Sexual Addiction
Sexual Addiction is a confusing and frustrating battle, but it can be won. The articles in this section will guide you to understanding the dynamics of sexual addiction and point you towards the path of recovery.
Must Reads
Coping with Infidelity: The 2 Stages of Pain
How Long Does It Take to Recover From An Affair?
How Could You? Part I: Why We Commit Betrayal With Infidelity
Dealing with Infidelity: How to Get You Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling)
Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery
188 Resources
Type Title Posted
Text Betrayal Trauma: How We Get Stuck in Trauma Bonds 2/07/2024
Video What Does Doing the Work of Infidelity Recovery Mean for the Unfaithful - Infidelity Recovery 1/24/2024
Video Q&A Given That Addiction Is Part of His Personality with the Alcohol Abuse, Is He Also a Sex Addict? Is There Any Chance He Might Get Better with DBT Therapy? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A Could My Husband Be a Sex Addict? 1/09/2024
Video Q&A Can You Give Me Input on How My Mate Justified Their Actions? 1/09/2024
Text Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability? 10/24/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Deal With My Sexual Addiction When Everything I’ve Tried Isn’t Working? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A At This Point I Just Rather Not Have Sex at All. Is There Something That I Can Do to Change This? 8/15/2023
Text Your Brain on Porn and Understanding the Sex Addict 4/26/2023
Video Q&A Does My Husband’s Sexual Performance Indicate a Serious Issue? 3/17/2023
Video Q&A Does My Mate Have a Sexual Addiction? 3/17/2023
Video Q&A How Do You Handle Having OCD and a Sexual Addiction at the Same Time? 1/11/2023
Video Q&A Is It Possible for Someone to Quit Porn Cold Turkey? 12/06/2022
Video Q&A Are These Reoccurring Mental Images of Porn Normal? 11/03/2022
Video Q&A Will I Be Able to Find My Wife Sexually Attractive Again or Have I Broken My Brain? 10/13/2022
Text Surviving Infidelity: What Do We Tell the Kids? 8/10/2022
Text Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 3 - Hiding in Denial 6/08/2022
Video Limerence: Infatuation and How It Works 4/27/2022
Video What Is A Forgiveness Letter? 3/16/2022
Text Why Did They Cheat? Part 4: The Problem With Addictions 11/03/2021
Text Why Did They Cheat? Part 3: Do They Have an Addiction? 10/27/2021
Video Q&A What Progressional Steps Are Most Helpful in Recovery from Pornography Addiction and Extramarital Affairs? 9/08/2021
Video Q&A Does My Husband’s Behavior Qualify as Sexual Addiction? 8/02/2021
Video Q&A Should I Ask My Husband to Take the Sex Addiction Survey Test Again with Me Assisting? 4/22/2021
Video Q&A Is He ‘Cured’ and Am I Now Safe? 4/13/2021
Video Q&A Do You Classify This as a Sexual Addiction or Is This a Different Type of Affair? 4/13/2021
Video Q&A Is It Normal for an Unfaithful Spouse Get Upset Whenever Asked to Talk about the Inappropriate Behavior? 1/28/2021
Video Q&A Should Sex Addicts Completely Stay Away from Sex, Including Healthy Sex with Their Wives, to Recover? 1/14/2021
Video Q&A Could This Be Sex Addiction and How Is That Different for Recovery? 11/18/2020
Video Q&A Is It Possible for an Addiction of This Severity to Change So Quickly? 10/22/2020
Video Q&A Is Soliciting Prostitutes Always Due to an Addiction? 9/22/2020
Video Q&A How Am I Supposed to Address This Barrier More Than I Already Have? 8/18/2020
Video Q&A Is It Okay to Have Sexual Fantasies of My Wife? 8/07/2020
Video Q&A Does My Husband Really Have Only a Sex Addiction? 6/19/2020
Video Q&A Is This Healthy or Are My Concerns Valid? 6/09/2020
Video Q&A Is This Normal Affair Behavior or a Sexual Addiction? 6/03/2020
Video Q&A How Do the Processes for Recovery and Relapse Prevention Differ for Sex Addicts? 5/19/2020
Video Q&A How Is Recovery Different If the Porn Addiction Is Same Sex? 3/16/2020
Video Q&A Is My Husband a Sex Addict? 2/20/2020
Video Q&A How Do We Manage Recovery from Both My Affair My Mates Addiction? 2/20/2020
Video Q&A How Do I Handle the Fact That My Husband’s ‘Safe Place’ for Porn and Masturbation Has Primarily Been at Work? 2/14/2020
Video Q&A Is It Wise to Refrain from Sex with My Mate in This Situation? 2/11/2020
Video Q&A What Do You Do If Your Spouse Truly Believes They Do Not Have a Problem or Addiction? 11/13/2019
Video Q&A Do My Sexual Dreams Indicate a Deeper Underlying Problem? 10/16/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Deal with My Sex Addict Husband Pouting Because I Do Not Want to Have Sex with Him? 9/26/2019
Video Q&A Can Sex during Recovery Have an Adverse Effect on Our Healing? 9/26/2019
Video Q&A Will We Ever Have a Healthy Marriage? 9/26/2019
Video Q&A What Is Sexual Imprinting and Its Impact on Sex in a Marriage? 9/26/2019
Video Q&A Will Seeing a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Cause More Harm Than Good? 9/18/2019
Video Q&A Is It Possible That My Spouse Is an Addict? 8/28/2019
