Q&A Is It Ok for My Husband to Meet With His Affair Partner?

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In November I discovered the affair through reading my husbands text messages. My husband claimed he was relieved that the lying and betrayal was now over and wants to do the work to rebuild our relationship and trust. He called to tell his affair partner, twice, that their affair was over and he was committed to our marriage, asking for no contact. She contacted him two weeks ago causing great emotional distress for him and myself. We have completed the 7 day bootcamp and are committed to the EMS Online course 2024. Today he was very emotionally distant and when we sat together tonight, he disclosed being emotionally flooded with memories of his affair partner and missing her deeply. He wants to meet with her in person and is hoping that she will tell him that their relationship is over. He claims that he wants our marriage to work and he wants to be with me, but he needs to have some sense of closure with her. I want to support his healing process, however, I am unsure how to support this situation. Please help.



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-D, Texas