Rebuilding Trust
In the short run, transparency can take the place of trust until trust is reestablished. Learn the components of trust, how to function in its absence, and what it takes to reconnect.
Must Reads
Rebuilding Trust After An Affair
20 Most Common Mistakes of the Unfaithful Spouse
Surviving Infidelity: What Do We Tell the Kids?
Infidelity Counseling: How Effective Is It?
Why People Cheat: The Fog of Self-Deception (Part 1)
355 Resources
Type Title Posted
Video Q&A How Do We Get to the Truth? 10/05/2020
Video Q&A How Can I Rebuild Trust with Someone Who Is Constantly Keeping Secrets and Lying? 7/09/2020
Video Q&A How Can I Rebuild Trust with Someone Who Is Constantly Keeping Secrets and Lying? 7/09/2020
Video Q&A As the Wayward Spouse, How Can I Rebuild Trust with My Husband? 7/09/2020
Video Q&A What Can I Tell Him to Do for Me If I Can’t Trust Anything He Says or Does? 7/09/2020
Video Q&A How Can I Trust a Man That Has Cheated Most of Our Marriage? 6/25/2020
Video Q&A How Do I Know If My Spouse Is Being Genuine? 6/25/2020
Video Q&A How Do I Build Trust with My Wayward Spouse? 6/19/2020
Video Q&A How Do We Build Trust When I Don't Quite Feel Safe Yet? 6/03/2020
Video Q&A How Can I Trust My Husband in the Future If Only He and I Know? 6/03/2020
Video Q&A How Do I Now Distinguish between Truth and Deception? 6/03/2020
Video Q&A What Are Your Suggestions When It’s Hard to Trust? 4/28/2020
Video Q&A Will We Ever Be Able to Restore Trust in Our Marriage? 4/28/2020
Video Q&A What Methods Do You Recommend for Restoring Trust? 2/14/2020
Video Q&A What Does Transparency, Accountability, and External Controls Look like in Recovery? 1/16/2020
Video Q&A How Can I Ever Trust Again without Knowing the Full Truth? 1/09/2020
Video Q&A How Do We Restore Trust? 1/09/2020
Video Q&A Why Wasn't My Husband Honest with Me? 1/03/2020
Video Q&A How Do We Rebuild Trust? 1/02/2020
Video Q&A How Do We Re-Establish Trust? 1/02/2020
Video Q&A How Do We Differentiate between What Secrets Are Safe to Keep and Which Should Be Shared? 12/19/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Fix the Problem of Trickle Truth? 12/16/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Begin to Trust with All of the Trickle Truth Happening? 12/05/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Know Who My Mate Really Is? 11/22/2019
Video Q&A Do You Have Advice for Safely Reaching Full Disclosure without a Polygraph? 11/21/2019
Video Q&A Why Can't My Mate Be Honest? 11/05/2019
Video Q&A How Can We Move Forward with This Lack of Trust? 10/02/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Know If My Mate Is Being Honest When Discussing the Affair Partner? 9/26/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Trust What the Wayward Spouse Is Disclosing to Me? 9/18/2019
Video Q&A What Do His Boundary Violations Mean? 9/13/2019
Video Q&A Should We Stop the Trickle Effect of Disclosure? 9/04/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Accept What My Mate Is Telling Me? 9/04/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Convince My Spouse That I've Disclosed All of the Details? 8/23/2019
Video Q&A Is My Spouse Being Truthful with Me? 8/23/2019
Video Q&A Is My Spouse Showing a Lack of Trustworthiness? 8/23/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Believe What My Husband Is Saying? 8/20/2019
Video Q&A How Can We Create Safety When Talking about the Affair? 8/20/2019
Video Q&A When Is the Right Time to Talk about Trust? 8/14/2019
Video Q&A Is It Possible for the Wayward Spouse to Not Disclose Fully, yet Find Themselves Fully Recommitted after Discovery? 8/06/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Handle My Husband's Dishonesty? 7/24/2019
Video Q&A Am I Wrong for Asking My Husband to Be Transparent? 6/11/2019
Video Q&A Is It Possible He Is Being Honest? 5/08/2019
Video Q&A What Boundaries Would You Recommend upon Reconciliation? 5/08/2019
Video Q&A Is It Safe to Believe My Mate? 5/08/2019
Video Q&A How Can I Feel Safe from Another Relapse? 4/30/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Convince My Wife I Love Her and Only Her? 4/30/2019
Video Q&A How Do I Get My Husband to Tell the Truth? 4/10/2019
Video Q&A How Do We Set Boundaries When the Affair Partner Has Close Family Ties? 4/10/2019
Video Q&A How Can We Create Safe Boundaries with Social Media? 4/03/2019
Video Q&A What Steps Should I Take after Relapse? 3/20/2019
