For The Hurt Spouse
There are many aspects in the recovery of the betrayed spouse that will look very different from the unfaithful spouse. These articles are written specifically for healing and to provide hope and encouragement for the hurt spouse.
Must Reads
How to Survive Infidelity
The Power of Small Groups
Surviving Infidelity: The #1 Challenge to Recovery
Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1)
Does Time Heal All Wounds? Healing After An Affair
1220 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A Is He Sincere? 10/07/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Get My Husband to Not Only Acknowledge the Humiliation upon Our Family and Me, but Also to Fix the Amount of Humiliation He’s Placed on Our Family to Our Town? 10/07/2021
Video Q&A Is It Common for the Wayward Spouse to Go Back to the Affair Partner? 10/07/2021
Video Q&A Did I Do the Right Thing by Sharing My Trigger and How Do I Handle This Situation in the Future? 10/07/2021
Video Q&A Why Is My Husband Deleting Messages to His Mother before I See Them? 10/07/2021
Video Q&A What Do I Do about a Sex Tape That My Spouse Made with the Affair Partner? 9/08/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Move On When I Feel like He’s Lying about What Really Happened? 9/08/2021
Video Q&A Should I do EMDR or Harboring Hope First? 9/08/2021
Video Q&A Where Do I Go After EMS Online? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A Should I Let Him Go? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A How Could He Go from Begging Me to Stay to This? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A Is It Possible That the Shame Is Creating a Barrier to Empathy? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A Why Does This Hurt Me? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A My Husband Is Still Pursuing His Affair Partner after 13 Months and Is Refusing Any Work. Is There Hope? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Handle This Conflict between What He’s Saying and What He’s Doing? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Deal With This When I Cannot Reasonably Ask Her to Quit Working nor Can I Check In Frequently to Make Sure It's Not Happening Again? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Handle Other Counselor’s ‘Okaying’ My Husband’s Continuation of His Rock-Concert Gigs? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A Should I Tell the Affair Partner’s Wife about the Affair? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A Will I Ever Know If My Spouse Is No Longer Emotionally Attached to His Affair Partner? 8/17/2021
Video Q&A How Do Handle My Wife Having a Same-Sex Affair? 8/02/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Behave around My Family When My Sister Is the Affair Partner? 8/02/2021
Video Q&A How Can I Now Be the Bad Guy? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Do You Advise Me to Have a Session with My Psychologist, Family, And Friends to Discuss the Things He Has Said About Me? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Should I Share the Date I Have Set For Making a Decision with My Husband? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Is Keeping Him from Moving Home Making Things Worse? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Handle My Healing and My Husband? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Why Did My Husband Have Such a Seemingly Lame Affair? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Is Location-Sharing and Access to Phones Recommended? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Deal With His Advice without Feeling He Is Criticizing Me? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A How Can I Stop the Feeling That I Constantly Need to Check on My Wayward Spouse for Safety? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A How Best Do I Ask for This Information So That He Understands the Level of Transparency I Need to Feel Safe? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Deal With the Physical Distance between Me and My Husband during Recovery? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A My Husband Wants to Know Why I Haven't Heard from a Betrayed Woman Who Is Still Married to Her Wayward Spouse? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Do I Sell My House with My Unfaithful Spouse in It? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Do I Let Go of My Attachment to Her Now or Wait until Our Courses Are Complete? 7/13/2021
Video Q&A Do You Have Any Insights into My Wayward Spouse's Line of Thinking? 7/08/2021
Video Q&A Where Do I Go from Here When My Spouse Is Mostly Defensive and Blame Shifting? 7/08/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Reconcile with the Affair Partner Who Is My Sister? 7/08/2021
Video Q&A Is It Okay to Ask to the the 40 Cost Assignment from EMS Weekend Again? 7/08/2021
Video Q&A How Can I Pretend Normal Around Family When Even Thoughts of Them Are Triggering and Intrusive? 6/17/2021
Video Q&A How Can I Move Forward While Convinced That He Is Still Lying to Me? 6/17/2021
Video Q&A How Can I Help Him Heal and Yet Remain Open and Honest with Him about the Facts and Not What His Feelings about the Facts Are? 6/17/2021
Video Q&A Should I Keep Pushing Him to Talk and Give Me Answers? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A What Are the Best Boundaries to Make When My Husband and I Are Having a Discussion about My Healing and He Starts to Get Really Angry? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A Do You Think I Should Send the Letter That I Wrote to My Husband's Affair Partner? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A When Is the Right Time for Confrontation and How Do I Tell Him I Know about the Affair? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A Is It Unreasonable Of Me to Ask Him to Get Tested Now? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Help Him Understand That I Need to Know about All His Emotional Affairs? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A Should I Be Considering Any Restrictions on Her Access to Our Children If She Continues to Act Out? 6/16/2021
Video Q&A How Do I Get Over the Fact That My Wife Gave Her Affair Partner More Intense and Passionate Sex Than She Has Ever Given Me? 6/16/2021
