Q&A Should I Keep Pushing Him to Talk and Give Me Answers?

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It has been 9 months since discovery, and disclosure. My husband and I went to counseling for 4 months, but now we aren’t anymore. I feel like we could still use help, but my husband says that it is not his time to talk about it. I don’t understand why he won’t talk about it and give me answers? Should I keep pushing him to talk and give me answers? Or just allow him to continue to sweep it under the rug?



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Instead of focusing on his recovery work, focusing all of your energy on your healing journey and doing whatever you need for self care goes farther than pushing the betrayer for answers that they probably don’t have at this point. I don’t believe that any of us go into our committed relationship with the intentions of cheating on our spouses. We all have FOO lives that we will need to explore for ourselves. Do what you need to do to be safe. If you are being abused in any way, get out and protect yourself in ways that you can find safety and security. You may not be getting the full disclosure from the cheating person. Get qualified counseling for yourself. This is an ultra high altitude ultra marathon with a record low temperature blizzard thrown in for more of a challenge. You are definitely worthy of so much more than having this craziness in your life journey now. Make yourself your priority.


Instead of focusing on his recovery work, focusing all of your energy on your healing journey and doing whatever you need for self care goes farther than pushing the betrayer for answers that they probably don’t have at this point. I don’t believe that any of us go into our committed relationship with the intentions of cheating on our spouses. We all have FOO lives that we will need to explore for ourselves. Do what you need to do to be safe. If you are being abused in any way, get out and protect yourself in ways that you can find safety and security. You may not be getting the full disclosure from the cheating person. Get qualified counseling for yourself. This is an ultra high altitude ultra marathon with a record low temperature blizzard thrown in for more of a challenge. You are definitely worthy of so much more than having this craziness in your life journey now. Make yourself your priority.

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