Strengthening Marriage
Nurture your marriage with positive steps towards maintaining a healthy recovery. Use these articles to find security on your pathway to wholeness.
Must Reads
The Seven Mistakes Churches Make When Dealing With Infidelity
Pimping Tenderness & Grooming Behaviors
How Could You? Part IV - Doublespeak and Distorted Comparisons
Untransformed Pain will be Transmitted
Surviving Infidelity: The #1 Challenge to Recovery
345 Resources
Type Title Posted
Audio Q&A Is My Newfound Independence Bad for Reconciliation? 4/28/2016
Video Q&A How do I Celebrate Our Wedding Anniversary Now? 4/26/2016
Audio Q&A (HH) When Should We Start Couples Counseling? 3/24/2016
Video Q&A Can You Help Simplify our Complicated Idea of Love? 3/01/2016
Video The Story that Started Affair Recovery 2/24/2016
Video Q&A Any Practical Advice for Our Cycle? 2/23/2016
Video Q&A Please Tell Me, What Else Can I Do? 2/16/2016
Video Q&A To Share or Not to Share Pet Peeves? 2/09/2016
Video Q&A Should we Discuss Her Resentments Toward me? 2/09/2016
Video Q&A What is Your Take on This Statement? 2/02/2016
Video Q&A What is the Red Light, Yellow Light, and Green Light Exercise? 1/26/2016
Video Q&A What Are Your Thoughts On Renewing of Vows? 1/12/2016
Video Q&A What's it Going to Take for Him to Get it? 1/12/2016
Video Q&A How Can We Communicate in Love? 1/05/2016
Audio Q&A Why Do I Still Not Desire Him? 12/23/2015
Video Q&A How Do We Get Past Such Extreme Deceit? 12/08/2015
Video Q&A What Are the Best Ways to Show Love in the First 18 Months of Recovery? 11/04/2015
Video Expert Q&A Preview: How Can We Stay Out of Our Old Ruts? 10/27/2015
Video Q&A Why Does Our Fresh Start Seem Stale? 10/20/2015
Video Q&A Did My ADHD Create Vulnerability for My Spouse? 10/20/2015
Video Find Strength for Your Journey With the Survivors' Blog 10/12/2015
Video Q&A I Want him to Want me... Will the Feelings Return? 9/17/2015
Video Q&A How can I Enjoy my Spouse Rather than Please them? 9/17/2015
Video Q&A How can I get Past a Desire for Revenge? 8/04/2015
Audio Q&A Why Should I Own my Mistakes? 6/26/2015
Video Q&A How Can I Suggest Help for my Spouse Without Seeming Critical? 6/23/2015
Video Q&A Should I Separate From my Unfaithful Spouse? 5/19/2015
Video Q&A Does my Husband Have a Problem he Can't Break? 4/28/2015
Video Q&A Can You Help me Understand Week 3's Lesson in EMS Online? 4/28/2015
Audio Q&A What Resource Would You Recommend for Non-Infidelity Related Marital Struggles? 4/24/2015
Audio Q&A How Can we Shift Control of the Relationship? 4/24/2015
Video Q&A Should I Reciprocate Transparency With my Phone? 4/21/2015
Video Q&A Is it Normal for a Betrayed Spouse to have 180 Degree Turnaround? 4/15/2015
Video Q&A Is EMS Online the Right Fit for Us? 3/16/2015
Video Q&A Married for Life: Can I Do Battle of the Mind Before the Sex Talk? 3/10/2015
Text Therapist Mistakes When Dealing with Infidelity 3/03/2015
Audio Q&A What's the Difference Between Personal Recovery and Marital Recovery? 2/20/2015
Audio Q&A Should my Husband be Doing More? 2/20/2015
Audio Q&A What do I do When Intrusive Thoughts Cause me to Pull Away? 2/20/2015
Video Q&A Why Should the Betrayed Spouse do all the Hard Work? 1/29/2015
Video Q&A Do We Need Marriage as a Foundation? 1/06/2015
Audio Q&A Can we Recover Without Romanticism? 12/19/2014
Audio Q&A Is Pornography Okay for Spouses to Watch Together? 12/16/2014
Text How to Not Make Things Worse: Community Poll 11/06/2013
Video What We Learned at EMS Weekend 9/04/2013
