Wedding Anniversaries After Infidelity - What Do We Do With Them Now?

I want him to see and understand how important it is that I make this special despite the pain.

After the revelation of infidelity, memories and milestones become a very tricky landscape. Reminiscence that used to instill joy, nostalgia, and peace, can now elicit a very different set of emotions. Reflection on the past can be truly debilitating in the face of betrayal. As a whole, anniversaries, dates, seasons, etc. now carry a sting. But there is a particularly cruel mockery that enshrouds a wedding anniversary following marital infidelity.

Some experts guide a couple in recovery to consider the "old" marriage to be dead, grieve its loss, and then embark on creating a "new" marriage in truth, light, and healing. I understand the sentiment behind this, and maybe it is interpretation on my part, but I just don't like it. It doesn't work for me. Betrayal can encompass a significant period of our lives for many of us - whether it is the actual affair(s) / betrayal behavior, the duration of the deception, or a combination of both. In my case, my husband's affair and subsequent years of deception lasted a very long time. Am I supposed to just close the door on a huge chunk of my adult life and never look back? I'm not saying this is exactly what the experts are suggesting, but that is how it feels to me.

My kids were little and those were very special years for me. I don't want to close the door on that. I showed up in those years. I did the best I could to reach over that divide, but he would not open the door. Could I have done things differently, in the years before, during, and after the affair? Yes, of course. I missed opportunities that I would address differently in hindsight, but I acted in good faith, based on the knowledge I had (or lack thereof) and the emotional skillset and maturity I had at that time. Now I am older and wiser (let's hope) and have learned a lot about myself and my husband so I can do things differently and with eyes wide open.

So, now to my point. Since D-day, several wedding anniversaries have passed. I'm sure I don't have to tell you how I felt about the first one. I didn't even want to acknowledge the day, much less celebrate it. I ignored it and just wanted it to go away. This was about 6 months after D-day and it just felt like a sick joke. Added to the insult was the solemness my husband expressed about the importance of the day. He seemed very earnest and resolute in his expression of the day's meaning to him. I did not understand why we would ever want to celebrate it again. What was there to celebrate? Why would a person who took marriage so lightly and went to such extensive and repeated measures to destroy everything it was about, want to celebrate the anniversary of our wedding day and the vows that ultimately meant nothing? I remember thinking that now it was just insulting that this day even exists. He got me a very heartfelt card; I could not acknowledge the day at all. The painful irony is my husband found it so meaningful and important, when it truly meant the absolute least to me it possibly could. If I had been agreeable we would have done something special, but I wanted nothing to do with it. I just wanted the day to be over and behind me. Looking back, I know my husband was hurt by my reaction, but it seemed like such a farce to me, and I really couldn't muster up the empathy to care how he felt about it, since he was the one who cared so little about our marriage that it had been rendered totally meaningless. It seemed pretty cut and dried to me at that time, and I really did not think I would ever feel any differently about this. I counted our anniversary among the many things I lost in the aftermath of betrayal. To his credit, he was able to "hold" the meaning for both of us, while I began to work through it to try to move closer to where he was.

I have seen many of the Affair Recovery General Forum conversations about wedding anniversaries (and rings) and most of the comments include the words "never" and "always" in terms of the betrayed spouse's feelings, with no hope or expectation for change. Obviously I understand this, as I have been right there with you. However... I continued to struggle with it, which means that I knew somewhere in my heart, I did not want to let it go. Bear with me on this, as I explain how things have shifted for me.

I already told you how wedding anniversary #1 post D-day went. I pretty much ignored anniversary #2 as well, just wanting it to pass quickly, move on, and leave me alone. No card, no commemoration.

By the third one, though, I felt differently. Not initially, but my frame of mind shifted following a specific conversation I had with my Harboring Hope group leader. I was facing another wedding anniversary and wanted to feel differently about it, but didn't know how, or even if I ever really could. My group leader endured her husband's numerous affairs across the span of many years of their marriage, but they had been reconciled and happy for a number of years at that point. I told her my dilemma and asked her how she felt about their wedding anniversary. This is what she said:

"Since the (last) affair was over, we have anticipated the day and celebrate it for many reasons. It's the day "we" began and that is still cause for celebration. We are now celebrating not just the beginning of our marriage, but the history of our marriage. It's one that went from what seemed broken beyond repair to beautiful. We celebrate God's grace and the power of forgiveness. Our anniversary now is even sweeter than it was before infidelity. We made it! We went through the darkest nights and the hottest fires and we are still married! We love each other more deeply now than we ever thought about the day we first said those vows. One of those vows is 'for better or for worse' and the years he was cheating were definitely "worse", but it is part of us, part of our story... We reclaimed the day by renewal. When God rebuilds from broken pieces, from dust, into something whole and beautiful, I think that's a cause to celebrate!

I suppose one way would be to look at our marriage as a big picture. The day we got married is part of that picture. It is how the picture began, the first mark on the canvas so to speak. We are still married. We still love each other, in fact, we love each other even more now than we did then. So the beginning is something to celebrate. Without the beginning, we wouldn't be in the present. And the present is something to cherish. Yes, promises were broken. He wasn't faithful... Our beginning is still our beginning. And I still see that as something to celebrate."

She went on to say that they chose to renew their vows on their wedding anniversary as part of reclaiming. This was intentional, to not allow the affairs to take her memories of their wedding day - the day that marked their beginning. She explained that for her, both dates hold special memories and that the vow renewal didn't negate the original wedding day, but reaffirmed it. For her and her husband, they remember both events as special in their own way.

I thought about what she had said and let it sit with me for a while, not knowing how to feel. I appreciated the analogy of the strokes on the canvas, and considered that in my own life. My feelings change all over the place in this recovery space, as I'd bet many of yours do too. But even then, I could see how thinking back to my wedding could be a good memory woven into the larger picture, rather than just a disappointment that needed to be dismissed and thrown away, never to be mentioned or thought about again.

So as we approached our wedding anniversary last year, I actively used this analogy to filter my perspective about it. It didn't suddenly change everything, but it did allow me to consider that I might feel differently someday, which offered hope. As we approached the day, my husband allowed me to lead the way at the pace at which I was comfortable, and I asked him to take the day off from work with me. I did buy a card that year, although even that experience is like wading through a minefield; anniversary cards are generally comprised of a few standard sentiments: faithfulness, loyalty, teamwork, and protection/safety. It's complicated to intertwine sentiment with reality when you're looking through the Hallmark lens at a post-infidelity marriage. I made some plans for us that didn't pan out, partially due to circumstance and partially because I wasn't emotionally ready, but it still was a noticeable step. We ended up going out to lunch with our son, and while not a traditional "anniversary" commemoration, it was still much more than I could have tolerated or envisioned in the first two years, and it felt right. It was a small victory for me, and it offered me optimism for future anniversaries. It was, and still is, important to me that my husband understand how difficult and confusing it is for me to wrestle with the feelings about this occasion, which he does. I want to eventually be able to celebrate it and make it special, but I didn't want him to falsely assume this is easy or that I am "all good" and at peace about it. I'm not. It hurts. But I want to make it better, and it is worth the effort to me to make this special with him.

Fast forward, this year held a milestone wedding anniversary for us. While I still experienced a mixture of painful and hopeful feelings about it, I also recognized it is a miracle we are still here together. There have been so many opportunities over the years for either of us to walk away, and I am amazed we didn't give up. So this year, we made reservations and went away for the night. It was... nice. And hard. And beautiful. And painful. And wonderful. And connective. And ironic. And special. And confusing. Sometimes it's hard to know how to feel about it. Isn't that weird? Trying to decide how to feel about something? I'm sure you get it, but it's so strange not to know how to feel. This year was the best wedding anniversary so far since D-Day. "Celebrate" still might not be quite the right word at this point, as it still feels like I - and our marriage - held no value to my husband for a season, but it felt right to honor the day in this season. And the most valuable part to me is that now, we are both able to share honest feelings and tears with each other, and not feel like we have to pretend.

The healing process is a series of small steps. The bad times don't negate the good ones, and the good ones don't erase the bad. They are all part of our story.

As for the idea of declaring the old marriage dead? I don't exactly agree that happiness in celebrating future anniversaries involves letting go of the past and moving ahead into the future. For me, I am finding it is necessary to incorporate the past to move ahead into the future. It may be semantics, but the thought of "letting go" makes me bristle, and feels inauthentic to me and how I view life. The distinction may not be clear to anyone else as I am expressing it, but it has made a difference in my ability to make shifts when I can. "Letting go" feels forced, but incorporating is more natural as I grow to understand more about what happened, why it happened, who he was, who I was, who "we" were, and what she was (and was not) to him at that time. It's still a work in progress. I don't know if that helps anyone else, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

I realize with longing that I will never be able to look back in my old age and say we had a faithful marriage. The facts of the past cannot be altered, and there is such grief in knowing that will never be our story. When I talked to my husband about my struggle with our anniversary, I told him I am not trying to make him feel badly that this day is painful for me. Actually it is the opposite - I want him to see and understand how important it is that I make this special despite the pain. If it was easy, it wouldn't mean that much, so the struggle and effort is actually a positive thing, and demonstrates the value I place on our relationship.

We are different people now. We know what our marriage is worth, and we both value it more than we did before. Pain is an effective teacher in that regard. I see us now as a cushion for each other, absorbing one another's failings with kindness and grace that neither of us deserve.

I will end with my hope for all of us by sharing the words of my former group leader, "I hope you will someday be able to genuinely celebrate your beginning... and your new beginning."

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Thank you for sharing your

Thank you for sharing your experience. So much of this resonates with me ….. sadness and joy reside together, sadness for the losses and joy for the new found closeness and understanding of ourselves and each other. Again, thank you.

Ali eli bli

I'm glad to hear this resonated with you, thank you for your comment. It can be such a mixture of emotions and it's hard to even understand what we're feeling at times.

I wish you the best and hope you find healing and peace.

This is beautiful, Jen. Thank

This is beautiful, Jen. Thank you for talking about some things I struggle with and showing a way to view them. I am not there yet and appreciate the view from someone farther out. I know I don't want to discount our beginning and the many years we did have of a faithful marriage. I know I will come back to this message. Just last night I was looking at your blog posts and thinking we hadn't seen one from you in awhile. Your posts on forgiveness have given me a lot to think about. I look forward to the things you write. Thank you for sharing your heart.

Thank you vwilliams3 :)

I appreciate your kind words, and it touches my heart to know anything I have written has helped someone consider a different perspective on such painful topics. Thank you for commenting and I wish you well in your journey.

My sentiments...Exactly!

As a member of your group, Jen, I want to thank you so much for sharing your wisdom.
These statements were especially poignant to me and so expressed my feelings as well.

“The facts of the past cannot be altered, and there is such grief in knowing that will never be our story.” and “I want him to see and understand how important it is that I make this special despite the pain.” As well as, “words of ‘our’ former group leader, "I hope you will someday be able to genuinely celebrate your beginning... and your new beginning."

Thank you to all the ladies in our HH group. We have come so far, yet I know we will always be there for each other whether times are good or bad, happy or sad.


Yes, you know we will always be here for each other. It's been quite a ride, and I treasure our friendships. You have all been a lifeline to me in my darkest hours, and I am glad I can now offer something to you and others here on this page.

Thank you my friend.

I agree

Thank you Jen for sharing your story. I too have struggled with the notion that my old marriage is dead. Perhaps it's just the wording,but I too am unwilling to cast our whole history into darkness. We have lot done a lot of work and somewhat miraculously we made it through our first anniversary post d day unscathed. I feel like we just held on tight to one another and our goal of healing with eyes wide open. We haven't made it to the anniversary of D day yet (it's been 11 months), but I think that day may be even more challenging. We plan to do something new together on that day and I expect while there's bound to be tears we will get through it together. To me looking back at these months of turmoil feels like a victory, and I hope it gets easier the farther they appear in my rearview mirror.

Hi Sarah

It sounds like you have a great perspective and I loved this: "we just held on tight to one another and our goal of healing with eyes wide open."

This is hard stuff, there's no way around it. But it sounds like you have made great progress in a very short time already. I think your approach to your Dday anniversary is great. And if it is harder than you expect, that's ok. Be patient, and don't pressure yourself. I'm glad you're finding support here and thank you for your comment.

Thank you!

"The bad times don't negate the good ones, and the good ones don't erase the bad. They are all part of our story." Thank you for putting into words what I am finally feeling. This was very well written and encouraging. It has taken me three years with lots of ups and downs, but I am finally able to move on and we are doing quite well. We had some dark chapters, but we have persevered, and it is now part of our story.

Thank you Della

It is a long road, to be sure but I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. Thank you for sharing your experience and for your kind comment.

As always, you have wise

As always, you have wise words to encourage us.
We chose to celebrate that first anniversary after DDay, it came about 6 months after disclosure. It was important to us both to do so.
You see, the year before was our 25th and we “kind of” celebrated that, although it came on the heels of my husband’s physical affair. He ended that relationship a couple of weeks before our anniversary, feeling such guilt as I excitedly planned our 25th. He was really a mess and didn’t even buy me a card or flowers, as he had always done. I was disappointed but tried not to show it. I had no idea about the affair. He went all that summer of 2019 being faithful, then returned to the affair in September until DDay in January 2020.
So we wanted to redo our 25th on our 26th anniversary in July of 2020. He rented a lovely mountain lodge, a place we’d always wanted to go. It was a hard weekend with much grief, but it was also good.
We had a great conversation with our counselor about this. He helped me to see that our wedding day in 1994, when my husband stood beside me reciting vows, was still just as meaningful and special as it had always been. That day my husband said those words, he meant every one. He had no thought of being unfaithful then, would have been horrified by such a thought; he was completely and deeply in love with me. All of that was true then, and so could still remain true today. The betrayal that happened all of those years later was never a part of the plan. My husband gave in to a deceived message, he felt unloved and unloveable. He was not emotionally well and he succumbed to sin. Some might feel that the betrayal negates all of the years before, including the special day of our marriage; I did not feel that way. What was said in truth then could be renewed and become true again.
It helps that I believe in a God of redemption and restoration, He really can make all things new. I stand on this truth of the power of God to do this.
And so we celebrate our anniversary and we celebrate DDay by calling it Truth Day.
Last summer we renewed our vows.

Thank you again for your blog posts.

Thank you Bighorn Mountains

I always appreciate hearing from you :) I absolutely felt like the betrayal negated all the previous years and the entirety of the marriage. I felt that very strongly and never expected to feel any differently. But I wanted to.

So it has really been a surprise to me to feel the shifts I have experienced. I would still not label myself "healed" or say I feel 100% about this by any means. But the change in perspective has been significant enough, that I can see it can continue to grow in a positive direction and it gives me hope, which I am happy to share here in these blogs.

I feel similarly about Dday anniversaries to how you have described it, and in fact mine is tomorrow. For anyone interested, I wrote about it last year, and a lot has even improved since then.

Thank you for commenting and sharing your story.

Thank you Jen. I have also

Thank you Jen. I have also been looking for a new post from you. You share your heart with honesty and compassion. I appreciate your perspective and journey. It does fill me with hope!

“Our anniversary” is at the end of the month and although I am not there for this year it has given me food for thought. I NEVER wanted the date to be mentioned! It was DEAD to me. I NO longer answered how long we had been married. My husband could answer those question because he had killed our marriage. There was such anger, hurt and pain associated with the broken vows. But I have surprised myself lately by beginning to answer those questions again. I no longer feel the overwhelming triggers of those questions. Having said that, I am not ready to initiate anything on that date either. Maybe next year I will be able to celebrate that God has pulled us from the ashes of a dead marriage to a marriage that He is restoring because of His forgiveness, grace and mercy.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts and journey with us!

Hi Pitter

Nice to hear from you again. :)

You described some universal feelings in your comment. I felt that way too - my anniversary was dead to me. Completely. I also mentally subtracted the length of the affair from how long we had been "married" as that time didn't count anymore. All the things you described is how I felt too. And I never expected to feel any differently.

I think that is why I wanted to share my experience. It's certainly not perfect, but it surprised me to actually feel any movement on the subject, so I wanted to offer hope that it really can change.

I'm glad you are noticing changes. There is no rush to feel anything more than what is authentic to you at this moment. It will come when you are ready.

Thanks for commenting!

Wedding Anniversaries

I have read 10,000 pages of affair recovery, and this one has been the most helpful so far.

Thank you Michele

I know how it feels to navigate through mounds of infidelity material and not feel like I could really connect to anything. So I'm so glad you found this helpful. Thank you for commenting.

Still feeling the loss

Thank you Jen for the hard work you put into your blogs. I appreciate how you put my feelings into words for me. At two years I still feel the same exact feeling I did one year ago. Loss. I look at him and think of what we lost. What was broken. It’s all shattered and I can’t do anything about it. I know God can, but yet the feeling is the same. So much pain. Like you said, “ "Letting go" feels forced, but incorporating is more natural as I grow to understand more about what happened, why it happened, who he was, who I was, who "we" were, and what she was (and was not) to him at that time.”
I struggle with this idea of building a new marriage because I think my husband has white knuckle recovery right now, not real understanding. But I appreciate your words on struggling with the old marriage being dead. I am stuck there not wanting it to be gone and yet not seeing anything new grow yet. And fear that pornography will insert itself again. Thank you for sharing your real year to year struggles.

Hi aa41215

Thank you for commenting. I'm sorry you are not seeing any new growth in your marriage. It's a very hard place to be and your fears are certainly understandable.

I am struck by your comment that your husband doesn't have real understanding of the situation after 2 years. Understanding and empathy of this very painful situation does not come naturally to many people, so I hope you are seeking resources to help him get there, as he may not be able to get there on his own. In my own experience, this element has really been the key to the new growth we have developed.

It's not a panacea by any means, but there is a lot of growth and connection to be found if you are both willing. I hope you can find this for yourself, and I wish you the best in your journey. It's a tough road, and I appreciate being able to offer any insight along the way that might be helpful.

Anniversary struggle

Great post Jen. I’m a male 9 years out from final discovery after a few years of trickle truth. The affair spanned our 25th anniversary. It is still a day of mixed emotions for me, probably because my wife has always been more about rug sweeping than real remorse and reconciliation.

You described so well the dichotomy of picking out the anniversary card. It feels so phony. I’m a very honest person and the words in most of them I just can’t genuinely convey. Thankfully I have been able to find one that says I love you and value our relationship and it’s history without using the words loyal, faithful, trustworthy, etc.. Because she clearly wasn’t, and I’m still not sure she is. The cheating stopped but the distance, disconnect, contempt and selfishness stubbornly remain rear their ugly heads too often.

Thank you Untold

I'm sorry you have experienced that. It's still a day of mixed emotions for me too.

I'm so sorry you are still experiencing distance and contempt. This is really hard stuff no matter what, and if the unfaithful spouse is unwilling/unable to learn empathy and get humble it's just that much harder. I appreciate you sharing your experience and I wish you the best in your continued recovery.

My marriage (as it was) is dead but my relationship is not

This is such an interesting post and I like your perspective, it gives a new way of viewing anniversaries and it gives me food for thought. Almost 2 years out from D Day now and we've had 2 wedding anniversaries since then, our first one only 5 months after D Day was our 15th and I definitely felt robbed of the big celebration I had hoped for. We decided to "mark" it instead of celebrating it and that shift helped me. We also discussed what this would look like and my husband was warned off any emotive Hallmark cards that wouldn't ring true. Same with our next anniversary, we continue to mark the beginning it was and the innocent love, hope and sentiment it held at the time, but I'm not quite ready to celebrate it nor the history of our marriage... not yet anyway... and I think some reclaiming of the date (as with making new vows) would be needed for me to truly embrace it.

I think how you feel and handle wedding anniversaries, and also how you view your vows after D Day, all comes down to personality and preferences. I know I am quite black and white with my thinking, but for me my old marriage does feel dead and those old vows to me are now broken, like a glass shattered on the floor, that glass no longer exists. People often speak of the whole "for better and worse" thing as if going through affair recovery is honoring that part of the vows, however for me those vows no longer exist to me so I'm not honoring anything. I'm effectively "living in sin" to my mind as it was the spiritual element of getting married - the vows - that mean't something to me, the legal piece of paper - the marriage certificate - that says we're technically still married is just a piece of paper to me, merely a legal document that ensures I get his stuff as and when he dies and it bothers my mind that our marriage "legally" continues when "spiritually" it does not. It's unsettling, minimising and insulting to me, reducing my marriage to a legal arrangement. So yeah, my marriage does feel dead, or rather the marriage I thought I had is dead and I grieve that for everything I wanted and hoped and tried so hard for it to be. But while my marriage does feel dead, my relationship with my husband isn't (after all we had a relationship for years before we were married anyway). And I know that may all sound confusing and somewhat paradoxical but I guess that's why infidelity trauma and affair recovery is so crazy making! I love what Esther Perel says about relationships though and this resonates with me. She says that most people have 3-4 long term relationships in their lifetime, some of us just have them with the same person. So my marriage (as it was) is dead but my relationship with my husband is not.

Hi JessicaLauren

Your comment makes sense - that your marriage is dead but your relationship is not.

You're right that we each view post-infidelity marriage differently, in whatever way makes sense to us, and I think that's ok. It's very hard no matter how you slice it.

I also think reclaiming the date via new vows as you mentioned would be nice - when I'm ready. That may take a long time.

Thanks for commenting, and I'm glad it gave you something to think about.

Thank you

My 1st anniversary is tomorrow since D day, what you wrote explained my thoughts and feelings so well. I am not as eloquent and have a hard time understanding what I’m feeling. I’m pretending a lot right now but I think it’s important to tell him how this day truly feels to me. Your words will be helpful when I sit down to talk with him. Thank you!

Hi Mary

I felt like I pretended a lot too, so that makes a lot of sense to me. In my experience, the more I could explain what I was actually feeling and in turn feel understood by him, the less I felt the need to pretend. But that took a long time. For a while I didn't fully understand what I was feeling either and was also very hesitant to share those thoughts, especially as I was still figuring them out. Pretending was much easier, took less effort, and felt safer much of the time, but the work of expressing the feelings has been worth it, although not always easy.

You will get there. I hope your conversation with your husband went well and helped him to understand how complicated these feelings are, and also helped you to feel understood.

Thank you for commenting. I'm happy this blog was helpful to you.

Thank you for your reassuring words

I am only a few weeks away from my anniversary. Dday was 6 years ago, and I am nearing our 5th Anniversary. I have struggled with the same emotions you have written about. I haven't wanted another anniversary with renewed vows, or new ring, or anything else to bring attention to the infidelity. You expressed my sincere thoughts exactly. Your story has given me the courage, strength, and guidance that I may be able to embrace the importance of our beginning, appreciate all the hard work of our brokenness (without forgetting or minimizing), and love each other for our continued commitment. I have been trying to find something to read exactly like this and I'm grateful to you for sharing. Thank you again!

Hi EMargaret

I agree that is the delicate balance - to appreciate the hard work and find hope toward the future, while at the same time not minimizing or sugar coating the painful reality of the situation. I'm glad you found this helpful, and I appreciate your comment.

I hope this anniversary is the best one yet since Dday and you begin to move closer to peace.


Thank you so much for sharing this blog! I really really needed to read this. You helped me see that what I am experiencing right now, approaching a very very big anniversary is normal and okay to feel the way I am feeling right now. Thanks so much!!

Hi Ellie C

Feelings about this are so complicated and it can feel so isolating, but I hope it helps to know you're not alone. I wish you the best as you navigate this very big anniversary and the next season in your healing.

Thank you for commenting :)

Thank You

Thank you so much for this article. Today is our 10th anniversary and it has been just over 1-month since D-day, where my wife revealed to me her infertility over 7 years ago. She had been faithful the past seven years, not honest with me.

I had some strong emotions this morning when I got up, but your writing helped me reframe it and we have had a great day today. Thank you.

Hi Summit

I'm so glad you found this helpful. One month out is so fresh, and I'm so sorry for the whirlwind of emotions and confusion you are probably feeling. I, too, experienced a significant lapse between the affair and the eventual confession, and it made me feel like that should somehow make it easier, but it doesn't. Not at all. It's just different stuff to deal with.

I'm grateful this blog helped you navigate your anniversary, and truly I appreciate your comment.

You keep hitting the nail on the head for me, Jen!

I’m late to this post because it has been awhile since I looked at your blog and now I am asking myself why!! This post is the perfect summation and clarification of how the whole “old marriage is dead, starting fresh with a new one” has felt to me. My husband and I had been married for over 26 years when he was unfaithful and Dday was two weeks before our 27th anniversary. During that time we have had a really good (not perfect) marriage and raised two great kids. The idea of that entire period of my life being “dead” or “over” has never resonated with me. You have expressed my feelings perfectly when I myself did not know how to.
Since stumbling across “Ambivalence:The Crazymaker” at 2 months post-Dday, your blogs have been spot on for me and so exceptionally helpful in my journey over the past 19 months. I will remember to check back here more often from now on

Hi Picked Okra

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate your kind words and am so glad some of the posts have been helpful to you. I hope you know you are not alone as you find your way through this very challenging journey. I wish you the best :)

Anniversary after infidelity

My husband had a 4 year prostitute affair with my sister.


I'm so sorry. The double betrayal must be devastating. I don't know how long ago discovery was, but it has to be very hard. I hope you are finding support in therapy, programs or friends who care about you. You really can't navigate this alone.

I certainly empathize with the pain and confusion you must be feeling and I wish you the best in your journey to recovery.

today is my 10th

stumbled upon your blog thru google search.
today is my 10th wedding anniversary. and the affair is still on-going. this is the 3rd affair, and who knows how many more unfaithfulness in between.
After his affair in 2019, i thought we were under restoration. He even told me that it was a burden in his heart to buy us new wedding rings. we didn't even reach that point.
this day is now meaningless to me because of all the heart. If God will indeed restore us, i would wish for renewal of vows on this same date, and new wedding rings.
but for now, I just want to forget this day.

Hi Elizabeth

I am so sorry. What you are describing is so painful and I truly feel for you. Even in the best of circumstances following infidelity, wedding anniversaries are hard, and what you are experiencing is incredibly difficult. I can definitely understand why you want to forget this day entirely right now.

I'm not sure what resources you have found since your first d-day, but this is really impossible to do alone. I encourage you to talk to someone you trust and consider programs such as those they offer at Affair Recovery.

You probably feel very alone, but we all feel/felt that way at some point even though there are so many experiencing the same thing.

God can restore you and/or your marriage, but I also believe God puts people in our lives to offer His love and comfort in a tangible way. You can find support and understanding in others who have been through the same pain and I hope you have someone walking beside you in this journey. I am praying for you tonight.

~ Jen

Thank you. I have been

Thank you. I have been wrestling with my feelings about our recent 5th anniversary post D-day. I have, in particular, been thinking about the notion of the old marriage being dead, and whether we should choose a new, and arbitrary, anniversary date to mark our ‘new’ relationship. I can see the pros and cons but I don’t have a sense of what feels right ( truth be told neither feels right). Much of what you write resonates with me but I have not reached what I perceive to be your level of acceptance/processing/peace (not sure of the right word to use) to which I aspire. I don’t know if I ever will, but I’m trying. Your reflections were helpful. Thank you very much for sharing them. It’s good to know that one is not alone in these feelings/thoughts. All good wishes to you.

Hi Someone in UK

You are definitely not alone in your feelings about this very complicated issue. I also couldn't fathom the idea of "celebrating" my wedding anniversary and assumed I would need to use a different date. For me, as time went on and we did some very intense recovery work I felt more neutral about our anniversary, and eventually even shifted toward positive feelings. That doesn't mean it is perfect, but certainly different than I had imagined when we started on this journey. I wrote this blog a couple years ago and my feelings have continued to evolve since then.

I say that only to say that things can change. Whatever you decide is unique to you and you will eventually know what feels right. There is no deadline so there is no need to push yourself to decide or to feel a particular way. If it helps, acceptance or peace did not come easily to me, but I did eventually get there.

I appreciate your comment and wish you the best.

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