Signs the Unfaithful Partner Is Safe in Affair Recovery Work

Determining when the unfaithful partner is safe in recovery work can be confusing, daunting and just plain overwhelming. The good news is, there are metrics one can use to determine if the unfaithful party is serious about their individual recovery work as well as their primary relationship. The affair recovery process is not only possible but essential if a couple is going to overcome infidelity or addiction. The process requires a skillset that Samuel clearly defines and shares for those wondering if their partner is safe. Without a clear understanding of what a betrayed partner should be looking for, or what the unfaithful should be working towards, it's difficult to see a possibility of healing after an affair. Today you'll hear Samuel in his element sharing what to look for in your unfaithful partner as well as what should be happening in your own heart and life as an unfaithful.

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This has so much meaning.

This has so much meaning. Thank you

Thank You Samuel. This right

Thank You Samuel. This right here is it.. that chasm that separates the wayward and the betrayed, the pride and shame, the secretive stuff... if they can lay it all down, healing will happen and trust can be rebuilt, at a safe and supernatural pace! My spouse blows up. Or spirals down whe I have wanted to process my pain.. this.cycle has lead to numbness in my heart.towarda him. Over 5 years from the first d day, 3 young kidd, 17yrs of all may end because he never wanted to hold my hand in the pain. He retreated, and pursued less important things and ppl, with fervor.

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