For The Hurt Spouse
There are many aspects in the recovery of the betrayed spouse that will look very different from the unfaithful spouse. These articles are written specifically for healing and to provide hope and encouragement for the hurt spouse.
Must Reads
Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling)
How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons
Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know?
Surviving Infidelity: What Do We Tell the Kids?
Ending an Affair - Step One: Make the Decision
1230 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Reclaiming Dignity and Worth as a Woman with Laurie Bryson, M.A. & LPC 8/28/2024
Text How to Find Answers 8/21/2024
Video Q&A Are We at the End of the Road? 8/20/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Get Past or Heal From the Hurtful Things My Husband Said About Me to His Affair Partners? 8/20/2024
Video Q&A Would Viewing Surveillance Footage of My Husband’s Affair Be Helpful? 8/14/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Get over Feeling Disgust With My Partner Over Who He Chose to Have an Affair With? 8/06/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Truly Know if My Wayward Spouse Has Changed? 8/06/2024
Video Q&A What Do I Do When My Wayward Spouse Refuses to Meet My Emotional Needs? 8/06/2024
Video Q&A How Can I Better Understand the Behaviors of My Wayward Spouse? 7/31/2024
Video Q&A How Can I Help My Wayward Spouse Heal From Betrayal Trauma From a Prior Relationship? 7/31/2024
Video Q&A What Advice Do You Have for Polygraphs, Anxiety Induced False Positives, and Full Disclosure During Recovery? 7/26/2024
Video Q&A How Can I Believe My Mate When They Say the Affair Is Over? 7/26/2024
Text Affair Partners: Eight Reasons Not to Confront Them 7/24/2024
Text Why This Hurts So Much... 7/17/2024
Video Q&A As the Betrayed, Should I Focus on Avoiding the Affair Partner? 7/10/2024
Video Q&A How Can We Reconnect if I Don’t Know What Happened? 7/10/2024
Video Q&A Am I Asking for Too Much Control or Is the Wayward Spouse Being Unreasonable With a Lack of Boundaries? 7/10/2024
Video Q&A Do I Need to Allow the Wayward Spouse to Have More Time in the Recovery Process? 7/10/2024
Video Q&A Can You Please Address the Problem of Grieving Memories Like Childbirth Under the Shadow of an Affair? 6/19/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Stop the Comparisons, Build Confidence, and Get Better at Sex Without Feeling Like I’m Trying to Be Like the Affair Partner? 6/19/2024
Text Pimping Tenderness & Grooming Behaviors 6/19/2024
Video Q&A What Is the Best Way to Build Trust Around My Husband’s Actions and My Triggers? 6/13/2024
Video Q&A Is It Okay for the Unfaithful to Masturbate While I, the Betrayed, Can’t Be Intimate Right Now Because of Lack of Emotional Connection and a Lot of Hurt? 6/13/2024
Video Q&A Will I Ever Accept His Reasons for the Affairs? 6/13/2024
Video Q&A Does My Mate Still Have Feelings for His Affair Partner? 5/14/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Know When My Husband is Safe Again? 5/07/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Address Her Readiness to Engage With Someone So Despicable Versus Her Resistance to Reconnect Intimately With Me? 5/07/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Cope With the Resurgence of Past Traumas Triggered by Such Betrayal? 4/25/2024
Video Q&A Every Time I Start to Feel Better, My Unfaithful Spouse Stops Putting in as Much Effort. How Can I Feel Safe When This Happens? 4/25/2024
Video Q&A How Do You Stop Thinking About and Forgive The Affair Partner? 4/25/2024
Video Q&A How Do We Know if Our Cheating Spouse Is a Sex Addict, Has a Personality Disorder, or if It Is Something Else? 4/25/2024
Video Q&A Where Can I Find Help for My Mate’s Cognitive Issues Surrounding the Lessons and My Grief? 4/25/2024
Video Q&A Should My Husband Keep His Mother in His Life Given That She Actively Facilitated and Supported His Actions? 4/25/2024
Text Understanding Codependency and Betrayal: An Excerpt from Harboring Hope 4/24/2024
Video Q&A How Can I Be More Help to My Wayward Spouse Like He Has Been for Me? 4/03/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Deal with My Unfaithful Spouse’s Inability to Self-Reflect? 3/19/2024
Video Q&A How Can Someone Love You Even During the Betrayal? 3/19/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Get the Affair Partners Out of My Head? 3/19/2024
Video Q&A What Do I Do with an Unfaithful Spouse Who Will Not Provide Me with Full Disclosure? 2/28/2024
Video Q&A Is It Possible for Him to Rebuild Real Empathy and Actually Care about Me Again? 2/28/2024
Video Understanding the Mind of the Unfaithful: Minimizing the Affair 2/14/2024
Video Q&A Why Should I Go through This Program If I Don’t Believe My Unfaithful Spouse Loves Me Anymore? 1/30/2024
Video Q&A How Could My Unfaithful Partner Just Forget about the Affair Partner and What They Did Together? 1/30/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Get over the Fact He Wanted to Walk Out on Us? 1/30/2024
Text What is Healing? 1/10/2024
Video Q&A Given That Addiction Is Part of His Personality with the Alcohol Abuse, Is He Also a Sex Addict? Is There Any Chance He Might Get Better with DBT Therapy? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A Are My Assumptions about the Affair Partner’s Intentions Reasonable? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Tell My Unfaithful Spouse I Need Access to His Devices to Feel Safe? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A Can You Give Me Input on How My Mate Justified Their Actions? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Get past Feeling So Much Time Was Stolen from Me? 1/09/2024
