When I’m Sorry Isn’t Enough: How to Embrace the Consequences of Our Infidelity Every safe and healthy formerly unfaithful spouse eventually comes to the realization that mere "I'm sorries" just aren't enough. Restoration takes time, gut-wrenching effort, and expert help. Without any of those variables, the repair process can seem absolutely impossible. The good news is, there is a way to heal and survive cheating of any kind in a relationship, where both parties are committed to the process. It's a tough conversation when the unfaithful spouse is told they must embrace their consequences if they are going to have any future with their betrayed spouse. Questions like "should I forgive a cheater?" and "can I survive this awful cheating" can be answered when an unfaithful spouse is willing to embrace their consequences and be safe for the betrayed spouse's anger and pain. Harboring Hope registration opens monthly. Subscribe to be notified. Are you ready to breathe again? Harboring Hope, our online course for betrayed spouses, is the life-changing help you've been looking for. "I just completed the Harboring Hope program. My husband was unfaithful to me emotionally, physically and sexually with a co-worker. What I wished I would've known is that forgiveness and reconciliation are two different things. People who refuse to forgive can never live their own lives, they are too busy obsessing about the life of the one who hurt them. They are stuck. They are unable to enjoy friends, family or even their children. They imprison themselves in a bondage of their own making. I definitely recommend the Harboring Hope program as a support for healing. To be in a safe community with other women who know what you're going through and how you're feeling is comforting. Whether you're able to reconcile or not, there is hope." — M., Michigan | HH Participant, April 2021. Harboring Hope is our online course for betrayed spouses to heal after infidelity. It often sells out within a few short hours. Don't miss it! Subscribe to Registration Notifications!