Q&A How Many Times Should I Give Him Another Chance?

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Hi John and Leslie, I am 19 months post the most recent D-Day (he lied for many months and tricke truthed). He completed Hope for Healing and seemed to be changing. Things between us seemed to be up and down, but slowly getting better. I had started feeling safer and believing him. I was feeling like we would be ok and make it through this together. Recently he lied to me about something that I would have been uncomfortable about but would have been ok with in the long run. He's calling the lie a "relapse", which I find totally insulting especially since this isn't the first time it has happened since D-Day. We are attending couple's counseling and she is helping us realize why he lies and omits things. I expressed how important it is that he is truthful about EVERYTHING. It seems like I'm expected to wait patiently while he figures out how to be honest with me. Yet each time he lies, no matter how big or small, I tell myself, "Give him one more chance" and he winds up lying again. And I keep doing that. Giving him more chances and telling myself that the next time he lies, I'm done. I want so badly to stay together, keep our family together. Any thoughts?



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