For The Hurt Spouse
There are many aspects in the recovery of the betrayed spouse that will look very different from the unfaithful spouse. These articles are written specifically for healing and to provide hope and encouragement for the hurt spouse.
Must Reads
20 Most Common Mistakes of the Hurt Spouse
Why Couples Fail After an Affair | Part 1 - Not Knowing What Happened
Surviving Infidelity Part 1: What Do You Need to Know?
Ending an Affair - Step One: Make the Decision
31 Reasons to Stop an Affair: Part 1
1230 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A How Do I Deal With My Husband’s Anger? 1/09/2024
Text Surviving the Holidays: 6 Tips 12/20/2023
Text Who is the Other Woman? 12/06/2023
Video Q&A Does the Wayward Spouse Have a Right to Ask the Betrayed What Source They Are Using to Find Information about the Affair? 11/28/2023
Video Q&A Can You Help Me Understand Why My Partner Has Never Cried? 11/28/2023
Text Did You Marry the Wrong Person? 11/01/2023
Text Healing After an Affair: How do I Address Unmanageability? 10/24/2023
Video Q&A What Is My Role in My Husband’s Healing Journey If He Has Been a Serial Cheater for Our Whole Dating & Marriage Relationship? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Create Safety for Myself with an Addict That Is Not Seeking Out Help for Himself? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A How Can I Help My Mate Understand the Devastation I’m Experiencing Because of Them Giving Me An STD? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Commit to This Marriage When I Promised Myself I’d Never Stay with Someone Who Cheated On Me? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A Are the Requests I’m Making to Feel Safe Unreasonable? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A Can You Address Ambivalence on Behalf of the Betrayed Spouse? 10/23/2023
Video Q&A Is It Reasonable for Me to Feel Unsafe When My Wife Is around the Affair Partner without Me? 10/23/2023
Text The Betrayed's Reaction: An Excerpt from Harboring Hope 10/18/2023
Text Surviving Infidelity: The #1 Challenge to Recovery 10/04/2023
Video Q&A Is Minimal Contact the Right Thing to Do at This Moment? 9/29/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Heal from the Profound Pain Caused by My Unfaithful Spouse Treating Me with Disdain for So Long? 9/29/2023
Text Healing After an Affair: Emotional Flooding and Reminders 9/20/2023
Video Q&A Can My Wife Be In Limerence Twice with the Same Man or Is It Love? 9/12/2023
Video Q&A How Long until My Husband Will Stop Focusing On Himself and Start Showing Up for Me? 9/12/2023
Text How Do You Deal With Anger After Infidelity? 9/06/2023
Text Relapse: Why Can't You Stop? 8/23/2023
Text A Betrayed Spouse’s Journey: Rewriting the Past After Disclosure 8/16/2023
Video Q&A How Can I Even Buckle Down and Finish EMS Online Knowing That Essentially I Was Discarded? 8/15/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Show Empathy Towards My Wife after Her Revenge Affair When She Refuses to Give Full Disclosure? 8/15/2023
Text The Antidote for Shame: Understanding the Unfaithful 7/26/2023
Text How Can You Move Past Ambivalence After Infidelity? 7/19/2023
Text Stuck? Three Methods to Get Moving in Infidelity Recovery 7/12/2023
Video Q&A Can You Help Me Understand How My Husband Can Be Apathetic toward the Affair Partner? 6/29/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Stop the Triggers and Reminders When Every Day They Are There? 6/29/2023
Video Q&A What Is the Best Way to Acknowledge the Work My Husband Is Doing Without Giving Him Too Much Praise? 6/16/2023
Video Q&A Is It Common for Betrayed Spouses to Have Trouble with Depression and Lack of Focus Which Detrimentally Affects Their Work? 6/16/2023
Video Q&A Why Would He Go Back to the Same Person He Thinks Is So Nasty? 6/16/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Handle My Betrayal When the Affair Partner Is So Close with My Husband’s Family? 6/16/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Move past Something I Love Being Shared with the Affair Partner? 6/16/2023
Video Q&A Can You Elaborate More on Type Four Affairs? 6/16/2023
Text How to Get Your Mate to Cooperate (Without Being Controlling) 5/24/2023
Video Q&A Am I Wrong to Still Be in This Much Pain? 5/19/2023
Video Q&A How Can I Have Hope for My Mates Recovery with Those Odds? 5/19/2023
Video Q&A How Do We Navigate Recovery If My Mate Doesn’t Believe They Are Committing Infidelity? 5/19/2023
Video Q&A If There Is a Future for Our Marriage, Would You See the Journey to Be Any Different than Normal? 5/19/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Create a Coherent Story If the Details from My Mate Are Always Changing? 5/19/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Let Go of What Happened and Fully Re-Engage with My Mate? 5/19/2023
Text Affair Recovery Steps: How to Live Without Fear After Infidelity 5/17/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Handle a New Betrayal Immediately after EMS Weekend? 5/02/2023
Video Q&A Is It My Fault That They Did What They Did? 5/02/2023
Video Q&A How Do I Cope with My Own Issues of Needing to Feel Understood by My Husband as the Wayward Spouse? 4/12/2023
Video Q&A How Do You Discern If a Person Is Truly Remorseful and Changing When They Relapse into Blaming the Betrayed? 4/12/2023
Video Q&A Is My Lack of Emotion Normal or Am I Experiencing Something Much Worse? 3/17/2023
