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After a betrayal, your mind goes in 90 million directions all at once and you may not even know where to begin. Use the categories in the Recovery Library to discover what areas of recovery resonate with your struggle and find the specific guidance you need.
Must Reads
Bedside Forgiveness: When Death Coincides With Infidelity
How Long Does It Take to Recover From An Affair?
How Could You? Part I: Why We Commit Betrayal With Infidelity
Discovery: Part 1 - How to Handle Discovery
20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse
4842 Resources
Type Title Posted
Audio In my husband's addiction, am I really his loving wife or am I just another object of his addiction? How can I tell the difference? 3/22/2011
Audio When do you get so tired and hurt do you throw in the towel and say this relationship has no future? 3/22/2011
Text How Many Marriages does Ashley Madison Save? 3/03/2011
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on March 14 3/01/2011
Audio My husband is a sex addict and has many outlet behaviors. Could you help shed some light on this? 3/01/2011
Audio At 9 months I still don't have a sexual desire for my mate, is that normal? 2/21/2011
Audio Checking my mate's telephone and email helps me feel safe, but he views it a an invasion of privacy. What should I do? 2/21/2011
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on February 28 2/21/2011
Audio Husband cheated and wife is willing to work on the marriage, but he isn't, what can she do to save her marriage? 2/21/2011
Audio Typical advice tends to backfire when dealing with a Narcissist. They perceive almost everything as a personal attack and react likewise. How to avoid the the counter attack that follows 2/21/2011
Audio What do we tell the kids if they ask if their parent was dating? 2/21/2011
Text Intrusive Thoughts Number One Obstacle for Sex Life After Infidelity 2/17/2011
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on February 21 2/08/2011
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on February 7 2/02/2011
Audio My mate is acting like nothing ever happened and wont follow through with his relapse prevention plan, what do I do? 2/02/2011
Audio How do I deal with the guilt and shame I'm experiencing? 2/02/2011
Audio How do I take care of myself when my mate gets defensive if I have problems with movies or TV he's watching? 2/02/2011
Audio What happens with the unfaithful spouse that when I try to explain how I feel they get defensive and angry, even if it's feelings about something other than him or the infidelity itself? 2/02/2011
Audio How can I believe he loves me after what he has done? 2/02/2011
Text, Video Can you survive without a mentor? 1/26/2011
Text, Video Can you survive without a mentor? 1/26/2011
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on January 31 1/18/2011
Audio How do you set boundaries for your mate? 1/18/2011
Audio If my mate fits multiple catagories for the "Affair Types" does it make it more difficult for him to experience remorse? 1/18/2011
Audio Should I let my mate read my journal to help her understand how she impacted me? 1/18/2011
Audio What are "Seemingly Unimportant Decisions" (SUDS) and how do people move toward relapse? 1/18/2011
Audio What does taking reponsibility look like and how do I know what need the affair partner was meeting? 1/18/2011
Audio Why is it so difficult to be real with my mate after an affair? 1/18/2011
Audio Can you explain the concept of compartmentalization? 1/10/2011
Audio In the article "Why is it so hard to trust?" you said be cautious, please explain what you mean by that 1/10/2011
Audio Are you sure it's that you didn't know, or just that you knew it but didn't care at the time? 1/10/2011
Audio My wife cheated and I feel like I'm being overly sensitive and doing most of the work 1/10/2011
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on January 17 1/10/2011
Audio How do I handle intrusive thoughts expcecially during sex? 1/03/2011
Audio My mate doesn't want joint bank accounts, do I need to be worried? 1/03/2011
Audio What can I do if he doesn't want to change or talk to anyone or do anything? 1/03/2011
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on January 10 1/03/2011
Audio It's the one year anniversy of the disclosure, is it normal for me to be feeling such saddness or am I just feeling sorry for myself? 12/22/2010
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on January 3 12/20/2010
Text Surviving the Holidays 12/15/2010
Audio How do I know if my mate has been honest with me and would a polygraph exam help? 12/14/2010
Audio My husband refuses to talk about his infidelty and just wants me to get over it, do you have any thoughts on how to get him to address the infideltiy? 12/13/2010
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on December 20 12/13/2010
Audio The more my wife digs into trying to understand why the more discouraged she gets, Why is this so hard? Is she going to give up? 12/08/2010
Audio Since what I did was wrong and unjustified, how is it that he can or should be empathetic? He wants to work toward forgiveness but doesn't see how this this fits 12/08/2010
Audio We're 8 months into recovery and my mate seems to be getting more disconnected it that normal? 12/08/2010
Audio Rick's Q & A Call on December 13 12/08/2010
Audio I don't think my wife gets it and I'm still hurting, is that normal and can you give me feedback? 12/04/2010
Text An Extraodinary Life 12/01/2010
Audio My husband keeps blaming the marriage for his affair, how do you feel about this and how do we repair our marriage? 11/30/2010
