Q&A How Do I Get Him to See My Perspective?

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My husband is in complete denial that he is even having an emotional affair with this other woman. He says they just play Pokemon Go together, which is apparently driving around together late at night for hours talking & catching Pokemon. They park at a park & carpool to a restaurant for drinks & to talk or go to a bar to play pool every Thursday. This has been going on for over a year. She buys him gifts. He sends her flowers. He confides in her about our marriage. She was privy to our marriage problems before even I was. We were fine before her. All the signs of an emotional affair are there & I felt the detachment. I've expressed my hurt & pain how it is damaging to our marriage. He doesn't see it. It's my fault. My husband stone walls when trying to discuss the situation. Never of us want to divorced but I'm prepared to file soon. He refuses to stop seeing her saying I'm controlling & he has the right to have a friend. She manipulates him saying they aren't doing anything wrong & if I loved him I would let him do whatever he wanted. She is also married & he husband encourages their relationship. He also has female friendships. Sorry, I know this is so long. I guess my question I don't know what to do because he thinks he's doing nothing wrong.



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If he is spending so much time with his “friend,” why is he even married? I recognized that when I married my husband many years ago, that my male buddies were no longer going to be my hiking, skiing, backpacking and riding buddies unless my husband was going to be with me and wanting to participate with my male friends. Sadly, my husband didn’t know what “forsake all others” was all about and didn’t let me know that he wanted an open marriage just for him. What are your boundaries going forward? I now have a bottom line boundary with consequences that will keep me safe. If he wants to continue with his hidden life, I will no longer be in a relationship with him. I’m glad that you are willing to to not accept what isn’t acceptable for you in your relationship. Strength and courage to you.


If he is spending so much time with his “friend,” why is he even married? I recognized that when I married my husband many years ago, that my male buddies were no longer going to be my hiking, skiing, backpacking and riding buddies unless my husband was going to be with me and wanting to participate with my male friends. Sadly, my husband didn’t know what “forsake all others” was all about and didn’t let me know that he wanted an open marriage just for him. What are your boundaries going forward? I now have a bottom line boundary with consequences that will keep me safe. If he wants to continue with his hidden life, I will no longer be in a relationship with him. I’m glad that you are willing to to not accept what isn’t acceptable for you in your relationship. Strength and courage to you.

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