been participating in the Harboring Hope program and it has truly been such a blessing to me. I feel renewed and hopeful and am loving the support of the other women who understand. "
- S. California | HH Participant
"Just want to say how profound Lesson 3 was. I viewed and re-read it over compulsively this week. Mind-blowing stuff. Very profound insights. "
- M. Colorado | HFH Participant
"EMSO gave me a safe place where I could talk about my past without shame, and being with others who wanted to fight for their marriages gave me the guts to tell "all". That gave me courage to say what I felt I needed to say in order to help others in the same boat! It wasn't just words; you bonded with the others in this "fight" against the forces that be that wanted to destroy our lives. "
- M. California | EMSO Participant
"I expected to meet a group of losers who were going to spend the weekend talking about their feelings. Instead I met other people like me who were “normal” (people w/ problems). We spent time on ‘us’ as a couple and me as an individual – but part of a couple. We confronted our faults, issues, spirituality – we were forced to relook at what God wants for us in our marriage. We realized we need to spend (invest) time on us. We felt connected with the other couples immediately! We developed friendships based on a common experience. I believe this will be a life changing experience. I saw hard hearts softened, I saw beautiful smiles of joy on faces of people who came on Friday devoid of that. Thank you! "
- EMSW Participant
"I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I was very anxious. In preparation for coming, I read lots of testimonials online ad was very encouraged. I experienced love, acceptance, empathy, and a very safe place to share. I’m feeling that this weekend has laid a great foundation for our future. I’m encouraged! "
- EMSW Participant
"I expected to get much further down the road of recovery than we are getting with our counselor…and I did. I experienced renewed hope, a safe environment with other hurting people, a set of tools to help, and a compassionate set of counselors who understand. I am feeling hopeful and encouraged. "
- EMSW Participant
"I was expecting to see both of us torn down/devastated, but I was pleased to see both of us treated with grace/respect. I was challenged and pushed to the limit I needed to be pushed, but I understand and benefited because it was done it the Spirit of making me better in addition to benefiting our marriage. I feel better about our marriage today than I have in at least a year and a half."
- EMSW Participant
"My experience from EMS was such a blessing! I was expecting to gain an additional sense of hope. I realized a significant increase in hope for a better life and growth to oneness in God. I grew so much closer to my mate, felt an immense improvement in our increased intimacy. I made connections and new friendships with others seeking to recover and grow closer to God. I am feeling very hopeful about my marriage and my future. Anger management “time out” tools were very valuable. "
- EMSW Participant
"I was expecting it to feel like a counseling session but instead it turned out to be a great way to surface, discuss, and understand some very difficult topics. I am feeling strong and optimistic about our marriage and our future together. "
- EMSW Participant
"Outstanding! As far as expectations, I was just hoping they could help us understand and it did just that and so much more. I am very optimistic about me, my wife, and our marriage. "
- EMSW Participant
"Really appreciated how they tied together psychology, bio chemistry, and spiritual sides of the affair, the hurt, and the healing"
- EMSW Participant
"All therapists were very helpful and compassionate. I appreciate the spiritual component to the weekend. Food was great and venue was warm and welcoming."
- EMSW Participant
"I was expecting to get a boost. I wanted to really face my emotions and process his pain, which I have been able to do. I know we had gotten to a better place in our marriage because we were both willing to come, but I know we needed something that allowed us to move forward. I experienced enlightenment and I found hope. I feel we are going to make it. I think it was helpful to normalize a lot of marriage issues that I thought were specific to us but are very much universal. If everyone is dealing with a lot of the same struggles, it is easier to stay and work on it, otherwise I would leave and find myself in the same predicament again. "
- EMSW Participant
"I really enjoyed my time at EMS. I found the exercises to be engaging and thought provoking and exceedingly helpful for me. I had some expectations of EMS but really worked hard to be open to the teachings and exercises to experience it in its fullness. I believe that our marriage will be restored and that somewhere in the future God will use this somewhere else. "
- EMSW Participant
"We talked to a few people who are alumni of EMS so we had an idea of what to expect. I expected an intense weekend where we would get the tools to help through the pain. I experienced a place of safety and healing. There were people who were understanding and here to help us. It was an unbelievably safe environment where I was free to be me and around people who got it. The counselors were willing to take their time and talk through everyone’s pain, hurt, and discouragement. I have a great hope for our marriage and the future of our family. I know this had nothing to do with me or our marriage. "
- EMSW Participant
"I experienced acceptance without judgment, yet honesty about my own faults and weaknesses. I’m feeling hopeful about my marriage and the future. "
- EMSW Participant
"EMS was work. Well worth it work. I was expecting to not enjoy my time or get anything out of the weekend, am glad to say I was very wrong. I experienced a new way to look at my marriage, my mate, my life, and myself. I am feeling better about my marriage than when we were first married. God works in mysterious ways. "
- EMSW Participant
"I expected to be pushed into reconciliation and no other choice. I experienced an option to healing/reconciliation. Healing forgiveness by choice and recovery. Reconciliation is something I will have to decide. God is a huge part of it all and He will get me there along with the tools I have acquired and learned about myself and my husband. Long way to go but path worth pursuing. Very challenging weekend but only the beginning to the journey. I’m actually feeling pretty great about the future of my relationship and my spouse which is a miracle in itself! "
- EMSW Participant
"I did not have any expectations or knowledge, so my anxiety was pretty high coming here. Once I got inside the doors I immediately felt calmer and safe. It’s been a constant safe haven and I got way more toward believing in hope for our marriage, which I was not expecting. I now have hope when I was very unsure before. The exercises were all great- I’m so glad we came. Thank you! "
- EMSW Participant
"This program is unlike anything I could have ever expected. God led me and my wife to this program. I came with a great sense of hopelessness and I’m leaving with great hope. I pray that my wife and I will stay the course and look back on this moment at a time when our walk with God is in order, our love for each other is better than ever, and our marriage is renewed. "
- EMSW Participant
"I was expecting a weekend that would provide healing for my husband. I experienced healing for myself. I definitely found some moments of epiphany. "
- EMSW Participant
"There was so much in-depth training on marriage, abiding, and understanding of me as a person and how I work. As a betrayed spouse I can tell you how good it feels to hear my spouse express empathy. This is by far the most emotion and trueness that I have seen from them in 8+ months since the reveal. That was the beginning of healing for me this weekend. There are several things that I will take from this weekend and use in my marriage. I am more hopeful for my marriage after this weekend. I am extremely hopeful for myself as a person after this weekend. "
- EMSW Participant
"Before EMS I had no expectations that I would be able to relax at all. However, after sharing on Friday my story with my small group I knew that I would be heard and understood. I experienced compassion and love and no judgment. Rick brought so much insight and wisdom and made me feel normal. I honestly still don’t know where my marriage is going to go at this point, but I have committed to working on me. "
- EMSW Participant
"My experience at EMS was a dynamic eye-opener into my personal struggles and how I must continue to work at providing myself with a safe environment and to walk with God. I found the testimony of our mentor couple to be very helpful and insightful. It gave me hope that reading was not able to deliver. Actually seeing a success story that was similar in origin to ours was very promising. I feel my marriage will succeed or expire based on my spouse’s choice…as I will continue to follow God and have him guide her hand. Thank you all & God bless your work"
- EMSW Participant
"I really connected with my spouse while in the small group. It was a time to listen to other couples (with the therapist's guidance during discussions) and myself and my husband felt (for whatever reason) more of a heart (God) connection when in community with them. We are hopeful and commit to staying together at this time. We commit to leaving our old relationship in the past."
- EMSW Participant
"I connected with my wife well. We reached our goals for the weekend, I let me shame and humiliation get the best of me at first. I was way out of my comfort zone, but I made friend and saw their progress so far in the weekend. That was rewarding. My marriage has a ton of hurdles in the future, but we’re off to a good start. "
- EMSW Participant
"I didn’t really know what to expect when we came. I experienced truth, love, acceptance, honesty, experience, anxiety, peace. I am feeling hopeful about my marriage for the first time in over two years. I am looking forward to the growth in both of us that this program has kick-started. Thank you!"
- EMSW Participant
"I was not clear before coming to EMS what to expect. All I know is that being in a group of people who are on a similar path gave me encouragement and hope to survive this traumatic experience. I am hopeful and trusting (with God) for new beginnings in our marriage. "
- EMSW Participant
"I didn’t arrive with expectations, just a little hope and a lot of anxiety. I found a group of caring, safe people looking for the same thing I was. I can’t say it was easy but it was definitely worth it! "
- EMSW Participant
"I learned so much about myself and my wife through this journey and I am so thankful for the personal care given to our relationship by ALL the counselors there. I have hope in the future of my marriage that I didn’t previously have."
- EMSW Participant
"EMS gave me an opportunity to hear what my spouse wanted me to hear. I wouldn’t have bothered otherwise."
- EMSW Participant
"The weekend has opened my eyes to the pain I submitted my spouse to. It has given me a deeper understanding what my true commitment to deeper love should & will be. This weekend has showed me how to understand my vulnerability and how to see hers. I am very thankful that we made the decision to come to EMS. Even after 18 months of active recovery we gained so much insight on how to move forward together "
- EMSW Participant
"I’m not sure what I was expecting. I did not guess that it would be so intimate, so freeing, so open, that we would experience so much of the other couples’ journeys. I feel optimistic about our future. Thank you for all your love, support, and for putting this together. Thank you Rick for helping me break through other issues. "
- EMSW Participant
"I really didn’t know what to expect, but my hope was to cut through all the superficial issues of our marriage and get to the core of our problems. My hope was to learn in a deeper way what my wife was about and her journey from her point of view. I was at the end of my marriage, hanging on by a thread, and I needed the help of someone outside my marriage to help. Someone who could understand my wife in a way that would help her understand herself along with me understanding her. What I got out of these past 3 days here reached much farther than my expectations. What a blessing this has been to both of us. I will always be grateful to everyone who is part of EMS for being the catalyst that helped change my life and give me a path toward recovery. Thank you so very much. "
- EMSW Participant
"I found it to be a safe, loving, helpful environment and experience. I think we were both able to make a permanent decision to be committed to our marriage. "
- EMSW Participant
"I didn’t know what to expect; I was just looking for direction. My experience here was painful, but the weight lifted from my “body” afterwards s overwhelming. I now see the pain I caused from my infidelity to my spouse. I know that pain is closer to death than death itself. As for the future: clear mind, full heart, can’t lose! I honestly believe our marriage is going to be stronger and more dedicated and more connected in the next ten years from now. "
- EMSW Participant
"Did not know what to expect. Was a great experience. Exceeded my expectations. Offered so many tools to help start a new beginning together. A real chance to heal. Thank you, EMS."
- EMSW Participant
"I tried not to have too many specific expectations before I came. What I experienced was amazingly comprehensive coverage of the issues faced by couples post-adultery, presented in a trust-inducing environment. There was a huge amount of information, and some of the bites came as I was still chewing a previous bite, but I don’t know how else you could do it. Blessings on you for tackling such a toxic issue with such grace and mercy."
- EMSW Participant
"I received everything I was expecting plus more. I was able to leave the 10 pound weight from my gut (hurt/pain/anger) and I feel relief, something I have not felt in 4+ years! I can’t thank everyone involved with AR who I’ve learned from enough! I can and will move forward in a positive, healthy way. I am choosing my husband to love and start a fresh new journey together. "
- EMSW Participant
"EMS Weekend has felt like a very safe haven for me. I could be myself without fear of being criticized or condemned. I felt sometimes like I was at the feet of Jesus when he told the adulterous woman has no one condemned you so I do not condemn you, go and sin no more. It was beautiful. "
- EMSW Participant
"I was NOT wanting to come to this but am very glad that I did. It had helped my heart to open to possibilities of reconciliation. This was the best investment I could have ever made in working through my spouses infidelity. "
- EMSW Participant
"911 Marriage [EMS Online] literally saved our marriage from divorce. We had tried other professionals, which only lead us to more pain. It was comforting to know that others were feeling and thinking the same thoughts as us...we were not alone on this journey. Our marriage has been enriched by the valuable lessons we have learned."
- K, Alabama
"This week's curriculum was awesome. Very helpful. This program and every one involved in it is such a blessing. All the hard work and dedication really show from everyone on the staff. I can't thank you guys enough."
- EMS after-care participant
"Finding out that my emotions were normal and completely valid made the path to healing a possibility."
- B Texas
"The thing about Harboring Hope that was so positive was that I got better by doing the work and following suggestions. As a byproduct my husband got better as well."
- W. Washington
"We had tried counseling, and failed miserably, not only once, but twice. The situation looked hopeless, and without end. This was the ONLY help that we found that made sense, and it saved our marriage, bottom line!"
- BG New Mexico
"Our first counselor was not properly trained in marital infidelity and only prolonged and increased my pain. 911 Marriage [EMS Online] was a gift of incredible proportions."
- M - New Mexico