Relapse Prevention
Relapse is not the end of recovery, nor is it necessarily inevitable, but you will need a plan in place to maintain recovery. Learn to stay the course through the seasons of recovery.
Must Reads
Affair Recovery Timeline for Healing After Betrayal
How to Survive Infidelity
Rebuilding Trust After An Affair
How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons
The Seven Mistakes Churches Make When Dealing With Infidelity
326 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A Am I Asking for Too Much Control or Is the Wayward Spouse Being Unreasonable With a Lack of Boundaries? 7/10/2024
Text Pimping Tenderness & Grooming Behaviors 6/19/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Do Everything Right at Every Moment for My Wife? 4/25/2024
Video The Affair Causing Habit 4/17/2024
Text How to Survive Infidelity 3/06/2024
Video Q&A Is It Ok for My Husband to Meet With His Affair Partner? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A How Do I Tell My Unfaithful Spouse I Need Access to His Devices to Feel Safe? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A Can You Clarify What It Looks Like for Someone to Go into the Pre-contemplative and Contemplative Stage after a Relapse? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A What Is the Best Way to Keep Boundaries in a Situation Where the Affair Happens in a Tight Knit Community? 11/28/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Deal With My Sexual Addiction When Everything I’ve Tried Isn’t Working? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A Are the Requests I’m Making to Feel Safe Unreasonable? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A Is It Reasonable for Me to Feel Unsafe When My Wife Is around the Affair Partner without Me? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A Do I Have the Right to Know What My Spouse Is Doing to Monitor Me? 9/12/2023
Text Relapse: Why Can't You Stop? 8/23/2023
Video Q&A What Is the Best Way to Set Boundaries in the Workplace? 8/15/2023
Video Q&A Should My Husband Contact the Affair Partner to Break Things off If They Haven’t Had Contact in Almost a Year? 6/29/2023
Video Q&A Are Any Lasting Feelings for the Affair Partner Permitted? 5/19/2023
Video Q&A If There Is a Future for Our Marriage, Would You See the Journey to Be Any Different than Normal? 5/19/2023
Text What Is the Cost of Forgiving Infidelity? 5/10/2023
Video Q&A Is It Necessary for Him to Be Proactive or Should I Be Happy He’s Doing What I Ask of Him? 4/12/2023
Video Q&A How Do We Handle Workplace Triggers in Recovery? 4/12/2023
Text Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery 3/08/2023
Video Q&A What Action Do You Recommend If My Mates Behavior Doesn’t Change? 3/02/2023
Video Q&A Are My Boundaries for My Spouse Unreasonable? 1/11/2023
Text Untransformed Pain will be Transmitted 12/07/2022
Video Q&A How Can My Spouse Work with the Affair Partner and Still Be Okay? 12/06/2022
Video Q&A Is It Possible for Someone to Quit Porn Cold Turkey? 12/06/2022
Video Q&A How Do I Keep My Boundaries Strong in a Place of Leadership? 7/07/2022
Video How Does My Spouse Escape the Neurochemical Process of Limerence? 6/22/2022
Video Q&A What Do I Do If My Spouse Works with Their Affair Partner? 5/24/2022
Video Q&A Is It OK for the Wayward Spouse to Keep in Touch with Affair Partners from the past That Happened Years before Us? 4/20/2022
Video Q&A How Do I Move Forward Knowing That He Already Has The Mindset That This Could Happen Again? 4/08/2022
Video Q&A How Do We Move Forward after Several Relapses? 4/06/2022
Text How to Prevent Relapse: Healing After an Affair 3/30/2022
Video Q&A Do You Agree It’s Necessary to Re-Establish No Contact? 2/17/2022
Video Q&A Should a Wayward Spouse Be Allowed to Have Friends of the Opposite Gender? 2/17/2022
Text Why Did They Cheat? Part 4: The Problem With Addictions 11/03/2021
Video Q&A Is It Common for the Wayward Spouse to Go Back to the Affair Partner? 10/07/2021
Video Q&A Will I Ever Know If My Spouse Is No Longer Emotionally Attached to His Affair Partner? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A How Do My Spouse and I Get On the Same Level When It Comes to Appropriate Communication to His Affair Partner about Their Daughter? 8/02/2021
Video Q&A I Want Proof That His Affair Partner Has Been Contacted and Told That It Is 100% Over and He Will Never Contact Her Again. How Do I Go About This? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A Is It Wrong to Expect My Husband to Stop Contact with an Affair Partner Who Is Close to the Family and My Best Friend? 5/12/2021
Video Q&A How on Earth Do I Enforce Boundaries during This Time without Pushing Her Back to the Affair Partner? 4/29/2021
Text Travel Plan: How to Create One and Why They're Worthwhile 3/31/2021
Video Q&A Am I Wrong to Demand Him to Quit His Job for My Own Healing? 2/11/2021
Video Q&A Am I Wrong for Wanting to Know My Husband's Yellow-Light Behaviors? 1/25/2021
Video Q&A How Can I Get My Husband to Understand the Importance of Boundaries? 1/20/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Deal with Constant Relapse? 1/14/2021
Video Q&A Am I Wrong to Ask Her to Stop Social Media Use? 10/22/2020
Video Q&A Should My Husband Find Another Job to Protect Himself from Relapse? 9/24/2020
